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Supreme Elitists
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Posts posted by Bill

  1. 41 minutes ago, Nick said:

    I went to the local supermarket a couple of hours ago. It was literally ten times more crowded than usual. 

    Same. It’s scary out there honestly.  It hasn’t even hit my county yet as far as we know but the shelves are bare and it’s total chaos.

  2. 6 hours ago, BillyBongo said:

    I gave it an 8/10 on Madonna Infinity forum, but 2 months down the line, it’s more a 5/10. I love that she’s trying so many different things, I love experimental music, I ADORE that she’s working with people from Cape Verde, one of my most favourite places in the world....but it’s just wall to wall autotune, there’s hardly any let up. There’s literally only one time I can hear in the album where she sounds raw and real, and that’s a single line in Crazy. I’m not saying that she should still have her Evita/Ray of Light vocals after so many years performing but does her voice really need so much treatment? I’m not being a snob, I actually think it works really well on The Nutcracker segment of Dark Ballet. But the rest sounds like it’s run through the computer for the sake of it


  3. 18 minutes ago, Jazzy Jan said:

    Why are people shallow and not deep if they don't like Batuka ?  Maybe some people just don't like the shouting of the song and lack of melody.  Wonderful that others love it.  Different views on music is always interesting and welcome.  Taste is subjective after all and thank goodness we all have different favourite songs that reach us in different ways.  Looking for mercy, Falling Free,  Drowned World and This used to be my playground are unique and different Madonna songs that reach me deeply that others probably dislike.   Nothing to do with not being meaningful or intelligent.   Different tastes and different likes - part of the joy of being a Madonna fan as so much to choose from. 


  4. I’m not sure any album, by Madonna or any other artist for that matter, can top Rebel Heart (plus demos) for me.  Madame X was at an unfair advantage because of that.  I wanted to love it just as much or more but even though the videos and visuals have been superior to RH, the songs themselves just don’t connect with me the same.  I don’t listen to it repeatedly and don’t really have any sing-along songs like RH.  That’s why I’m not too sad about not having tix for this tour, even though I hate to miss any Madonna tour and I’m sure I’ll regret it.  I still love this album, just not as much as others. 

  5. There haven’t been any performances in a while.  As far as we know, all the singles and videos have been released.  There are no charts to really watch to get excited about a hit single or anything.  You can only discuss each song so much till there’s nothing left to say.

    that being said, I love Madame X but it doesn’t have the endless loop qualities for me that RH did, which I couldn’t stop listening to for about a year.

  6. 2 hours ago, dcbyebyebaby said:

    There is literal proof that it is not her and you refuse to believe it?   Its not some dig at Madonna or something to acknowledge the use of a body double. As said she has used them a number of times. No big deal.

    Exactly.  It's just an observation (and a correct one), but it's  not a criticism.  I love the video regardless.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Amelia said:

    But why? I'd think if they wanted Madonna to be the focus of that scene they would have shown more of her.  No, I think it was intentional.  I think she was there, but they just decided to focus on the Batukadieras. 

    There’s one shot where You can briefly see her profile, it’s not Madonna

  8. 5 minutes ago, Confessit said:

    It's definitely a body double otherwise they'd of included a face/front shot of her holding hands with the other woman. 

    'Is it possible to get a bad shot of M? She looks incredible.

    Madonna has a thing against beaches since Cherish 😂😂😂 it was a body double in Power of Goodbye as well. Any close up shot of her on the beach was a green screen walking ok a treadmill.

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