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Posts posted by IsaacHarris

  1. American people just seem much more accepting of injustice than they should be.


    I don't want to turn this into a Laganja Estranja-esque GU bashing, BUT you're dead wrong. You're familiar with Toni Morrison, James Baldwin, MLK, Dr. Joy Degruy? People have been calling out injustice in this country for decades. Non-white citizens in the US didn't acquire equal civil liberties JUST BECAUSE those in power felt generous... people marched for their rights. Lives were lost. Minds were broadened. I think you're simplifying the issue as if we don't give a damn. We surely do, but change takes time.

    Racists and by in large the American public are living in fear. It's gross.

    I can't speak for all Americans, but I can assure you that most people of color (especially Black Folks) are NOT living in fear. There was a time where open racism was tolerated & legally protected; fear WAS the atmosphere at the time, but no more. The nation HAS progressed, but we still have to deal with the remnants of systematic oppression; we're living in AWARENESS, not fear. We stay woke.

    The only people living in fear are the racists themselves cuz they're the ones that are scared of my black ass.

  2. Criminal activities should be tackled equally regardless of race or creed.

    Opportunities should be equal regardless of race or creed.

    Most importantly people need to open their minds and stop living in fear!

    Of course that's the way it SHOULD be, but that isn't the reality, nor has it ever been in this country.

    & who is exactly "living in fear?" -Being aware of the situation & navigating through it is the wisest thing one can do.

  3. It's not about guns, or cops.

    SOME people are afraid of others that do not look like them. SOME people think they're entitled to more freedoms than others. SOME people hold tight to generational prejudices to make themselves feel empowered.

    These recent tragedies are just examples of a bigger underlying problem that has ALWAYS existed in this country from day one. At least now, SOME of us are able to talk about it openly.

    It's not gonna change.

  4. It's just more palpable to me though. I am sure without a doubt in many black communities this is nothing new and has been going on forever. I mean NWA didn't write "Fuck the Police" for nothing.

    But I grew up outside of that. I grew up not hearing white people talk in racist ways. By and large most of my life I did think at least in my area that we were past all of this, but then my bubble totally burst. And it literally started after the election of Obama. You see some people might wonder why I am so sour on so many white people. Well its because I am WHITE and I have a special free pass to know how a lot of white people really speak behind closed doors! And I can tell you, it disgusts the hell out of me. I have been disgusted and shocked by things coming out of so many peoples mouths over the last 8 years. Things I would have NEVER expected from certain people, and things I would have never expected from random people who think just because I am white it is totally cool and safe for them to whisper some kind of racist comment in my ear.

    This is what scares me. The fact that people that have been closeted with their hidden racism are now feeling more safe to come out and say it. This is without a doubt what has led to the rise of Trump. If anyone else thinks otherwise they are in total denial.

    If repeating myself on this topic bothers some people OH WELL! I think this is a serious as hell time and people need to be woken up and have it pounded into them. This is no joke.

    I hear you loud & clear!

    People's true colors are showing, no pun intended. :lol: Thankfully, I grew up in a household where we had open, honest dialogue about race and the REALITY of living in the US. It seems as though others didn't: Now they've confused 'being tolerant' as being 'silently racist.'

    I'm in a similar boat with you: because of my complexion/ way of speaking/ projection, SOME people think it's safe to share with me their inner most (prejudiced) thoughts because I'm not like other black people. Oh, the things I've heard!

    In short, folks are dumb. That's why I have NO social media accounts.

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