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Posts posted by Michael.

  1. I wouldn't write off all the "demos" straight away because even she said that she wasn't sure which versions she should ultimately put on the album. Some of them are clearly incomplete but others could have easily been on the album.

    I'm not prepared to replace the album versions with the alternate versions because I feel Rebel Heart is pretty perfect as it is. I am happy to listen to the demos in addition to the official stuff though.

    I've said it before but I think she has a really great opportunity to be innovative as an artist by releasing these demos in some form. Like a "Madonna - Evolved" where she can select several specific songs and release the outtakes, alternate versions, remixes etc in one complete "package" for each and she could discuss the process of making the song and how it evolved to its final form? It wouldn't make her money necessarily but it could contribute to her "legacy". It would probably be a lot of work so I doubt she has time or if she'd really want to anyway.

  2. Just wondering if anyone who didn't listen to the demos initially has gone back and had a listen?

    I listened to the unreleased tracks of which "Nothing Lasts Forever" and "God is Love" are my favorites, but I'm finally getting the chance to listen to the demo versions of the released ones. (They are on youtube!)

    Surprisingly I found the demos just as good as the released versions and in only one instance (so far) better. (Illuminati).

    The Devil Pray demo is pretty great and I don't mind Holy Water. Would've been happy with either version. Hold Tight demo has some better parts but some average parts so I'm divided on it right now.


  3. Dana aka whosthatgirl got a job as a Grammys seat filler just so she could try to meet Madonna. Security kicked her out when she tried to approach Madonna. :chuckle: Afterwards she complained about this little girl being photographed with Madonna saying it's unfair she was allowed to take a picture with her and she wasn't. :wacko::lmao:

    I know she means well, but remember when she did yoga outside M's house?

  4. It seems like the odd album out as it never got a "proper" tour. Even I'm Breathless had tracks make it on BA! She's even hit up the Evita soundtrack more!!

    Inside of Me

    Forbidden Love

    Love Tried To Welcome Me


    ..all kick ass tracks!!

    Call me silly but you know what other song really fits in with RH? Love Don't Live Here Anymore. I've never really ahd a thing for this track but listening to how she sings it with so much emotion and to know this came out on LAV it's really strange how she was never considered a "vocalist."

  5. Just wondering if anyone has gone back and had a listen after listening to RH?

    It sounds so good. It is probably my favorite album or at least top 3, so I always enjoy putting it on, but it fits so great with the RH tracks. Her voice is so good on this and the tracks really hold up after 21 years!! For some reason I get the same vibe from the tracks that I do from RH. It's kind of sexy and romantic. Anyway I hope we get some more tracks on this tour from this album.

    Seriously I think "A beast within" style opening montage to Sanctuary would be pretty fucking sweet. I know it would be really unlikely but Forbidden Love would also be pretty cool to hear.

    Even though it's not on this album, I Want You would be pretty fucking spectacular too.

  6. I have the feeling that it will be released as a single featuring Drake

    If only!! I love it. My favorite track on the album, but the fans don't seem to appreciate "urban" Madonna. I don't think it will be a single and I have a feeling she won't play it on tour. Maybe in an interlude but I don't think we'll get a full performance sadly. She never seems to play the songs I like the most. :(

  7. It's ridiculous how these kind of threads make me hate people. I'm bitch slapping myself saying "Come on they are entitled to their opinions, it's just songs" but i still want you all dead. :laugh::laugh::laugh:


    Anyone who includes Best Night in their bottom 5 I can't take seriously.

    Personally I love every song on the album but the only ones I don't listen to as much as the others is Wash All Over Me and Messiah.

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