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Posts posted by Bitch

  1. Actually, I don't think she's there cuz of him. M had houses in Florida way before she knew Roidy; she always loved Miami.

    I thought that the Jesus thing was a short fling and she'll be back with Rod at some point, but I actually think that she's not into A-Rod at this point and it's probably for the best. People like A-Rod aren't capable of staying loyal, no matter how perfect and how fulfilled their spouse can make them feel; people like him will always need reassurance and boost to their ego that they're capable of conquering cuz of their mental weakness. Before getting with Madonna, Rod was cheating on his wife with hookers and exposing Cynthia to nasty STDs - that's fucking low.

    Of course Madonna is far from perfect in the fidelity department, but I think that unlike A-Rod, she's capable of staying loyal when she's in a fulfilling relationship.

  2. Madonna's fling with Jesus Luz and her rumored hookup with A-Rod may foil adoption plans

    Madonna's lifestyle may get in the way of her plans to adopt another child from Africa.

    Malawi's adoption officials say Madge's sizzling fling with 22-year-old Brazilian hunk Jesus Luz - and her rumored hookup with Yankee slugger Alex Rodriguez - may doom her desire to adopt 3-year-old Mercy James.

    "Our official policy is that we do not encourage our children to be sent into broken homes," said a senior official from Malawi's Ministry of Women and Child Welfare Development, noting her split from hubby Guy Ritchie.

    "[Madonna's] relationships may negatively affect the adoption of Mercy," the official said.

    "The news she is linked to another woman's husband and a young man less than half her age makes us question her morals."

    Officials are unhappy the 50-year-old Material Mom, who adopted toddler David Banda in Malawi in 2006, flaunted her relationship with Luz in a recent racy W Magazine spread.

    Simon Chisale, Malawi's child welfare chief, said morality plays a big part in the adoption process.

    "We do not only look at the material issues, but also the moral standing of prospective adoptive parents, because we do not want our children's morals to be corrupted," Chisale said.

    Still, he said he doubted Madonna's social whirl would affect the outcome of her adoptive process.

    "We do not apply the law retroactively," he said.


    From the last part, I understand that her adoptive process of Mercy is rather complete, so hopefully she won't get too much shit.

    So, if it's not affecing the process, then this article is pointless. Again, lame journalists trying to drag her name in the dirt.

    It makes big headlines. If it's not the fact that she didn't live in Malawi for 18 months, then it's her men. Next time they'll make up another issue.

  3. ^ I think you're giving him too much credit. I just think he confused 20th century with 21t century; as he probably meant that the song is from the very last years of the 20th century.

    And :doodlemanson: @ the "Madam". Can't believe his wife tolerated his shit that long.

  4. She may have been referring specifically to her private residences. I believe that one of the houses she had in London was for her staff next door to her own house, and another was some sort of Kaballah hotel.

    Yes, it was reported that she had one property that's related to Kabbalah. I think it was denied that it was a hotel though.

  5. http://deadspin.com/5175816/what-madonna-s...magazine-writer

    We've all seen the infamous photos of A-Rod making sweet love to himself. Trying to figure out why he agreed to the photo shoot, and why his priorities seemed so skewed during the accompanying interview process with Gay, will have people scratching their heads for years.

    Gay, on the Madonna song:

    "It's not even a very good Madonna song. I can't tell you which song it was. I have my word and I have to honor that. But he wanted to make sure that I didn't mention it in the article. He was concerned that visiting ballparks would play the song when he came to bat."

    Pressed on what song it might be, Gay said:

    "It's a late 21st century song, it's safe to say." :electropop::rotfl:

  6. I wonder how much her CPW apartment will go for?

    I think where she is moving to is a huge bore. If you have $$$ in NYC you want a great view, not to look out at concrete. I guess she just wants her privacy maybe the CPW apt was invasive due to neighbours and those doormen, have no idea. But that was a great location better where shes moving to. I hope she hires aot of security people for that townhouse.

    She is much closer to the Kabbalah Centre now :tongue:

    She owns 3 apartments in her current building; maybe she'll keep them as well.

    When she was living in the UK she owned about 4 properties there.

  7. His photos in the mag - shot by Steven Klein - have some real gay-vibe going on. http://men.style.com/details/features/land...id=content_8397

    :chuckle: @ "How Jesus can save your career".


    The writer seems amused by the whole Madonna thing; she's mentioned a lot in the article. The M related stuff:

    "The night before his life changes forever, Alex Rodriguez calls from Miami with an urgent request. A-Rod is worried about something he said during our interview last night. I've been hearing mysterious warnings all afternoon: Alex needs to talk. Alex wants to clarify something. Can't say what. Alex will call you from his car.

    "Listen," Rodriguez says. "I was thinking about one thing that I spoke about—it's something that's kind of trivial but will give me a hard time for no reason." He pauses. "The song."

    Aha. Last night, he let slip his favorite Madonna song. The curious relationship between A-Rod and the pop icon makes for delicious gossip, of course. Is Rodriguez terrified that Madonna will resent the tongue-wagging? Or, better still, has he picked the wrong song as his favorite, and fears that an offended Madge might march her stilettos over his back? No: Rodriguez believes that revealing the song would lead to its being played every time he stepped to the plate during an away game. "The last thing I want to do is go to every stadium and have them play that song," he says. Fine—to be honest, it's not even a great Madonna song (if it had been something juicy like "Justify My Love," forget it).

    Looking back, his preoccupation seems surreal. Just the day before, Selena Roberts, a reporter from Sports Illustrated, had confronted Rodriguez at a Miami gym, asking for his reaction to evidence that he'd tested positive for illegal steroids in 2003. And now here he was, sweating a Madonna song. It's like worrying about the in-flight movie as your plane is belly flopping on the Hudson River.

    Maybe Rodriguez is in denial. He's just spent the afternoon happily posing for the cover shoot for this story, showing off his strapping physique and loosening up with shots of Patrón. His pals talk of continuing the party nearby, at the remodeled Fontainebleu hotel. When he calls later there's no panic in his voice, no foreshadowing of the humiliation that he, at least, knows is coming. It really is as though his biggest concern in the world is that Madonna song. That fear is misdirected anyhow: Like an opposing team's ballpark needs any inspiration to crank up a Madonna song when A-Rod comes to the plate. Velvet-vested organists have been practicing the entire Ciccone oeuvre for months.

    "He is so misunderstood," says Rodriguez's friend and manager Guy Oseary, who has worked with Madonna for more than two decades. "He really hasn't had the chance to show people who he really is."

    It must mean something that Rodriguez seems more eager to talk about Madonna. His relationship with the 50-year-old pop priestess has been a "Page Six" staple for months, though there's been no confirmation of its exact nature. "Well, we're friends," Rodriguez says. "She's an amazing entertainer. And it's been amazing how she's been able to stay on top for three decades. I have a lot of respect for her." He says he's enjoyed their conversations, and her counsel. "She's very smart," he says, "and she's passionate about everything she does." Rodriguez can't name anything specific he's asked Madonna for advice on, "but if there ever was any situation, she's a great ear to have, you know?"

    Their meeting was not, as some have speculated, arranged by Oseary, who represents them both. "I met her about 12 years ago in Miami, believe it or not," he says. "That's how we know each other. I was trying to buy her house, and I couldn't afford it."

  8. arod2.jpg

    The flawed superstar was all over the headlines last summer for his alleged extra-inning play with Madonna, who, at 50, is 17 years his senior.

    Rodriguez said he's "friends" with the pop princess :electropop: , but Details didn't press him to address allegations by ex-wife Cynthia Rodriguez that the Material Mom is a homewrecker.

    "Well, we're friends. She's an amazing entertainer," A-Rod said of Madonna. "And it's been amazing how she's been able to stay on top for three decades. I have a lot of respect for her."

    Details writer Jason Gay noted that A-Rod frantically reached out to him after the interview to retract the revelation of his favorite Madonna song. :chuckle:

    The meltdown seemed like an odd concern of A-Rod's, according to Gay, considering that the Bomber's chat with Details came after Sports Illustrated reported he had used banned substances, and days before he faced teammates and media in Tampa.

    A-Rod told the writer he didn't want that particular Madonna song blaring at rival American League parks at every road game.


    I wonder what song was that. Probably something campy.

  9. Madonna may adopt another child from Malawi

    LILONGWE - U.S. pop star Madonna has said she may adopt another child from the poor southern African country of Malawi despite the controversy surrounding an earlier adoption.

    Critics accused the government of skirting laws that ban non-residents from adopting children in Malawi, which has been badly hit by the AIDS epidemic, after Madonna took on David Banda.

    "Many people -- especially our Malawian friends -- say that David should have a Malawian brother or sister," she said in response to emailed questions from Malawi's the Nation newspaper.

    "It's something I have been considering, but would only do, if I had the support of the Malawian people and the Government."

    A Malawian court approved the adoption of David last year.

    Madonna has said the controversy had been difficult to deal with but she was happy to be involved in a case that might pave the way for more adoptions in Malawi. An estimated one million children in the country have been orphaned by AIDS.

    Madonna, who began adoption proceedings in 2006, took David when he was 13-months-old after his father had placed him in an orphanage following the death of his wife.

    David is growing up in the high-flying life of a leading popstar, worlds away from his village of Lipunga, where Banda's relatives eat staple food like maize meal from simple bowls and meals are cooked on open fires.

    Madonna said she wanted to keep him connected to his homeland.

    "It is a big priority for me to educate my son about the world, but always to stay connected to his Malawian culture," she said.

    "He has a big map of Africa in his room with lots of arrows pointing to Malawi."

    Madonna said her divorce from film director Guy Ritchie would not deprive their children of either parent.

    "I believe in family. So, everything between us is very amicable ... we both agree that our children should always feel a deep connection with both their parents. It is our responsibility to give them that foundation," she said.

    © Thomson Reuters 2009 All rights reserved

  10. I don't pay close-close attention to the stories about Madonna's homes and real estate, but I vaguely recall what you're talking about. Wasn't there also a story (around that time) that she wanted to buy a fourth on the same floor and it would have given her the whole floor then, but the co-op board was blocking it? That's pretty rude. I mean, if your neighbor was Madonna, I think you'd be happy to keep her happy. It's not like she's a disruptive influence. Although I guess there was that one noise complaint supposedly -- and all the paparazzi that must hang around.

    Whatever, I just hope she has a place where she and the kids feel safe and at home. Everybody needs that.

    The issue was about the third apartment; the co-op board did prevent her from buying the apartment for awhile. She eventually purchased the third apartment after suing them. She now has 3 apartments in that building (not 4).

    I've heard about her having the entire floor; not sure whether it's true or not, as I don't know how many apartments on the floors in that building.

  11. Madonna to buy a townhouse on the upper ES?

    Could Madonna finally be moving out of her Central Park West compound? Though Her Madgesty purchased a third apartment in Harperley Hall last spring, we hear shes close to buying a $38 million townhouse on the upper East Side. Yes, shes looked at lots of townhouses, but word is, shes said shes ready to sign on this one. "Her current building is, frankly, beneath her," says a source. "But she cant get past the co-op boards of better buildings." Bonus on this townhouse: a private garage, which would cut down on paparazzi interaction. Interestingly, shed be moving just after Yankee Alex Rodriguez, with whom she was once so close, rented a $30,000-a-month pad two blocks away from her on CPW.


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