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Posts posted by madmark

  1. ^ I read Madonna wanted to meet Janet at the VMA MJ Tribute show but Janet refused.

    This is why I consider Madonna an extremely classy person... she seems nice about/toward people who aren't nice to her. Janet, considering your example, was never publicly nice to her, but Madonna would have pleasantly greeted her I am sure. Being nice after Elton John's extreme queeny harshness. Hugging Deadmau5 at the Tital event even though he looks like he doesn't shower, lol.

  2. Whitney Houston wasn't very nice about her a long time ago when answering a question in an interview (said something along the lines of being disapointed if her daughter listened to Madonna's music). But Whitney later defended her as an artist vs. the person, reminding people that the two aren't always the same. And then of course dancing ecstatically when seeing her on the TV during Superbowl, lol.

    Jennifer Lopez once dissed her acting saying "don't spit on my craft" but later was nice when meeting Madonna with Lourdes and I think the two have been cordial since.

    I wonder if Janet was nice to her on the night of the MTV Michael Jackson tribute (after so much shade in the past). LaToya was raving about her the next day, lol.

  3. Don't forget that a lot of M's material is looked back upon differently than at the time it came out. So don't worry about kids tittering over her today. Things can be looked at VERY differently in the future. Plus, there are kids who suddenly explore her because of those attention grabbing songs.

    Remember - nobody can deny she is a legend, and if she wants to have a single with some features on it to gain attention, so be it. Don't forget - the albums that house those singles have a whole other repertoire of amazing songs with a range of sound - a fan should know this.

  4. Possibly my favourite M track...

    I remember going down the Kings Road to buy the CD single and played it non-stop.


    YES, I got that cover proudly displayed in my home because it's one of my all time favorite images of her.

    The original version, the video, the SEX book alt lyrics version, the remixes.... DAMN, everything about it so dark and sexy!!!!

    And I love that it was released in October, my favorite month when the air is starting to turn crisp, the night is longer, and Halloween comes around when I ALWAYS add this song to my Halloween playlist, either original or mix version.

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