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Posts posted by Cyber-Raga

  1. The more appropriate question is: why haven't these Republicans already been called fascists at this point? Sickening. Trying to overthrow a democratic election and then whining and bitching afterwards for biased coverage by the “fake media”, being wrongly portrayed and other nonsense victimhood bullshit. 

  2. 3 hours ago, karbatal said:

    Not really. I guess we'll have to wait until there is s strain that is far less virulent but highly contagious, like happened 100 years ago. It's clear our society fucked up even though we had all the tools. Maybe in 2119 they are more intelligent.

    From your mouth to God’s ears! I sort of have lost faith in humanity after very good friends and family members became anti-vaxers this year. They are college educated people and yet here we are. 
    Maybe a good old mandate - no exceptions - which forces you to get this vaccine so that we don’t overwhelm the healthcare system and we don’t help to create new strains of the virus wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all. I don’t know. 

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