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Posts posted by VogueMusic

  1. I'm pretty dissapointed about this version:


    I mean, what a simple DVD. S&S and CT are masterpieces compared to... that...

    I don't know.... I thought the CT and S&S packaging wasn't very good either. They're all rather plain to me, and not what they really could be.

    Plus, some use those paper box sleves instead of actual jewel cases...and I don't care for that. They get worn too quickly.

  2. Honestly, some of you collectors might not care to have these things - even if not perfect - but many of us here don't have any of these things, and the only we can see them is youtube... and quite frankly, BA deserves better.

    An NTSC might not be perfect, but at least it's something. I'm sure some sort of remastering job can be done.

    Plus, what's the big difference between the PAL and NTSC versions.....? Sharpness, clarity, ????

  3. William Orbit on the MDNA recording sessions:

    "We were very pushed for time, due to a rather interesting and shall we just say, traditional method of recording that the esteemed engineer Demo was partial to. Great swathes of it taken up by the engineer and his assistant bouncing reverb tracks for hour after hour, night after night. Not to real tape or anything, where you could posit that there would be an advantageous sonic dividend."

    So basically he fucks around and wastes time.

  4. oh lord, how did they screw this up after so many months of editing the thing

    This is just a guess, but from what it sounds like so far, some of the Blu-Rays (like those in Aus) are fine. The ones in Europe are somehow defective to the point that it's obvious.

    I don't think that's something that necessarily lies the fault at M, Guy, or the those who edited/produced the thing, as we all know it's not supposed to be like, especially seen by the Vogue performance uploaded to her official Vevo page...and the tv airings so far.

    Something got screwed up with the formatting/burning by the company that manufactures the discs themselves...and that happened to be ones sent to Europe. At least that's what it seems like so far.......

  5. The sound is really good on those remasters though.

    I'd love a day when they release both a remaster of one of the live recordings, along with the full edit of Alek's film version (from TOD)...along with a double cd of the music (remastered).

    The old rock groups have tons of these special releases on itunes now...M's team has got to get on the ball.

  6. Sounded like a surround mix that had been down-mixed to stereo to me. A bit like listening to the Girlie Show 5:1 mix that's on the non-euro DVDs through regular speakers. Dreadful.

    Well, it sounded fine through my itunes. The EPIX broadcast version has the crowd noise to an almost piercing, sharp level that's just too much...and the sound effects are so low on a lot of songs. The webstream sounds better in regard to those two things, but most seem to hate the overall mix. (I think it sounds fine).

    Quite frankly, there are issues with all the versions so far.

  7. There are 5 reasons why I love Girl Gone Wild and why I think it's a fantastic Madonna song:


    the opening act of contrition. quite possibly one of her best album openers. :wow:


    the way of the music picks up and progresses in the second verse. it get's me spinning! :smug:


    the male robotic bckgrnd vocals. i always make sure to sing this bit when im in the car jammin.


    The bridge that just comes out of nowhere


    Benny Benassi's light dance production. It's a bit remissive to his Celebration remix, but it doesn't go hardcore like Benny's own work tends to be or like the dance stuff that all the kids like these days.

    I don't see it as cheap, I don't see it as generic. I just see it as another fantastic pop track from Madonna. It has a great hook and a fantastic bassline.

    Oh and that video..... :heart: <3 <3 <3

    Preach brother Whoopie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!

    :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

    Personally, I love GGW - the song, the video (which is perfection...and I've been waiting for Madonna to do a video like that for a long time), and of course, the tour opener - which may just well be one of the best tour openers EVER!!!

    It's a fun pop track with a great little hook...and it probably would have been a decent hit if given a fair chance.

  8. This is so true. She's so youthful and fresh at the end of the show, even though she's covered in sweat. And yeah, I think it's the makeup thing. The lighter the better, and the more casual her hair is also makes her look younger. She always looked beautiful at the end of each show, esp. MDNA and DWT, and Confessions....even WTG when she asks the audience for a comb to do her hair. So cute.

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