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Status Updates posted by funkydita

  1. Thank you sweetcheeks. I actually danced to that. And then THIS came on

    I need to go dancing. I haven't been for YEARS.
  2. Sorry Loomer, I went MIA. Anyway, eighty six.

  3. I've been on holiday!

    I haven't. I've been on the sofa.

    Full explanation sent.

  4. I'll rise above it...EVEN IN MY FRAGILE STATE. I'm good like that.

  5. I've FOUND my glasses (that you didn't like)! Hurrah. That's for my finding them, not you not liking them.

  6. Nah, it's fine, I'm sure she loves you. She shouldn't worry though, they'll be OK, it's safe enough and they'll be in the popular / tourist areas. Unless they want me to take them on a ghetto tour?

  7. It's a date. They were just a pair of tortoiseshell wayfarers I picked up in LA (yes, I HAD to say that), they were just the right size. An excuse to treat myself, I've got another pair in mind. You know me too well, I've been doing heartbreak songs today. A playlist is required but I need the glasses first.

  8. No, it's music. Keep on calling and calling until they pick up. And be all nonchalant when they answer, like it's not you who's been stalking them. I'm...OK. But I've lost my sunglasses. Maybe it's a blessing.

  9. I reckon it's all over now. Brixton is still a mess but the stores are open today. http://www.youtube.com/watchv=weGEv_BhjNw&feature=related

  10. Oh, and one more thing. Guantanamo v Usher. One of us is HIGHBROW.

  11. JPG! That was amazing. I'm having one of those days you see on TV blooper shows. Take 8. Not funny in real life. Oh, and what's with the hotness? You can't possibly be that handsome, must've been the angle.

  12. It's horrible. I know some people that knew her (God, past tense already) and all I ever heard was how lovely she was.

  13. Hey dollface. Wa gwan? I'm in the middle of the dad visit. Have you emerged?

  14. Oh and I love THE SMELL. It's like dogs.

  15. I'm listening to a random band called Cat's Eyes, smoking a joint, drinking a Capri Sun. My bath is ready but I need to do the washing up. And I'm waiting for a DVD I have to watch tonight. WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?

  16. I had a Happy Meal. Really. And my shoes are still on. Am I winning?

  17. It's boring, just work. And, oh, I'm working tomorrow. And have work shit to do at home on Sunday. Then work Monday to Monday... MEH.

  18. MEH. That is all.

  19. Take that back. East London is full of hipster cunts. You'd love South London, it's REAL. I'll see you in Brussels at 5:30, I'll be wearing a pink carnation.

  20. You want to meet me in the West End? We can have cocktails. It's raining though, you'll need an umbrella. See you at 5:30. DON'T BE LATE.

  21. I am airconless. MOIST.

  22. Today I am mostly "working from home". Always necessitates quotation marks.

  23. 'night *turns on nightlight, shuts door quietly*

  24. The script. I'm drinking camomile tea :canyougetanyolderandgayer:. I don't agree with mixing food and bed. Yogurt is passable because it's crumbless. Unless you spill it.

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