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Posts posted by IsaacHarris

  1. 5 hours ago, KalamazooJay said:

    Jesus Christ. 

    Some of you in this thread. :blink:

    While I certainly don't believe he was worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, the ire should be placed squarely on  Norwegian Nobel Committee who gives them out like candy to individuals like Mikhail Gorbachev and Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres.

    As far as Obama as a president, I believe history will judge him extremely well. He was the lefts Reagan in so many ways. Democrats will be referencing him for generations to come in the same way LBJ & Kennedy are.

    To minimize him as just a black man with a good smile is not only inaccurate, but just plain ignorant. This man has been in public service his entire life and devoted himself at an early age to bettering his community in Chicago to the best of his abilities. He understands that 'change' happens at a local level by volunteering and building up individuals within their own community. As someone who sits on various non-profit boards, volunteers about 20-30 hours a week, I appreciate him on a whole host of issues. 

    He isn't perfect, but he's a man with great integrity, class, and respect. So is Michelle. Given the two options we have that could be succeeding him, Americans are finally saying to themselves 'Well shit, he wasn't that bad after all'.

    I whole heatedly believe he was ahead of his time, and quite frankly, I don't believe this country deserved to have a man like him in office with the way he was treated. The blatant and disgusting racism that was thrown at him over the last 8 years are appalling beyond words. It's sickening, really. Maybe I'm naive, but I never realized HOW racist and bigoted we are as a nation until I saw and heard the behavior from some on the right. 

    He will be greatly missed. 




    Barack & Michelle 4EVER



  2. Heck yeah. Getting your face eaten off was the least of it. They used to hang people upside down and saw them in half, long ways.

    And burn people @ the stake.

    And cut people's heads off in front of large crowds.

    And drown women in droves for suspected witchcraft.

    And OPENLY lynch Black folks for no good reason at all.

    The world has always been a crazy place, now we just have video recordings.

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