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Posts posted by neutrocks
How did you know? I love ET as well. I guess that explains why I love Lady Gaga so much!!!
somebody ban this throll
LOL... yes, please ban a very active Madonna fan in Madonna topics who doesn't come in to bash Lady Gaga. Yes, that definitely counts as Troll.
I just love how people call for a banning simply because they don't agree with their views. I mean; you don't see me calling you "throll" and asking you to be banned when I rarely see you post in any Madonna topics.
I can't see my reflection, can you? Oh wait, did I respond before you edited your post. Damn me!!!
Good to know our mutual favorite entertainer can see her reflection...
Note to self: Send Hector a friend invite.
Well, I know how much you enjoy the "TRUTH".
First of all, you quoted me before I edited my post...realizing that it's no use trying to reason with you. And this post here just proves why.
Defensive.... we are the ones that are defensive? Ok, you keep thinking that baby.
But please, go on and keep lecturing us about freedom of speech. Put us in our place.
Ummm, how am I supposed to know your changing your damn post when I may be quoting it at the same time? I mean really?
And I don't have to lecture anyone about "freedom of speech".. .you and others keep screaming about it whenever someone dares to come into say something different than you. So stop being so damn hypocritical. And if you weren't being so defensive, why are you posting comments like this...
Just as a heads up, this is the - FLOP Princesses and Divas - section of the board. Just a reminder......If this justifies what you post then by all means don't let me stop you. However, you do know that if I posted a LADY GAGA appreciation thread in the GENERAL MUSIC forums people with your opinion would go ape shit in it, asking why such a thread exists and demand that it be deleted or locked. How can I be sure? It's been done recently. It was locked by HECTOR, saying to take it to "GAGA DAILY", etc. I only bring it up because a few people have told me to go open up my own appreciation thread. Simply said, it's not allowed. MPowered already did it.
PROOF: http://forums.madonnanation.com/index.php?showtopic=44930
The thing is I'm not interested in opening up such a thread. I'm just interested in saying my opinion as you seem to think you're entitled to do yourself.
She also got a writing credit for Don't Tell Me which was entirely written by Joe Henry. Enough said.
I don't know how my post have had a "sacastic" tone towards Madonna and her recent work. I don't see that. Neither should you. Unless you have a different definition for sarcasm (I think that's what you meant).
Why can't I come and critcize Madonna? And why is that criticism "grade A bullshit"?
Instead of being 3rd grader, argue against me. Show me what you've got. That's called discussion. Can you participate? Or just repeat what I've said and say "bullshit" in different ways? You're not putting much "effort" (
) into bringing something worthwhile this discussion.
You know what? I'm all for one expressing their opinion on a public forum, but it's pretty safe to say when you enter a community called MADONNANATION, it's expected you're gonna get some opposition from fans who question your motives and why you come here (with very few posts, I might add) and seem to be pointing out the negatives about Madonna rather your appreciation. Of course, I don't expect any fan to love everything she does, but it's just a bit peculiar that someone with less than 30 post (at the time of the post I'm quoting), has done more criticizing Madonna's career.
And yes, you implied I was trying to shame you for enjoying ROL, LAP and EROTICA. Yet, you turn around and pretty much did the same by stating that you're not some "brainwashed idiot" fan. You can say it was a general response, but again, the purpose of saying that was for what? Also, all your posts seem to keep criticizing Madonna while subtly making digs at her fans. Hmmm?
In other words, the woman has yet to enter a studio!!
Girl, call me when you hit that meeting. I got the Sexx Dreams choreo reworked & revamped.
Will do so! YOU MONSTER YOU!!!
I NEVER said that. I will repeat - I NEVER said that.
I simply said that people have the right to hate Gaga, and express that.
If you want to write essays in opposition of that - go ahead!!! I never said you couldn't. But hey, your response here says it all. You are more interested in being right yourself...and putting words in my mouth that I didn't even say...than actually reading what I wrote...
I will repeat - say whatever you like. Cool. But what you stated in your 1st paragraph is what others who think differently than you have the very same right to do too. And thus, one can say whatever we they in opposition...even if it's just to bash Gaga because they don't like her (for whatever reason). Freedom of speech goes both ways kiddo.
There are couple of other pop artists I really enjoy, and they get bashed to hell here because this is FLOP PRINCESSES AND DIVAS. So, I don't enter their threads. No use defending. I go enjoy their work, and leave those threads alone. Simple as pie.
Seems like you're quite familiar with writing essays yourself. LOL! You do realize I tend to kill many birds with one stones, and the fact this thread moves so fast, it's really hard to comment on every person trying to take a stab at me. So whether you said something directly or not I was referring to what you and others have band together for some time and said about numerous people who came in here to say anything about Gaga that doesn't agree with you. You keep screaming out that you're entitled to express your dislike for Gaga, but it seems you get all defensive when anyone says anything different than you. EXAMPLE: my posts!
Furthermore, I am not you. THANK GAWD!!! Just because you let people bash other artists you enjoy, doesn't mean I should do the same. Besides, it doesn't make it anymore right.
and the truth finally comes outI
I know right! Big ass MONSTER Alert!! Gosh, I love it! I'm thinking of attending the cult meeting in a few short hours. Maybe we all will get stark naked and prance around, singing "Applause" together. Can't wait!!! How sane!!!!!
If you can be sure of one thing about me, you can be sure that I won't ever be into Madonna for the sake of being into her. I'm not a brainwashed idiot who loves everything she does. She isn't perfect and I don't need or want her to be. I'm not devoted to her the way a lot of her fans are. I'm not directing this at anyone particular.
I never said she didn't put any effort into her most recent albums. What I said was that she put as little effort into them as she could get away with. The evidence is there for everyone to find if they want to see it. Glinda said something about no producer being unknown anymore. That's true. A lot of them are on Twitter, for example. Go ask that guy who wrote Girl Gone Vile how much of that song is written by him and what did Madonna do. Same with Masterpiece. Madonna got songwriting credits but it was quite obvious it was mostly if not completely written by the people she shared her GG with. Yes, you can point to individual songs that M had more input in but even they aren't really anything to write home about. And btw, isn't quite sad that you compare these recent albums and their creative process to Like a Virgin (the album)? Shouldn't we expect more from her now than what she did in the beginning of her career? Especially when she became a completely different artist than what she was in 1984.
Yes, I do think Ray of Light, Like a Prayer and Erotica are her best albums. You refer to that like it's something to be ashamed of. Anyway, I think it's quite clear that she put way more effort into those albums than she's put into her most recent works. She's got a family now. She's got kids. I respect she hasn't got as much time as she used to. But on the other hand, it's her job. If she does it badly or not as well as she can (and we all know she can do better than what she's done in recent years), I won't hesitate to say it.
And big yes to what vocalism and Nonoka have said.
Note BOLD, I stopped right there because I am not sure why that was even brought up. I never and I don't think anyone in this thread was talking about loving everything she did. In fact, I have said in this very thread how I am not a big fan of Erotica, but recognize her song writing talent on that album.
And I never said anyone should be ashamed for liking any album. Seems you're reading more into than what I said. But isn't that a bit hypocritical of you to even bring up since the part I bolded, you went on this rant about not loving everything she does and insinuating some of us are "brainwashed idiots" for being devoted fans?? Who is doing the "shaming" again??
The fact is you don't know anymore than the rest of us how much more effort and time she put into the last two albums compared to past albums. Just because you dislike an album of hers, doesn't mean she spent less time and effort on it.
Jesus tap dancing Christ! Who the fuck has the time to write long-winded essays responding to posts? It's "Gaga" for Christ's sake! Not a Nobel prize winner. God damn it! Mary, Joseph and boxed wine!
I kinda thought the same regarding the 30 million threads on bashing Gaga. I mean who has the time to keep going on and on about how much they hate someone, claiming to hate everything she does, yet knows every shit and sneeze she takes.? I mean "it's Gaga for Christ's sake, not a Nobel prize winner".
Here we go again...
MDNA is an album from an artist 30 years into her career and it wasn't promoted AT ALL. Artpop is an album from "the world's biggest star" who's 5 years into her career and it was overpromoted. That's why the 2 eras can't be compared and you know this. In the grand scheme of things Artpop IS a flop. MDNA flopped too but the circumstances were different.
You're not even reading what I'm posting. You're just twisting it to fit some argument you want to have with someone that isn't willing to jump on the band wagon here, bashing Gaga. In fact, if you CORRECTLY READ those posts I made which you insist that I was putting down Madonna, you would know that I was actually saying you couldn't compare those two albums. I wasn't the one who was comparing it. The person I originally quoted and various fans kept doing it before I enter the thread. I simply brought up the fact if you're going to insist Artpop is a flop, why not compare it to an album that has been out the same time as hers if not a shorter time span such as Beyonce, rather use an album like MDNA which has been out for nearly 2 years and the sales are very comparable to Artpop which has only been out for almost two months. As said before it's a poor example in proving Artpop is a flop when some are comparing an album that's been out nearly two years and hasn't sold that much more than Artpop.
If you're going to continue to badger me about my opinion at least read what I'm actually posting, rather making things up out of thin air to suit your defense in bashing Lady Gaga.
Watch Gags being weird around the very funny and gorgeous Sofia Vergara
In all honesty, Gags is an unpleasant person isn't she?
LOL... though, I feel she was giving Leno a hard time for asking if people thought there was some "Cougar thing going on" with Sofia's song. I mean that is a weird question to ask a mother of her son.
I think this time around there will actually be more time between the album release and the start of the tour. There is no Superbowl stress and no movie promotion in sight. And even if she has another cinematic project at heart, doubt she'll want to dedicate to it as much time as she did for W.E.
I also don't think that if she starts working on the album shortly, it will be out in March 2015 and then go on a tour in the summer. It usually takes 8-9 months between record conception/realisation and actual release. If she really is about to start working on a record as rumoured, the album will be out in the fall at the latest
I think she'll do more promotion than MDNA but people shouldn't expect her to whore it on every TV show imaginable. Madonna's career is so much bigger than that now
I never understood why it has to take that long. I do understand it's usually that way with a big artist like Madonna, but albums do not have to take that long to release, especially in this day and age, when many artists are releasing their music independently.
I suspect if she enters the studio anytime soon, she's already been listening to music demos and has who she wants to work with lined up. It's just a matter of getting everyone in the studio that wants to work with. Fall release seems likely at this point if she gets into the studio within the next month or two.
That's the exact reason i called him annoying, because he was putting Madonna down in favor of Gaga, i HATE that. Artpop and MDNA are two eras that just can't be compared. So Pink Matter you should stop this "he called him annoying because he doesn't hate Gaga as much as the others" thing, it has nothing to do with it.. I totally respect Madonna fans having different opinions but putting her down in favor of someone like Gaga is completely ridiculous and disrespectful.
I never once put Madonna down in favor of Gaga. You just didn't like the fact I actually pointed out that Artpop is doing slightly better (at this time) within the first two months of it going on sale, then MDNA has been out for two years. I pointed out that comparing the two is a bad example to prove Artpop is flopping. That's a fact. I'm not putting Madonna down. But feel free to twist it how you like.
Come on Neutrocks, I don't understand how you as a Madonna fan could find it so hard to see why so many people don't like her. I respect that you like her ( even though you say you are not a fan ) but just have a look at her Howard Stern interview. I don't even know why I am bothering saying this again but it is just so obvious how manipulative, shady and false she is.
Anyway, if you are going to call Madonna fans Monsters, we will be adorable monsters not little monsters.
How cute these Monsters are. Nothing like the little monsters at all !
Obviously I was joking! I was only responding to Pink Matters post which mocks the fact that anyone who shows any positive interest in Lady Gaga, is called a monster. And be careful what you say, you don't want to be accused of "repeating" yourself and saying the same things over and over. I mean how many freaking times have you said how "shady" she is. GOSH!!!
(Again, just joking!)
The thing is that I don't pay enough attention to Lady Gaga to care about the supposed "shady" crap everyone talks about in here. I recognize she's quite eccentric... or maybe "Kooky" is a better word. LOL! I like a few of her songs.
Also, I never said I find it hard why some Madonna fans don't like her. Obviously, there are some things she said that seemed pretty disrespectful towards Madonna that I didn't like. And her whole Artpop era seems to be a mess to me. But wait, I think I said this already. Gosh, I better "shut up" since I'm repeating myself now. LOL!
I'm going to accuse you of being a little monster!
I think everyone posting in this thread is secretly in denial of being a monster. Rampage schizo as this...
I like Bad Romance, Just Dance and Poker Face but sometimes in the middle of these songs I'm reminded of how annoying Lady Gaga really is and I have to change the song immediately, it happens more when she starts oversinging/screaming.
I have to agree to some degree. She does have a nice voice when she's singing and I do understand why she does those crazy voices to be more theatrical but on Artpop, it seems she's flipped her lid. DWUW is pretty much the only song I can stand to listen to completely through. "Just Dance" is the only album I can listen to completely through.
Here's another decent Megamix...
uou! Another gym! So exciting
It's not necessarily a thrilling venture for me, but I have no issue with her opening more gyms. Not sure why so many people are surprised as she's getting older, she's lending her name/persona to products and opening up gyms. She's always been an entrepreneur. It's obvious she knows she needs to keep the money moving and keep investing. She's a smart business woman. I can see her investing in more films as well (as producer). If I was in her shoes, I would keep finding more investments that I am interested in. Her being so fit and an exerciseholic, it makes total sense to open gyms and lend her name out to exercise routines. Why not? There are plenty of people would love to do her routines to stay in shape.
What about her condoms?
I don't believe this is really officially something she endorsed, but since they used her name and image, she must be getting paid for it.
As for the original question, I think it's fine she uses names of her songs/movies/album titles for her brand products. It's easier associated since everyone knows many of these names such as "Material Girl" which is probable the tag name most associated to Madonna the most. I'm a bit surprised she actually used that name because she was quite apprehensive about the song as her career went on, and hated performing it.
Truth or Dare was a perfect name for her perfume. I'm surprised it wasn't taken before her.
ya i just named called cuz i knew it would get a reaction from the weak, and of course here u are proving my point of quoting everyone making a spectuale of urself,
ROTFL!! You seem to have that backwards. But I'm not gonna waste my time with you because it actually takes a stronger person to rise above such juvenile behavior.
So since I'm being accused of being a "Monster", I might as just post what I do like. Here's a megamix of some of her older songs that I actually do love...
I enjoyed neutrocks's posts, it's interesting to see a different point of view.
We don't have to agree with what he's saying but I think he has a right to express his point of view.
Thank you very much.
HOLY FUCK GET A FUCKIN SENSE OF HUMOUR WHAT ARE YOU 100?// AND STOP POSTING IN HERE PROBLEM SOLVED DUMMY...u take every single thing somebody says and u twist it and u freak out over it...like only ur opinion matters...get a grip...u have the freedom to express what u want but not the freedom from the consequences bitch...i was talkin in general and making fun of the horrible situation...u take everything in here literally like ur the king shit, who cares...then u have to insist on fucking talking to everyone and quoting them like ur so important, lol get over urself.
go on and make ur own damn I LOVE lady gags thread. but nope u still wont shut up, lol.
Wow! And you're saying I'm taking things far too seriously and twisting things? WOW
go on and make ur own damn I LOVE lady gags thread. but nope u still wont shut up, lol.As I pointed out earlier that if I dared post such a thread you and others would just come in and trash it. And while I wouldn't object your opinion, I find it very hypocritical of you and others to insult me and basically tell me to get the fuck out and if I said the same to you in a thread I STARTED praising Lady Gaga, you wouldn't leave and still say your peace.
Though, I don't love Lady Gaga, and if you actually read anything I said, you would know that and that I'm not here praising her. You're just saying all this shit because you don't like my points I'm making. Tough cookies for you because I have every right to say I like Gaga or what not!
She just needs to stay away from easy rhyming couplets and cheesy metaphors.
"like a moth to flame I'm so tired of playing this game"
Yeah, we sure wouldn't want her to go back to rhyming her lyrics and metaphores like she did in
Lucky Star
Live To Tell
Where's The Party
Into the Groove
the whole Erotica album.
and the list goes on....
Lady Gaga: Karma called and her name is Lina Morgana.
in MadonnaNation Hall of Fame
I truly believe Realityisalways now. No one is reading past my first lines in my posts.