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Posts posted by IsaacHarris

  1. 2 hours ago, horn said:

    In September, the model revealed on Italian TV he will have a sex change to turn into a Human Barbie Doll.

    But he says he would not go through with his biggest procedure ever until his late 50s.

    He said: "I will do what Caitlyn Jenner did. When I reach my late 50s, I would rather be a sexy old lady then a saggy old man.”





    How much surge can one body endure? 

  2. 9 hours ago, Bill said:

    Haven't touched pork or beef in 13 years since seeing some videos online that traumatized me for life.  I will never, ever get those images out of my head and I have refused, ever since then, to watch any others.  The headlines alone are enough to make me cry.

    I've been a vegetarian for almost 5 years now, and yet, stories like this still annoy me:


    From a humane perspective, the video is incredibly cruel. 


    From a business POV, why would you destroy your own merchandise? Those piglets weren't bred & fed just to be discarded by careless workers.


    Humans are so weird :dazed:

  3. On 8/15/2017 at 3:40 PM, erotica blu said:

    Nonwhite people are the only people who should be conversing with each other on the matter. Whites love getting to be the victim in matters on race.

    Which is why I don't engage. The conversation HAS ALWAYS & WILL ALWAYS shift away from the real issue.


    It's 2017. Some get it, some don't. I'm not wasting a millisecond explaining myself to anyone that needs to be coddled. Especially not on the internet.


    With that being said, Trump is Trash & Black is Beautiful ✨

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