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Status Updates posted by funkydita

  1. Well, PM me if you end up in a ditch, I'll make it to Belgium by Monday to rescue you. Do you want me to hide your porn if anything happens to you?

  2. Well. FABULOUS of course. One word though. CHIN. U eating a sammich boo?

  3. What did you eat? I'm all about the mundane questions (and especially interested in what time people go to bed / get up. Just so you know).

  4. What is it honey? I love you. Are they taking pictures of your conversation? OOOKKKAAAAYYY

  5. What? WHAT? You know I'm living vicariously through you at the moment so this is exciting.

  6. When is it? It this week? Who's Princing with you? QUESTIONS. I think I'm FAT, I've done nothing but eat all weekend. We took my dad out for a posh lunch yesterday and I got accidentally pissed. Oops.

  7. Why bless you loomer. As are you, of course. I think I'm welling up. xx

  8. Why thank you. Shall I call Ian McKellen and David Geffen? Do they need to make it official? If there's a ceremony, I'm Britney and you're Christina. Elton can be Missy.

  9. Why, thank you. 35. IMAGINE.

  10. Yay! You know you're an Power Meeja A Gay when you have champagne at lunchtime. I remember those days. Barely. I'm dressed like an aged Greek widow in mourning. It's for Liz.

  11. Yeah man...like Backstreet Boys...alright!

  12. Yeah, do that. In return I'll let you hide in my closet like Ann Frank.

  13. Yeah, I know that feeling. I'm gonna google Belguim politics crisis so I can pretend to be educated.

  14. Yeah, well, the sushi's gone off, the salad's limp and all the girls saw me crying. I was so embarrassed.

  15. Yep, that's the one. Total QOL. Slightly less so since the weight loss, it's given her unusually large ears. A musical short, you say? Don't forget, I'm a PROFESSIONAL.

  16. Yes, I went into hiding but I brought a gift with me on my release...the Q review - it's all scanned and pretty and shit awaiting you in the review thread.

  17. Yes, I'm afraid to confirm, it's there. Your sig is RUINED. My legs will remain covered until I at least cross a large body of water. I don't have the calves for shorts.

  18. you always post the most appropriate music for me. What's cooking? Me, mostly. In steam rooms and saunas, I'm at a spa, innit. It's VEH posh. Back in London tomorrow evening xx

  19. You are Loomer, YOU are...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdGu0dkK5Qk&feature=related

  20. You don't do breakfast? I love me some breakfast. I'll make you some of my pancakes someday. Today I had fruit and yogurt with granola. I owe you a message. It's gonna be next week at this point. I'm back in an OFFICE. And working 10 days straight.

    1. acko


      u owe me a massage + a tranny from Brazil named Alessandra showed me her penis.

      She's my new friend, i'm fluish in this hot apartment 2 lazy 2 go 2 pharmacist so I'm

      drinking Ouzo.

  21. You get to work and I'll go shopping. Can I borrow your credit card? I'll buy you a nice Italian birthday cake from Konditor and Cook.

  22. You go focus boo. And remember DO NOT CONTACT ME BETWEEN 4 AND 6. I'll be on a train. And we know what THAT means.

  23. You have to go, you need to personally deliver my apology to her. You overdid the gin and cardio didn't you? It sounds like Valley of the Dolls over at yours. I'm checking out that hotel.

  24. You want to meet me in the West End? We can have cocktails. It's raining though, you'll need an umbrella. See you at 5:30. DON'T BE LATE.

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