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Posts posted by IsaacHarris

  1. Another day in AmeriKKKa :dazed:


    The officers involved are obviously despicable, but police forces ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY need an overhaul! This is the 1,000,000th example of excessive brutality when handling "certain suspects" and though it's tough to watch I think everyone should watch the video in it's entirety to see exactly what we've been talking about FOR YEARS: Black people are handled differently in the criminal justice system, from arrest to sentencing. & if anyone is still under the ILLUSION that these violent acts are isolated, please read "Breaking Rank" by Norm Stamper, former Seattle chief of police who states that many racist pigs become cops JUST to abuse their power without consequence.

  2. 2 hours ago, ULIZOS said:

    I'll say it, if you're black or Mexican or anything and you vote for Trump,  you're not black or Mexican. YOU'RE A FRAUD :lmao: 


    Yeah, I have to agree :lol:

    Joe Biden's delivery was VERY CAVALIER & ARROGANT, but everyone in my family has said the same thing: "Vote for Trump & yo ass AINT Black."

  3. 20 hours ago, zephyralexxx said:

    ...and I have always felt this like a happy and sad song in the same time. especially the opening lyrics:

    I took a pill and had a dream
    I went back to my 17 year
    Allowed myself to be naive
    To be someone I've never been
    I took a sip and had a dream
    And I woke up in Medellín
    The sun was caressing my skin

    Another me could now begin...


    LOVE this picture of them!!!


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