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Posts posted by VogueMusic

  1. I remember the time when Giuliana Rancid tried to claim that Jean Harlow was born after than Marilyn Monroe! When in fact Marilyn was 11 when Jean died! Thats when I gave up

    Are you fucking serious...???? Really?

    All those entertainment "news" shows are bullshit. And seriously how many do we need? There's got to be near a dozen or more on tv now, all repeating the SAME THING every show.

    It's nothing but pure crap paid off by publicists to shill whatever line they want the public to buy into. It's not "news". It's basically PR. Seriously, the firms feed them the info.

    And them bitches are just stupid. They don't know a damn thing. Just pretty faces that want to be famous in "broadcasting".

    And that Jason Kennedy guy..... I get total closet queen vibes from him. And that super happy 'tv anchor voice' thing he does .... ugghhhhhhhh.

  2. The divorce, her kids growing up, the ageism she's had to face, even the gaga bullshit... it's like something awoke within her in the last several years. And yet, I think it's even something bigger, more profound going on within her. The last several years have been pure quintessential and unapologetic "Madonna" in a way we haven't seen since...

  3. It seems to me that so far, RIT and GS did not convert many fans on Madonnanation. I remember watching the VHS recording of the BAT show in Barcelona over and over and over and over. Then after that I recorded her Oscar performance of Sooner of Later.... then a friend of mine got a pirated version of Truth or Dare. That was the most exciting time to be her fan, definitely it was her peak (though she's had other lesser peaks since then).

    Nope, not quite. The Girlie Show did it for me. Blond Ambition was amazing, and who at the time could ignore it. She was everywhere...and everything.

    But TGS did it for me. I was in awe. At first, I couldn't even quite understand what I liked, or what was even going on (I was so young), but I just couldn't turn away. It was like watching porn...something a good Catholic/Christian boy was certainly not supposed to do, but of course, you just couldn't help yourself (and it was the Erotica era. LOL)!!! Madonna was very much the same way. Loved the singles during BS era. For me, it's been a gradual thing that has grown since then...paying attention to some things at certain times more than others. The AL era totally solidified it for me. That's when I started to really go back and study her work, interviews, everything...and I'm still always learning new things...

  4. It's funny that Madonna gets such criticism when it comes to her "homages"... yet when the men do it, like Michael, Prince, George Michael, Justin Timberlake, etc... nobody really says a thing.

    Those men, particularly Michael and Prince, built their imagery and style on the backs of James Brown, Jackie Wilson, Jimi Hendrix, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Cab Calloway, The Nicholas Brothers, etc.... I could go on....

    But nobody in the public ever bitches about that.

  5. Even with all the mess regarding the Obama admin right now... I don't hear anyone in the press or public saying anything like it's going to ruin the chance for a Democrat next time...at least not what I'm reading. Sure, the ReThugs will use it as ammo...but the public seems to have become a bit more aware of their typical bullshit. Even a good deal of the public thinks the ReThugs have gone too far extreme. They have time to "re-brand" themselves...but something tells me as long as the Koch Brothers and company pull the strings, the party isn't going to change. (It's only going to get worse.) They'll try, and they have plenty of time...but I don't see it happening. Even with the mess right now, I don't think the public is going just say, 'ok, let's go with the other team' (And with them, we all KNOW it would be FAR worse). I mean, I wouldn't put it past the American public (not the smartest cookies)...but I don't see it getting that bad...yet.

    The real problem lies with Congress. And corporations and rich fucks being able to act as people to essentially 'buy' elections.

  6. I fucking LOVE the MDNA version. I don't think it was "missing" something, or "fell flat".

    Loved the arrangement this time around - fresh but still perfectly classic. Love the buildup of the intro (so cinematic and grand)... the added sound effects and the choreography that hits those moments... the concept and visuals was quintessential Madonna...the return of the Gaultier cone bra/corset ... and Derrell and Pono are the icing on the cake.

    The only thing I didn't like was that it was an edit, and they left off the bridge and buildup after ("Get up on the dance floor!!!").

    ps. I actually don't think I've ever seen a Vogue I didn't like. She's treated her quintessential iconic song with such care each time.

    The only version that kind of just slightly misses the mark for me is Re-Invention (RIT).

  7. Let the meltdowns begin!

    Seriously, why don't we just wait for the broadcast before stating that the DVD and the footage is a flop...

    I didn't even notice the pants either and the vocals are exactly the same as in the concert! That's a good thing right? At least they didn't over produce her voice on the editing...



  8. As for the vocals on GGW, let's face it, that backing track she was singing along to was nasal as fuck so no matter how much they try to fix it it won't sound good. And come on, we all know that GGW is a Perf of Life for many reasons but the vocal isn't one of them. So enjoy it!

    I don't give A !


  9. Oh boy...the complaints and meltdowns are coming in already. :laugh:

    I think it looks fucking good. At least we'll be getting a DVD on time!


    I agree...I think it looks great.

    The style looks like a movie. Works well with this tour. I love it already.

    The sound is not bad either. The mixing on live albums or tour films always sounds different than what is heard live. It's not like how it was back in the 80s...I miss that perfectly 'live' sound, but I don't expect it anymore.

    The mixing sounds exactly like the BBAwards preview did...which I liked.

    Other than a little camera zoom booboo, I really like what I'm seeing and hearing so far.

    ps. I didn't even notice the pants thing the first few times I viewed that...

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