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Posts posted by GimmeSomeMo

  1. I don't think it's about something as narrow as 'oh he should have arranged three more television appearances'. I think the Madonna name is being mismanaged. Greedily milking the touring cow, endless trotting out of progressively cheaper products like MADONNA SHOES and not nearly enough attention to re-establishing her as a central force in the music world. I thought this era would be all about reaffirming her dominance and trying to make her bigger than ever, instead everything after the Superbowl has gone by like a wet fart.

  2. Well I would much rather have her be "in touch" with her talent than the record buying public. Sometimes I don't get you people who are obsessed with charts. Do you ever look around and take notice of how ignorant the majority of people are? Yet you want Madonna to impress them so she will go Top 10?

    My POINT was that Madonna does not seem to care, or she could have done something to stem the tide. If the album was #126 this week would you like it any less? Sadly, I think some here might :lmao:

    Actually your POINT was that she's in touch and that's simply not true. As for the rest of the blabbing I really have no idea what you're talking about as usual.

  3. She just made one of the best albums of her career. She is very much in touch. I don't think she cares how many copies she scans. Seriously, with the second and third week numbers coming in, she COULD have made a tv appearance. But she didn't. If she is not stressed, we certainly shouldn't be!

    SORRY but an album that is #16 after two weeks is not 'in touch'. She may be in touch with her talent but she is not in touch with the record buying public.

  4. It probably is and I never said it definitely wasn't. Point is we don't know, we can only assume. But I can't imagine Madonna is going to sign a contract that gives her a lump sum and allows them to do whatever they want whenever they want with her "brand" where she is obligated to promote and endorse it and then make no additional profit. It is business partnership. I'm doubtful they can exploit her name however they want just to make their money back. (Which they will surely do on touring alone anyway.)

    I don't think that either, Madonna would never do something she didn't want to do. She signed a contract, she's not a SLAVE. I was just making the point that all these endorsements and wheeling out of various products is in most likelihood tied to her contract.

  5. Well mildly shocking I HAVENT HEARD THE ALBUM EVEN THOUGH I POST HERE DAILY admission aside, Lucky Guy has a point that these ventures have become a LOT more frequent since she got involved with Live Nation and I even remember people (Kurt really, who else) defending them as part of her contract. Indeed, her contract was for touring, recording, merchandising and BRANDING which is what this is.

  6. Marchesa is the other label doing costumes.. I really don't like a lot of their stuff.. it's kind of tacky or overly busy.. like what you would wear to an '80s prom. Does anyone have examples of some good stuff they've done (specifically as costumes)? I can't help but think this is a favor to Harvey since his wife (Georgina) is in charge of that label. :lol:

    Oh so it's not exclusively JPG? Shame.

  7. Lack of promo for HC, lack of promo for Celebration, lack of promo for MDNA. See a pattern here? She doesn't want to promote what really matters, the music. Seems it doesn't matter to her anymore and it shows. "i have to pay the rent."

    I think it means she's over whoring herself out for her music (and she never was that big on it anyway) and I sort of respect her for that. It is a bit dissapointing when the era deflates like this but OH WELL May is near and there are sure to be some fabulous reports when the tour kicks off.

  8. The Ultra Festival in Miami wasn't exactly a futile exercise as it was somewhat the first flagship dance event by Live Nation. It's been earmarked by New York Times as the next big touring money making venture. It needed Live Nation's Queen Madonna its blessing. Whether it did something for her benefit on the other hand...

    Oh it was organized by Live Nation? Okay that makes more sense.

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