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Posts posted by Glindathegood

  1. It's terrible but she was probably so scared of him she felt she had to do all that and couldn't go to the police or he would kill her or beat her up. He beat the crap out of his first wife.

    It's crazy how this incident brings all the current US issues of homophobia, Islamophobia, fundamentalist religion, immigration, gun control and domestic violence against women into one mess of horribleness.

    It's hard to know where to even begin to talk about or address the issues brought up by this attack. All this problems come together in this, it's so crazy!

  2. The leave campaign is ALL ABOUT anti-immigration (of EU members) It's also the number one issue that comes up from just about everyone who gets asked about it.

    Yes, I had that idea. I don't follow it that closely but people who were tweeting about how they wanted the UK to leave also had really anti-immigrant things to say.

  3. It's basically about the money. The UK is just like most Northern European countries a so called Net Payer. That means they pay more money to the EU than they get in return. Billions of Euros. In times when the government has to save because of the National debt they have to cut social and healtcare services in result. That makes a lot of people angry. One of the arguments is that all those money could be put into the NHS. The immigration crisis is just a small part of it. At least in the UK. They hardly took any refugees from Syria. And I find the sentiment almost ridiculous considering the long history of the UK when it comes to immigration because of the Commonwealth. I would like to argue that there is no other country in the world that is so diverse on nationalities. Furthermore the UK needs immigration. Let's face it, they are jobs in certain industries (the low paid ones of course) that no Brit (or German or Austrian) would apply for. If you have been to London in recent years and stayed at a hotel you will have problems to find a British staff member. Just one example.

    Thanks. That's very interesting. In the US, we have the same issue. A lot of conservatives and Republicans complain about foreign aid and how the US pays for the defense of countries like Japan without getting anything in return and how these countries should pay for more of their own defense.

    That's a big part of Donald Trump's whole Make American Great Again thing. Basically, don't care about or support other countries.

    But to me that's crazy, since we are all one world and more global and connected than we ever have been.

  4. This is probably a dumb question but since I'm from the US, I don't follow British and European politics all that closely. But why do people in the UK want to leave the EU?

    Is there an anti-immigrant sentiment to it? Do some people in the UK not want to have their fair share of migrants and immigrants from the Middle East who come into EU countries from Syria and Iraq? Or is the main reason something else?

  5. This issue did seem like it blew up pretty quickly, and seems very overblown. Agree with others that there are more pressing issues facing LGBT since US still is pretty homophobic/anti-gay, but will generally support the trans activists.

    So transgender people shouldn't be protected or have their rights because all the issues with gay and lesbian people haven't been resolved? That to me doesn't seem right. I think it's the opposite of what you are saying. Most people tend to be more supportive of gay and lesbian people because they tend to know some as their family and friends, but they don't know and understand transgender people. I don't see the US supporting transgender activists at all.

    In this very instance, the NC legislature didn't have a problem with the part of the Charlotte law prohibiting discrimination against gay and lesbian people, but jumped all over the transgender provision and passed the bathroom law.

    I think it's sad that there are people in the gay and lesbian community that seem to think it's transgender people are the problem and the "trans activists" and they need to distance themselves from them. Instead of thinking they are in the same boat, and it's really the backwards ignorant homophobic and transphobic people who are against both and gay and lesbian and transgender people need to stick together as one unified force.

  6. This controversy all started when the city of Charlotte, North Carolina's largest city, passed an ordinance prohibiting discrimination against the LGBT community including transgender people.

    There is a big split between urban people who are all for equal rights and people in the more rural areas in the South who have backwards ways of thinking.

    So when the legislature of the whole state which is controlled by people from the backwards hick areas got wind of what Charlotte did they passed this bathroom law because the Charlotte law would allow transgender people to use the bathroom of the gender that they identify with, not the one they were born as.

  7. I was reading an article where it said politics has become more polarized and now it's important to shore up your base and get all your voters to be excited and turn out, and not worry so much about winning over moderates in the middle of the political spectrum. So this article said they think because of that Hillary will pick a progressive/liberal to shore up her support among the Bernie types and not a moderate.

    It also said geography doesn't matter anymore. Just because someone is from a certain state doesn't mean they can deliver that state. It's a national race so it's important to pick someone that works nationally, not in one region.

    So because of all that, I think it's possible she may pick Elizabeth Warren.

  8. I was discussing this with my family the other day and they tried to tell me that transgender people would go into the women's bathroom and expose themselves to women to get excited. I tried to explain to them that most transgenders are attracted to men so why would they get excited exposing themselves to women? But they said I was naive and didn't know what I was talking about.

    They think of danger to women in the bathroom but it never occurs to them that if the transgender people go into the men's room, straight guys in there might beat them up and it would be dangerous for them in a men's room. But somehow it's always the transgender people that are the threat! Crazy!

  9. Now even Madonna is involved in the Trump election craziness. The Washington Post has a story that Donald allegedly impersonated his own publicity person named "John Miller" to boast about himself back in the1990's. They have tapes of this Miller person taking the press who sounds suspiciously just like Donald Trump. Trump however denied today on tv that the voice on the tape is him. The "John Miller" guy talked to a reporter about rumors Madonna was interested in dating Donald Trump. LOL

    In the 1991 recording, Miller sounded quite at ease regaling the reporter with tales of Trump hanging out with Madonna at a ball at the Plaza Hotel, which he owned at the time. Asked about the rumored Madonna-Trump friendship, Miller, unlike every other PR man on the planet, neither batted the question away nor gave it short shrift. Rather, he said, “Do you have a second?”

    Carswell, the reporter, sounded a bit startled: “Yeah, obviously,” she replied.

    Whereupon Miller offered a detailed account of the Trump encounter with Madonna, who “came in a beautiful evening gown and combat boots.” The PR man assured the reporter that nothing untoward occurred: “He’s got zero interest that night.”


  10. Just got back from my first ever caucus! It was kind of fun.

    When I got there (a bit early), I honest to God thought there were only going to be two of us for HRC :laugh: Bernie supporters surrounded me.

    Bernie won in my town. But it was a pretty good showing for both. The whole thing was very civil, and everybody clapped for both candidates' speeches. Then again, this is a very friendly state.

    That sounds really cool. It sounds like more of a community event than a typical primary voting. Here in Washington, DC. we're not considered important as far as determining the next President. Our Democratic primary is in June when everything will be decided. I think the Republican primary is earlier next week sometime, but it hardly matters since there are almost new Republicans here anyway. I wonder if anyone will show up for the DC Republican primary. LOL

  11. Maybe the Democratic turnout is low not because of lack of enthusiasm but because a lot of Democrats are fine with either candidate. I like both Hillary and Bernie. I really don't have a strong preference. I'm fine with either of them getting the nomination. It doesn't mean the people who don't vote the primaries won't turn out in the general election to vote Democratic.

    Whereas in the Republican primary, there are a lot of Republicans who have a strong preference and really don't want some candidate to win and are saying they would never vote for him in a general election. There are the anti-Trump Republicans and Trump supporters who really dislike one of the other candidates, mostly Ted Cruz, largely because of the negative tone of the Republican campaign.

  12. What a JOKE is the Republican Debate! Tasteless! Ridiculous! UNPLEASANT! Tedious! Donald even mentioned the size of his PENIS ...! :megamanson::megamanson::megamanson:

    Rubio started it. He had said previously Donald has small hands and you know what they say about guys with small hands. So Trump felt the need to assert his manhood! LOL Rubio and Cruz are just as bad as Trump.

  13. There was also a poll that said 20% of Trump's supporters think the slaves should not have been freed. I"m not against blue collar working people or "elitist"as you imply, but Trump is drawing a lot of ignorant and less educated people and appealing to their worst fears instead of informing them and raising them to a higher level as the best leaders do.

  14. Loving that Trump bitch slapped pope who continues to repress women's and LGBT rights while cherry picking who he wants to advocate for in the world. Pope just met with a Russian orthodox church representative and did not say shit about how terrible conditions are for different minorities in Russia. :confused: Extreme sexism, racism, homophobia, and xenophobia is out of control in all parts of Russia!

    Trump is a major asshole and possibly a threat to international security, but this was funny..... :laugh:

    Yes, but that's not what they were fighting over. Donald Trump is against gay marriage, women's rights and is xenophobic in that he's against Muslims. So he is no more progressive than the pope on any of those issues so your comment really makes zero sense.

    Trump didn't criticize the pope's stance on gay issues. I don't agree with the pope on gay issues, but in this case he is right about being opposed to Trump's plan to build a wall to keep out Mexican immigrants.

    Trump didn't bitch slap pope on any of the issues that you are referencing. In this case, the pope is totally right about Donald Trump and his opposition to immigration.

  15. Forget about the personality, it's who has the right policies.

    I don't agree. I think you need to have both. What is the point of having the right policies if you can't put any of them into practice. In the US system, the President is not King, he or she has to work with Congress and the general public to enact the policies. A President also has to negotiate with other world leaders and that requires the right personality.

    Obama whether you agree with him or not has the special charisma "it" factor to really affect people and change things. Honestly, I don't think either Hillary or Bernie have the charisma. Bernie drives me a little nuts with his arm waving and finger pointing.

    Bernie may call himself a socialist, but really his positions on most issues is pretty much the same as Hillary's.

    I will vote for whoever wins the primary, but neither of them really excites me.

    I mostly follow the election for the entertainment value of the Republicans!

  16. Trump is in a fight with the pope. The pope said if he wants to build a wall to keep immigrants out he's not a real Christian. Donald said that's disgraceful that a religious leader would question someone's faith and the pope might need his help in case ISIS attacks the Vatican.

    This is the weirdest election ever. It makes me laugh. It does surprise me the pope jumped into the election and got in a bitchfest with the Donald!

    Donald makes everyone go a little nuts even the Pope!

  17. Young under 50 charismatic and hot? really? that's what we need in America? that's what the country needs? Democrats are just as fucking stupid misinformed and racist as the right. choose someone Hispanic because it'll help us win. not because that person is the best candidate. we're not a fucking commodity.

    But that's how Vice President have always been chosen to balance the ticket and give the Presidential nominee a better chance to win, regardless of their race. The Vice President doesn't really do that much once in office so what does he or she have to be qualified for . It's not just based on race, it's also based on where you are from.

    I don't think she would choose Corey Booker because he's from NJ and she represented NY. She would be more likely to choose Joaquin Castro because he's from Texas.

  18. So who won the Democratic caucus? Last I heard, they said it was almost a tie, but eventually they determine a winner right?

    The Democratic caucus is weird because they seem to be reporting the results in terms of delegates and not votes like the Republicans do so it's hard to tell who the winner is.

    I used to totally Hillary but Bernie is starting to win me over.

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