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Status Updates posted by funkydita

  1. No. I'm not much of a gig goer, I love music the way it should REALLY be heard - recorded. http://bit.ly/5Bj0q6 I'm in a total dirty NYC mood of late, my current playlist includes Iggy (& The Stooges), Patti, Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, Talking Heads...THIS is one concert I'd LOVE to have seen, I've got the DVD but really want the Blu Ray...http://bit.ly/ksyCVy

  2. He's a cunt but I totally agree on the Live Aid performance, it was all about them and Vadge.

    The book is by Patti, about her relationship with Mapplethorpe. I'm not sure if she's a dyke, she's not so far in his biography. She's batshit crazy though.

  3. I'm sure she'd hate us, she apparently wasn't a fan of the gays. I'm still reading that Mapplethorpe book so, of course, I'm in a very Patti mood. Horses fucking rocks. I need to buy Just Kids to read next. Johnny Borrel is such a MASSIVE cunt.



  5. I'll start the formal arrangements when I get back to London. Does she need to see a photo? Tell her I look like Lionel Richie's clay head in Hello. That's what I'm told. NINE SIBLINGS? I'm hoping Gustafson's womb is a dry wizened old husk by now. If not, I'm going to have to have to sabotage the Cialis.

  6. Man, I elaborated on the forgotten birthday, the overheard fucking, the making the gays sleep in separate bedrooms for years and the general poor state of father son relations. I MAY have said "I don't LIKE her and I don't TRUST her". Awkward. I'm envious of your Italian family Easter. Can your mamma adopt me? Tell her mine's dead, that's sure to work. xx

  7. I'm HERE. Well, yes, I'm HERE on your profile but I'm also HERE in Wales. It's been a bit MEH. There was a rather awful argument the day before I got here. And I found the Cialis (*shudder*). Heather Mills isn't here, she's had an operation for carpal tunnel. Yeah, a REPETITIVE STRAIN INJURY. I dread to think what from. How's you dollface?

  8. THERE he is. Yay! It's overrated, that's what it's like. I'm so fucking busy. ALREADY. Et toi?

  9. I forgot to thank you for my birthday thread. How TERRIBLY REMISS of me. So...thank you for my birthday thread. x

  10. Why, thank you. 35. IMAGINE.

  11. Happy Birthday! We're almost birthday twins.

  12. I'm gonna add it to my wishlist. Ugh, I'm almost crippled with my back. I woke up at 4am STUCK, unable to roll over.

  13. Can you believe I've not seen it? It was on my list but never got around to it. I'm gonna buy it on Blu Ray, it looks GORGEOUS. Oh, Wesley? Only if he keeps his hair short. AND I'm having major issues with accessing nation at the moment, can you call the IT helpdesk? Thanks.

  14. No dicks, big or small, were involved. Unfortunately. I'm jealous of your lunch, I'll be having something far more pedestrian. Maybe Daryl can get it on with Wesley?

  15. Oh God...I've done something REALLY BAD to my back. I'm doing that thing where I've got to turn my whole torso 'cos I can't move my head. What with THE OTHER issue, I reckon 35 is when it all goes to SHIT. MEH.

  16. Get you, SENDING people places. To OTHER FLOORS and everything.

  17. OMG. Please tell me there's a special red phone that you used. Did you follow "STOP THE PRESS" with "WHO'S THAT? VICKI VALE"?

  18. Skype me or something, we'll do it together. I'm already wearing my peach jumpsuit.


  19. Have you looked behind the sofa? I got mah hurr did and I've come over all Martha Stewart and painted a stool.

  20. That's the problem though, it IS the absolute worst but utterly compelling, like Fox News.

  21. ARGHHHHHHHH. I HATE HER SO MUCH. I couldn't bring myself to read that again, it's just the worse. Did you read her infamous homophobic article?

  22. I saw a guy on the tube tonight with what looked like a pound shop version of the Francois Sagat head tattoo. I can exclusively confirm that it ONLY looks hot on Francois.

  23. It's taken me DAYS to watch that :unforseen technical issues, we apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused:. ANYWAY, I adored it - classy and dark, with a wink, reminds me of one man show. The outro is gorgeous.

    http://tinyurl.com/bmoucy http://tinyurl.com/6hc42fa http://tinyurl.com/3jgo54r http://tinyurl.com/5urbbfv http://tinyurl.com/6xw2wsu http://tinyurl.com/3m...

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