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Posts posted by neutrocks
I think the fans expect far too much and put too much thought into all this. I can bet Madonna isn't sitting back, thinking how she will make her next comeback to the music scene. In fact, I think she's beyond that. Yes, I am sure once she gets an album together, then she may think of how to make a splash with it, but I don't think it will be to the degree most fans are thinking now. I personally believe she will go right on tour once the album is released since she doesn't really have much backing in the mainstream media to get her songs played. As a business woman, she will look at what will generate the most money and that will most likely be a huge tour and/or some tie ins with products/ads/television/films. Her contract is with LIVE NATION and she is obligated to that and they will expect a high return. The best way to do that is go back on the road.
I predict a lot of meltdowns with this next album because she won't have a hit single. Fans will bitch again that the wrong single was released. Fans will bitch because most likely she isn't going to go all out in promotion (other than her World Tour) as she can't keep spending money on free promos shows, huge promotion on singles and/or videos when none of them will generate revenue for her.
All I can say is that I just enjoy the ride. I don't question how she does it or what could have been. It doesn't change the fact that I love her music and she knows how to put on a hell of a show.
Lovin' a lot of the new sounds coming out of these folksy rock/dance songs lately. I'm not sure if the sound Madonna was going for is exactly the same, but I always thought Madonna sounded great on the more folk type songs she did.
And really? No one has heard of Mumford & Suns and Avicii? Both have had some huge songs, especially Avicii lately.
What is quite interesting is that I do think that she takes Film awards, specificially the OSCARS far more seriously. She definitely plays it cool regarding her dismissal as an actress or a director. I've always got the impression she's always aimed for an Oscar.
Madonna and David in the background at the premiere.
A silly award doesn't replace the hours of pleasure in watching and enjoying this show. I'm sure Madonna doesn't care either. I've always got the impression, it wasn't about winning awards with her. And I find that those who have great commercial success rarely get nominated or win for their work. In many cases, a lot of the acts/artists nominated are never heard of until the nomination or win.
I read what you wrote and was ready to respond before I scrolled down and saw that others already did. So there's a possibilty for you that Sean was abusive but people bought into something far more dramatic? What have they bought into that is more dramatic? There's is no type of person that subjects themselves to abuse which you clarified yourself in your next sentence. It don't take much to push the buttons of someone who clearly had a problem with drinking and controlling his
temper. Madonna has dated a lot of men. I don't recall any of them describing her as out of control and irresponsible. Wouldn't it be just a tad out of charactor for Madonna to waste the time of policeman and put up a fuss and Sean is just home eating cereal after they just had a common fight?
The fact that it went that far just proves how much Madonna loved him not because she subjected herself to abuse. She most likely saw him as the one who needed help but she was also VERY focused on her career and completely threw herself into it in the few years that followed.
Your words: "but let's not fool ourselves, Madonna isn't an ANGEL either."
This you state like it's a fact but Sean, who has publicly beat people up, him were not so sure...
Well I got another one for you, "let's not fool ourselves, not everyone who Madonna has had contact with is an ANGEL either.
I also don't equate Madonna flaws with Sean's. "Isn't an angel either" imo suggests that.
You apparantly see Madonna as not being an Angel. I see her as a human being. Ironically the ones who many people think need to be schooled already knew a long time ago that Madonna is a human being from the beginning. Some of things I see fans get upset over now I mean...seeing Madonna as a human being doesn't mean we start rewriting her past. I remember that time when she was married to Sean very well. I know what was said by many people and it wasn't something that came along after the marriage. You question Madonna involving herself with him but what about Sean involving himself with her now after the possibilities you suggest?
Yes you can forgive people who have hurt you if you love them. Obviously Madonna must also know the wonderful things about Sean's personality. He had a drinking problem. He had anger issues. It is not an insult to him to acknowledge that or discuss it and it does not define him as a whole person. He also puts his energy into helping people. He has empathy in him for people in need and I'm sure that's a quality that Madonna loves about him and wants to support.
Madonna loved Sean and I believe he loved her and I was happy to see them together in Haiti for something worthwhile and real.
Were you there? No! You have no more idea what happened than I do. You're relying on tabloid reports and nothing more. I stated my opinion based on the strong person I know Madonna is. I don't claim I am right. I just know that the whole situation has been blown out of preportion, and far less was reported back then, than what people actually "claim" to remember.
I'm not here to make Madonna look bad in this situation. But it's obvious, the woman loved Sean long after their divorce and possibly still does. I still stand by what I say where I believe the abuse was embellished and that I'm sure Madonna played a huge role in their violatile relationship. If you want to read more into what I said and call me sexist, by all means, go right ahead, but you would only be assuming wrong.
Oh good grief, you can't really be serious and tell me that you were worried for Madonna's career after her "Reductive" comment? She said nothing bad about Lady Gaga. Her comment was simply in reference to the song sounding similar. It certainly was played up by the network, airing that interview and some of the media as if it was a personal dig at Gaga. Of course, some of the fans on both sides, tried to insist the same. In fact, some still believe that Madonna was sayiing it about her. The media and the fans are still trying to insist there is some huge feud between them. In the end, I don't think anyone gave a shit what Madonna really said in that interview, but most of the hard core fans. I'm not saying other people didn't have a thought about it, but I think any negativity regarding the whole situation is far more embellished. The hardcore fans are making a bigger deal of it than anyone else. Shame on the media and fans that are trying to insist that Madonna is taking part of this nonsense. It's all one sided. Madonna has pretty much ignored all this negative Gaga vs. Madonna nonsense. Very much like how she ignore Elton's outbursts over the years.
Madonna isn't perfect. But she's been quite careful by getting involved in these pissing matches that people are trying to drag her in. I'm happy she doesn't respond to them. I'm happy she ignores the fans who try to get her to respond to the nonsense. She seems to ignore it and keeps beating to her own drum. She's far too smart to let this nonsense get to her or respond to it. She knows it accomplishes nothing and people will think of her what they want, no matter what she says.
Bravo! And thank God you said it Jan!
Please, I said nothing sexist. Some people enjoy reading more into what is actually said.
I never said Sean WASN'T abusive. Nor did I "blame" Madonna. I just feel that there was far more going on then any of us would know, and the media and many fans bought into something far more dramatic than what really happend. Madonna is hardly the type of woman to subject herself to abuse. Though, I didn't say strong women such as her wouldn't be subjected to abuse, but I just believe that they had a violatile relationship where Madonna could have played a huge role in pushing buttons. In no way am I excusing any possible way that Sean was abusive, but let's not fool ourselves. Madonna isn't an ANGEL either.
Whoa, it seems I started a bit of something!
I guess it makes sense, as I said I've been a fan forever and when I saw that interview online a few years ago it was all new info for me (and I think saying he asked for the divorce was an error, I think he said "it was decided we would divorce") or something like that. I saw this several years ago.
But let me say this, as a woman: Any form of abuse is wrong. I am certain he stepped over a line that should never be crossed, I'm just not so sure it was to the degree the tabloid press has led us to believe.
Another tid bit, from a different interview, maybe the Rolling Stone cover of Sean in 1995? he mentioned that he once asked Madonna to say something publicly about how he hadn't actually trussed her up like a turkey and such to clear his name and she declined. Lol. Honestly, he has talked about it several times.
I pretty much agree with everything you've posted. It's all vague and of course, the story was embellished over the years. I always had the impression, Madonna wanted to stay married. I'm sure they eventually agreed to split. But she has always been quite old fashioned when it comes to marriage. She even stated over the years, she felt it should last forever. But of course, she knew realistically that wasn't possible... for both of her marriages.
Even by 1995, Madonna seemed to be a bit jilted by the whole thing, so I can see her being non cooperative to anything Sean requested. In fact, she didn't seem quite pleased when VH1 (I believe in the same year) had brought him out to give her award at the fashion awards.
What a sexist lot of garbage. As usual, blame the woman and say she exaggerates things. I am so angry reading this and I don't anger much. Have you ever been in love with an abusive person or drunk person ? It is incredible hard and even though they are abusive you can still love them. Yes, even strong women such as Madonna. It did make the press but Madonna hates being a victim. It is reported at the time that she had bruises all over her. I should not even be discussing this but it seems that people would rather paint Madonna as a vindictive liar than admit Sean could be abusive. For goodness sake, he has been in jail several times.
Umm, please don't twist what I said. I didn't say she was a "vindictive liar". In fact, I don't buy she went to the police to report abuse. And no, there was no story at the time, stating she was bruised. Again, that was embellished over time. There was a report that she went to the police, but it was vague. The story that he was abusive was exaggerated as the years went on, based on the fact he was known to get physical with the paparazzi.
My point was that Madonna is too much of a strong woman to allow herself to admit she loves a man that abused her as much as what has been embellished over the years... (head in the oven, tied to a chair, beaten. and hair cut). I even admitted there was a possibility that Sean did get physical with her, but not to the extent of "head in the oven", etc. I also didn't mean for it to come off that I am blaming Madonna, but what I remember of the time and knowing how strong she was, you can bet that if any abuse went on, it was very much Two-sided.
In the end, no one knows the real truth, but the fact she still is quite fond of him all of these years later, is quite telling,... the abuse was quite embellished. I don't buy that MADONNA would think highly of him, all these years later if he abused her to such extent. I don't dismiss the possibility that the two got physical the night she went to the sheriff, but I'm betting it was nothing like anything that was embellished over the years. And I have a feeling, the police were only involved because he wouldn't let her back in the house. It seems I recall that was part of the vague story being reported at the time.
I've been a fan since the "dinasoaur" days... the abuse has been higly exaggerated over the years. I think the issue was that since Sean was known to get physical with the paparazzi, people assumed he was the one who got abusive with Madonna.
Yes, she went to the Sherrif's dept, but I don't believe it was really due to abuse. It was because he refused to let her back into the house to get her things. There may have been threats made. She may have painted a different picture for the cops, but in the end, I agree that she was "hurt" and didn't want to divorce. Her admittance during the filming of Truth or Dare film, just a year after the divorce, that Sean was the "love of her life", tells me that, the divorce wasn't her idea. And if he truly stuck her head in the oven (LOL!!), tied her to a chair, beat on her and cut her hair, she wouldn't be so forthcoming just a year later about Sean being her "true love".
Madonna was too big of a star for a story of her being severely abused not to make the papers. Back then, there was very little said in what happened. I do recall there was a newsbyte back in the day about her going to the police, but it was quite vague and I think over the years it was embellished. I truly believe the police got involved when she was trying to get back into the house and he wouldn't let her. "Daisey's" mention of Sean's version of the story, pretty much verifies that.
That all said, I don't rule out that Sean wasn't abusive in some form. He seemed to have a hot temper and the fact he would go after the paparazzi, makes me wonder if he didn't get physical with Madonna. Though you can bet, Madonna is hardly innocent. I believe she probably pushed his buttons. I believe that if he tried to hit her, she probably would swing back. And quite possibly, she may have been physical at first.
I think he wanted out and she didn't. Madonna isn't the sort of woman who thinks fondly of people who abuse her. I don't believe she would want to stay in a relationship that was abusive.
I love how he keeps bringing her up over and over, acting like thereis some feud between them? Takes two people to feud. I've gotten the impression, Madonna has never paid much mind to him. Also, I thought he originally was pissed because Madonna wouldn't give him an exclusive regarding her pregnancy? Seems like the story keeps changing.
Whatever the case, for someone who he claims to dislike so much, he talks of her a lot. Then again, in general, society as a whole tends to spend more time talking about/bashing... things/people they dislike, rather spend time on the things they enjoy.
Here's that LOVE SPENT mashup he did:
Here's the LOVE SPENT remix: http://soundcloud.com/orbitstreamcast/love-spent-orbit-mash-experiment
First off.. Madonna looks great on the big screen. A couple exceptions... in this film and TNBT, there were many scenes that didn't flatter her. That said, I agree this film was a stinker, especially the first half. The first half was just beyond ridiculous before they got on the island. From there, it did get better. The highlight is the dream sequence of Madonna dancing. I also found the ending very convincing on Madonna's part as an actress. It only proves that Madonna is best visually projecting her character. She visually looked emotionally upset. It's usually when she speaks that she sounds stiff and non-spontaneous. That all said, some of her worst films I enjoyed. I loved her character in Shanghai Surprise as well as in Who's That Girl. In fact, Who's That Girl is my most favorite film of hers even though the whole story/plot was just plain awful.
I find that a lot of fans get upset if she produces something they've seen before. For instance, she used the Koko footage to make this video and then gave it some animated treatment. I think it's clever. I knew she was busy with the tour, so what better way to do is take a live performance and have someone add something more creative to it.
Okay, I am not sure what world some of you live in, and while I agree, he's had his better days, he looks pretty much like a typical 56 year old man. I think the story at that link is more about generating a sensational story, rather reporting anything substatial. I mean really? Why does "Mail Online" think it's important to focus on a story about a 56 year old needing new teeth? It wasn't long ago that a lot of people that age tend to have teeth issues anyways. And just because Madonna is as wealthy and famous as she is, doesn't mean she's responsible for the upkeep of her family.
I only wished they utilized Adam better on this. Obviously once he chimes in, the song perks up some, but for me it pretty much lies flat. I was waiting for Adam to bust out more, and I think he could have funktafied it more if it was a solo effort. It just pretty much sounds like a mediocre band cover. Maybe that was the point?
Even if they did try to rekindle their relationship, I hate to say, but it won't work since Sean is still a very private person. Madonna enjoys and likes to be center of attention. He would be annoyed by all the attention. My concern if they really did get back together (knowing... he was always the "one") that she would go out of her way to make it work and be less active as an entertainer and living more of a quiet life. Not even sure if that's possible for her, but I can see her succumbing to his private life. After all, it seemed she tried to do everything in her power to live up to Guy's lifestyle.
In the end, I hope she does what makes her happy. And I'm sure this is more of a humanitary mutual effort, rather 'getting back together'.
It kinda bored me. But I agree she sounds great on the track. Wouldn't say it's the best TRACK on IB, though.
16. B-Day Song
15. I'm Addicted
14. I F***'d Up!
13. Best Friend
12. Some Girls
11. Superstar
10. Give me All Your Love
09. I'm A Sinner
08. Turn Up The Radio
07. Girl Gone WIld
06. Gang Bang
05. Masterpiece
04. I Don't Give A...
03. Beautiful Killer
02. Falling Free
01. Love Spent.
Sorry, but I think statements like "promote or don't release music at all" are a little ridiculous. Promotion is nice and all, but ultimately, it benefits the artist the most. Sure it's nice to see her on TV talking about how she keeps in such good shape (AGAIN), and the kids and blah blah blah but it's not necessary for me to enjoy the music. When you break it all down, Madonna has NOTHING to prove anymore. Any success she has from now on (and it's been this way for a while), is the "cherry on top" of the huge amount of success she's already had. If Madonna never promoted her albums with traditional promo again, I wouldn't care as long as I like the music.
Exactly... people are putting too much emphasis on her "lack of promotion" on her last album when all efforts were going towards the tour which was featuring the MDNA album. It's pretty ridiculous to say she didn't support MDNA without any promotion when the tour featured MDNA. If people really think that her album sales would have been any better by spending some time with other promotional efforts, rather jumping into touring, they are fooling themselves. Fans need to accept that she's probably never going to have a huge hit single again... no matter how much promotion is behind it. The proof is "GMAYL"... it got the hugest exposure any song could get at the SUPERBOWL. Whether you think it sucks or not, doesn't matter because a lot of crap songs that get that sort of exposure become huge. GMAYL may not been her greatest song, but it was pop perfection. Fans keep saying she released the wrong singles and actually believe if she released their favorite tracks, the singles would have done better. I don't believe any other song released would have faired any better. It's not because the songs weren't great. They were. It's because most successful music is measured by what is playing on mainstream media and at the top of the charts.
My thought... she managed to have a top 20 SELLING album in 2012. The sales for MDNA pretty much were equal to at least 5 to 7 other acts above and below her. To me, that is quite successful since it's not normal in this day to have a huge 7 million album seller as ADELE did. Everyone below her sold millions less and much closer to what Madonna sold. So again, I think she's keeping up with the other popular acts who do get massive media attention through radio and other forms of mainstream media. And face it, you can't expect her to compete with sales from much younger acts like One Direction, Adele and Taylor Swift (to name a few) because no matter how much promo Madonna does, those younger acts will get far more airplay and sale than Madonna will get these days. If she manages another huge hit, it will definitely because it tied to someone else that is much younger (Justin Timberlake ala 4 Minutes) or tied to some huge media blitz. Chances of her getting a fluke hit like Cher's "Believe" is slim. Not that I'm ruling it out!!
Nope. I don't believe anything went on... regarding sex. In fact, she was still married wasn't she? I realize she was on the verge of divorce and maybe there was some flirting going on. But isn't this all based on something his ex said trying to claim Madonna interefered in their relationship? I had gotten the impression the real association was he was interested in Kaballah and turned to her. From there, it exploded into some "affair" which I doubt happened.
I've been noticing more and more, a number of fans are far more focused on what other people think of Madonna and her music, when measuring her success, rather than just enjoy her music as she presents it. I'm not saying MDNA or HARD CANDY are masterpieces or among her most best albums, but I still enjoy them thorougly. I don't feel like she creates these albums in a rush or puts any less effort in those albums as the last or her most successful ones. Certainly, I hope for an album that is criticially acclaimed and accepted by the whole world, but it's hardly a prerequisite to what makes a masterpiece. I've seen a lot of high praise for a lot of crap albums by other artists. In the end, it's subjective anyway.
Do you think Madge should do a Xmas album?
in ARCHIVE - Madonna
Hmm? I would think vice versa... an album you described in her later years such as in the near future would work. I think her voice is far better than the 80's and 90's. I know on her more recent albums, it seems her voice is more thinner, but I think that is all part of the effects to make her sound more younger. I think she sing technically better these days... especially live.
That all said, I can't see her doing a traditional Christmas album. Not that she's above any of that, because I think it would be "neat', but I have to agree an original Winter/Holiday album would be more fitting for her. I don't believe she really celebrates the traditional Christmas holiday anyway.
Quite frankly, I feel that her future albums might need to be more theme oriented (with a strong cohesive concept) to get any attention anymore. If she just releases an album of predictable songs, trying to keep up with the younger pop stars, she's just going to come off as if she's desperate for a hit. While I loved "Girl Gone Wild".... it was obvious that they were trying to cash in on the current sound in that genre. Unfortunately, it didn't become a hit for Madonna, but I am sure if it was recorded by some younger pop starlette it would have been huge.