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Posts posted by madmark
the KISS
that boy is disgusting!
I have to agree. I can't stand everything about him and the only person "grimacing" after a kiss would be upon having to kiss him.
My friends and I were just watching this over the weekend (Truth or Dare one)... I had to throw it on because my friend was telling a story about how she showed it to a class in her university course in the past couple of years. She's in her thirties but finally finishing her degree after working for a while. The class was pretty shocked! haha Love it!!!
"Bitch, I'm Madonna" when you're doing something very intense... we go hard or we go home! :-)
The horns are stunning.
Pfft.....anyone that would put Erotica over LAV, TB or even HC doesn't have a clue. Haven't had my coffee yet but I'm pretty sure I'm right.
Sorry but Erotica = overrated in so many ways. Not that it's not great but almost everything else she has done is better. Sometimes people like rooting for the underdog primarily because it's the underdog.
oops did I say that? I'm not apologizing but I should get some coffee before I post anymore....lol
I can see people rooting for the underdog 'Erotica' musically and chart wise, but I don't know if that rooting would include the cover? Maybe for some I guess? haha
Not me. I am obsessed with the cover all unto itself. I especially love it because it was something different from her previous covers. And it's still her gorgeous face.
Plus... I DO like her album covers where she is posing in some outfit (especially all of the 80's covers - very iconic) but I feel like some after that could have been more. I don't know, she's gorgeous and all, but she's just standing there (ROL, Music, HC) or lying there (BS - however, I LOVE 'Something to Remember').
Not that i'm trying to insult them... hello, Madonna is stunning on all of them... but I like the covers from her best that seem a little different I guess.
Queen is pretty damn cool, but I only agree on inclusion of more songs if the album was a double album (like you said).
I really like 'Trust No Bitch' as well, and would love to hear it more polished.
1. Erotica forever and always
2. Like a Virgin
3. True Blue
4. American Life
I luv 'I'm Breathless' too.
When 'Confessions' first came out and absolutely ruled my brain, I kept thinking because the production is so gorgeous, it would have been amazing to have an extended version of the album as a second edition, almost like 12" mixes, with some amazing breakdowns in the music, some extra vocals even, and sure, some full on mixes.
I think a fan made some extended mixes of the songs back then and it was cool to hear... Anyway, I believe this would have been another cool edition of the album to buy.
Madonna in Sin City, yeah babee
She NEEDS to go to South America! They would eat this amazing show up!!! Great crowds there.
^ Amazing clothes... have a blast everyone!!
Seriously, how can anybody not worship the cover? I think it's one of her most ingenious.
'Erotica' was when I first got into Madonna and it was the first new studio album I got from her (after buying IC).
I was very excited and remember being blown away by 'Fever', D&D and the Andre Betts tracks.
Some of the other Shep tracks could have been better done. But I still love them. I think "In This Life" was a bit too meandering. Now that I reflect, it should have been a B side to something else, and 'Goodbye to Innocence' included.
Her voice is amazing on the album, I love that they just used the demo tracks I believe.
The cover of the album and font absolutely rules, so do the pics on the insert. I had no idea that those pics would be there when first opening it.
I first listened to it on Christmas morning because I got it for Christmas. Aside from the belief that the album could have been even better than it is, it is still my fave Madonna album of all time.
There are some who believe that I owe them something
But they're wrong, I owe nothing to no one but myself! -
This song absolutely RULES!!!!
I know people mentioned "Bad Girl" for Australia.. but i definitely hope she does "Like a Prayer" there... that country deserves LAP.
Anyway.... it is SO amazing she has added some new songs here and there. Lucky Vancouver to get "Secret" - and on the heart too - i would have freaking died right there on the spot
Secret with DRUMS.... hot. I'm emotional watching this!
I think it is an amazing thing to do - to have a song that signals the show is about to start. AND respectful to the crowd, because otherwise it's who knows when those lights are going to go down. And most people seemed to know what it means, because people were filing in like mad when the song kicked off.
The crowd cheered so hard when WBSS played - almost as if it's part of the show. The energy was amazing. I was so nervous and excited, haha.
Yes, I love the album too and I'm so happy to be a fan of an artist who isn't afraid to try different things.
And the album has stood the test of time in my opinion. Still love it.
Remind me never to just rely on an electronic ticket... I'll always print one just in case. Security makes me nervous enough at many a concert. That sucks for those guys.
And shame on the venue for not having something to pull up digital tickets in some area of the venue.
Other than that snafu, the shows/crowd seemed amazing!
The quiet background horns on demo 4 are very cool and dramatic. Nice.
I think Rebel Heart album has fallen a position (though it is oh, so strong) and I had to raise Like a Virgin in my ranking. This is always so damn hard. I love every one of her albums. Top four on lock it seems.
1. Erotica
2. Madonna
3. Confessions
4. Ray of Light
5. Like a Prayer
6. Rebel Heart
7. True Blue
8. I'm Breathless
9. Music
10. Hard Candy
11. Like a Virgin
12. MDNA
13. Bedtime Stories
14. American Life -
This is my mother's favorite Madonna song. My feelings about this song stem through her.
I remember when I first played it for her in 1995. It brought tears to her eyes. To this day, whenever we're together, we listen to it.
She's never said it, but I know that when she hears it, she thinks about my dad.
My mom is an awesome strong lady. I love her!
You think that you are strong, but you are weak...It takes more strength to cry, admit defeat.I have truth on my side,You only have deceitYou'll see, somehow, someday
That's a very sweet story. Thank you for sharing!
This song definitely invokes emotion. I love it so much.
It sounds great!
Los Angeles, the Forum 10/27
in ARCHIVE - Madonna
Wow, LAP.... wish i could have been there. And her voice is amazing!!!