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Status Updates posted by funkydita

  1. Hey boo, I owe you a PM, I ain't forgotten. But, more importantly, I think we should do an unofficial biography of The Madonna Myth, The Final Assimilation Of Ingrid Casares got me thinking. A full blown Jacqueline Susann affair. U at work?

  2. Hey dollface. Wa gwan? I'm in the middle of the dad visit. Have you emerged?

  3. Hey, how are YOU? I's TIRED. x

  4. Hope you got to sleep OK. Play the Which 5 Men In this Train Carriage Would I Blow game. It has to be 5, even if they're pig ugly. It's my favourite commuting game. Have a good day & tell me all about it, I'll work vicariously through you. Oh & recommend me some classic Italian movies xxx

  5. How DARE you. I like rap music, wear hip hop clothes, that doesn't mean I'm selling dope. No. No.

  6. I am a PROUD BRIT. At the end of the day...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psNAGm5Wpx0

  7. I am airconless. MOIST.

  8. I am home and unemployed AND I've got a meeting with the benefits cunts this afternoon to get WHAT I'M DUE (what? I payed my taxes). How was your training?

  9. I bet he smells like it too.

  10. I can help you gather those thoughts. The outcome should be along the lines of "of course, you're right, as always, and have done the right thing. I'm proud of you". Just a pointer. x

  11. I can see you boo, the fresh air will do you good. No, I love YOU more. YOU put the phone down. No, You. NO. Yo..oh, you did. http://tinyurl.com/4bpod7x

  12. I can't seem to work out the districts and I'm way too indecisive which doesn't help.

  13. I did hear that you had become an International Power Alpha Gay. I used to be one, I'm now a Benefit Scrounging Scum Gay. You're going to give me Judge Judy style tough love, aren't you?

  14. I don't care that it's cheesy...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjxdmsXzwmQ

  15. I don't get it...I ran out of space but it didn't tell me. Boo. Anyway, I DID say, I'll PM u for a proper catch up tomorrow. Nite lover. Hugs xxxxx

  16. I don't know. You think? I think he's just old.

  17. I don't think they do. I do have spares of Vanity Fair 09, Q 09, Elle 09 and the last Interview, if you want. Honestly. OH and BITCH PLEASE, as IF you dry-clean. You KNOW you take your DUTTY panties out of your leather clutch and wash them in the sink (and lick cat food off your thumb).

  18. I forgot to thank you for my birthday thread. How TERRIBLY REMISS of me. So...thank you for my birthday thread. x

  19. I got pissed with my beautiful, gorgeous girlfriend. It's all going to be OK. xx

  20. I got the moves baby. You got the LOTION.

  21. I had a Happy Meal. Really. And my shoes are still on. Am I winning?

  22. I hate that you're right about my prissiness. Besides, it's full of WAGS. I'm gonna blow Wayne Rooney for you.

  23. I have no idea what to eat. I'll get home late late late tonight so probably a pauper's meal like beans on tost (don't ask, I'm fairly sure it's just a British thing). U on the bike?

  24. I just clocked your message. No, I didn't get the those albums. Any good?

  25. I know, outrageous. Obviously, it's HIM stalking ME. He may tell you otherwise but I said it first, so it's true.

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