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Louise Oriole

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Posts posted by Louise Oriole

  1. Não se sabe ainda por qual motivo que Madonna não cantou Like A Virgin/Love Spent, mas vale lembrar que, hoje pela tarde ela ensaiou as duas músicas no estádio!

    She rehearsed both songs but didn't perform them. I don't think it was raining, so I don't know what went wrong.

    Before Masterpiece, people were apparently asking for Holiday, but she didn't do it. :huh:

  2. OK Brahim: this can´t be what it looks!!!aren´t you wearing underwear??

    That's awkward considering Rocco is right next to him. In the pool in Rio, it looked like he had a boner and Mercy, David, and Rocco were near him. A little more control, Mr Zaibat. :roadrunner:

  3. 5994835c3cee11e2b39e22000a9d0df1_7.jpg

    Amazing! :dramatic: So much for the claims of 14k and certain people stating this would be a supposed flop show. She didn't do a 3 for 1 ticket sale either, nor were the majority of her tickets practically or actually given away. :lol:

    In Colombia i asked for Tour books but they didn't have it :(

    Very stupid of Live Nation! No tour books in Colombia and Rio?!!

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