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Posts posted by Paul

  1. wouldn't it suffice to just look at the gross figures? are stadium shows more costly to set up? I know M had a different stage for stadiums, but i doubt that alone reduces the profit drastically

    there would be higher costs for stadiums - there is no hard floor so they would have to put something down before the stage, the bigger size would mean hiring more security and attendant staff etc, and, depending on the venue, they might need to pay for things like repair of the grass afterwards. Maybe the stadiums also charge a higher fee to cover higher costs of lighting and things? but im a little surprised, I woudl have thought that even with all these things stadiums would still earn more profit.

  2. And yet the chick with chicken legs and no rhythm is touring at the exact time late 2015 / early 2016 selling out stadiums across the country. Maybe promoters would rather hedge their bets on Taylor who is less of a risk and is a sure fire bet?

    And adding second nights at stadiums!! (well, in Melbourne its a soccer stadium, not the MCG). It would be cool if TS was a guest at M's shows but they wont be here the same time. TS will be gone by Christmas and M wont be here until February (on the assumption she is doing Rad Laver, the tennis is on all of January).

  3. Well if she doesn't come here to Aus then this will be the final straw for her in Aus. She's going to get so much shit for this especially from her fan base.

    I don't know ... People said the same after the confessions cancel, and then again after sticky and sweet, and again when mdna was looking shaky .... And yet she can still get a #1 record here when she doesn't in other places. There's enough core fans that are loyal.

  4. How does Fleeteood Mac get away with high ticket prices? They don't sell anymore records here than Madonna does.

    I suppose they have been very loyal to their Aussie fans tho.

    FMac gets a pretty high nostalgia crowd who only come out to concerts once every year or two. And the oldies know they are getting all the old hits.

    If Madonna did a greatest hits (with special focus on the 80s) she would set new records, but everyone knows she will do mostly new material which they havent heard.

    Remember that a lot of people whinged at the Girlie Show because she didnt do LAP and Material GIrl!!!!!!!

  5. why would they be having trouble in negotations? the arenas wanting a bigger cut? the days in which she can perform? who has exclusive rights for this or that? i dont get it.

    I assume the conversation goes like this:

    "Tickets will be a gazillion dollars each"

    "Well, I dont think we can charge that much and sell a whole arena"

    "Well if we can't sell an arena, we wont come"

    "Well, acts in arena usually charge under $100 for a standard ticket and up to $200 for the good tickets"

    "Hahahaha, goodbye"

    seriously, the local promoters would be realistic about prices and given her record sales, would be well anxious about high prices. And I think that the way it works is that the local promoters get stuck with the risk of ticket sales, so would be unwilling to commit if M's people were asking too much.

  6. i dont understand a thing in this thread. I have no idea what spotify or tidal is. I dont know what 320kps means or lossless. My ears and old and frankly cant tell the difference between nothing.

    All I know is there was some event and Madonna looked so awesome and so in control of everything. I have no idea who deadmouse is, and I dont care. Madonna is beautiful and sexy and funny and everyone who is anyone worships her. Nothing else matters.

  7. Paul, watch the video above your post. Sounds like the edit you're talking about.

    No, its a bit different. The video still has the silent bit before the bridge. The version I heard on the radio still had the chords leading into the second verse and then right when the words should start cuts to the bridge.

  8. There is nothing different about M's music. Im mean obviously its changed and evolved but has always been of a kind that (should) have mass appeal. She just has this gift of recording songs that are catchy and relate to things that everyone knows about. Erotica and AL had lower success because of non-music related things going on at those times (sex and percieved anti-american).

    So what's happened lately - I blame Guy O (Oh, not that bandwagon again), but I think its true that the way her music is marketed and controlled has not kept ahead of the way music is now consumed by people. If we all still bought records in record stores and found out about new songs when the video premiered on MTV, Madonna would still easily dominate. But people have access to more options now, including options to not even pay for music. Young people nobody need to buy popular artists' records to know about the songs others are talking about, because now they can talk about niche artists on the internet. And of course, music videos are no longer relevant (or at least not used to promote songs well).

    They can't just keep relying on the "people will hear the songs because this is Madonna..". they need to work on new ways to get songs out there into people's ears. TV performances are OK but pretty limited exposure. Do a deal with some TV ad that will get the song heard on high rotation. Get a song in a blockbuster movie. Oh, and (for MDNA) make better decisions on singles.

    So Madonna, doesnt need to go indie. SHe just needs to remind her manager that she is not indie and shouldnt be managed like she is.

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