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Posts posted by neutrocks
"beware of Evil Tongue ! Assassinating a persons character is a form of Murder!"
That's very sweet of Don McLean
i can just imagine if she decided to cover KISS or Rolling Stones, you would have Gene and Mick calling her a two bit whore. I give the song 6.5/10, film clip 8/10 ( very spot on) my only dissointment is the fact that that dick head Rupert had anything to do with it!
I'm not sure Mick Jagger would say that of Madonna. Maybe I missed something, but I had thought Mick actually liked Madonna. Though, I know Gene has had said non-favorable things about Madonna in more recent years. I believe he got bent out of shape when she got inducted in the R&R HALL OF FAME
His voice doesn't fit very well, it's obviously that M's version was inspired on this one but M's is way better.
I think you have to be open to the interpretation. We all tend to favor Madonna, so hearing an unknown song like this for the first time, many usually gravitate to the first version they heard which they liked. I think this version is very close to Madonna's unlike the original. I like the original as well.
Hoping Madonna has made a studio version or plans to do so. I bet she would sound beautiful on a studio track.
I don't get the hate either.
The original version was boring and long.
Madonna reinvented it and made it short and sweet.
I always thought that of the original version, and when Madonna covered it, I think she did it justice and edited it down perfectly. Don Mclean even approved. I will admit though, part of me wishes she did cover the complete song.
And I don't get why people say this is her "worst cover"? She's done very few covers as it is. This is actually quite good. It basically remained true to the original, but had a fresh updated sound to it. She sings great on this version.
and long before Gene Simmons, this genius here:
Ha! I wished I had thought of this one. Hilarious!
Sad to see the tone of this board head south now that a couple of negative reviews have come in. There were 27 pages of absolute positivity until a couple of media outlets bashed her. Who really cares what others thInk? I'm more than happy with her creative output. She's 55 years old for fucks sake and 30 years into her career. Get over it!
strange? I don't see a huge negativity towards this project at all in the media..it barely got mentioned.
And I agree. If any attention was given to her during this time, it's how she was dressed and who she was taking photos with at the premiere. Cue... Sean Penn!
Sad to see the tone of this board head south now that a couple of negative reviews have come in. There were 27 pages of absolute positivity until a couple of media outlets bashed her. Who really cares what others thInk? I'm more than happy with her creative output. She's 55 years old for fucks sake and 30 years into her career. Get over it!
Exactly. I notice this with almost anything she does anymore. And what amazes me as while I truly believe that she's hit the time in her life that her popularity in the entertainment scene isn't what it used to be, she's still one of the few musicians still manages to gain a lot of attention for everything she does. I accept #1 singles/top 40 songs/mega album sales aren't in her future anymore. She has had a huge career. Very few have and will accomplish as much as she's done. At this point, I just enjoy the ride. She sounds better than ever. She looks fantastic for her age. She still doesn't give a fuck what people say and does what she wants. And lastly SHE'S MADONNA!!!!!!!!
This video cracks me up.... seeing how Mercy seems to be in her own world and Madonna comes up behind her to push her along.
And you people going on about her mid section and arms, give it a rest. She's not gaining weight/pregnant. She's dressed casually in layers. The arms are obviously very relaxed.
"We spend more time when we thrive off of negativity, off bashing people more than we do, praising people than loving people. We've got to change that. And I think this is a great way to start."
Too bad her own fans can't even "see and learn from it."
blogging is overrated nowadays. Everyone think they can be critic, while they're not.
Not sticking up for that blog, but yes "everyone" can be a critic. In fact, I prefer a true fan be true and honest about their favorite artist than some known writer who may have something against an artist or someone simply is writing their comments to throw shade on someone because they dislike them or what not. There is no license on being a critic. It's obvious some people didn't like what they read at that blog, and that's fine, but it doesn't make them a horrible person for sharing their opinion.
Anyway, I thought The Secret Project: Revolution was very good, thought provoking and honest about how many see the world today. She's obviously not living in a box. She actually cares even if some try to pick at her being misguided or hypocritical.
The interview makes more sense than what was represented in the film/short docu... It was shot in a beautiful way and M looks good but that's it!
The film is there to invoke... inspire people to stand up and fight for their freedoms and right to express themselves. The interview is to give a detailed reasoning behind it. Some may say "Why explain it? Let the film speak for itself", but unfortunately you have to spell it out to a lot of people or they will twist it into something it's not. Some are doing that now without seeing the interview, so it's good that the bundle torrent did include the interview. Some will do it no matter what.
It just amazes me to hear and see her speak so elogantly and intelligently about the political climate of the world, when I still can remember a young Michigan girl, flippantly saying "I want to Rule the World"nearly 30 years ago. Look how far she has come. And it's so cool to see her doing something that has no financial gain and about making a change and bringing people together. I appreciate how she is using her influence and fame to try to make a positive change.
Here's a recap of the night, per Vanity Fair
Thank you.
Can someone shed some light on what happened at the premeiere last night of the film. I know she was on stage and performed a cover of "Between the Bars" where Rocco danced behind/beside her. But was it just that or was there more? At the end, I saw all these half dressed dancers that I didn't see before the peformance. Was there something more before the song? How long was it? Is there a video of the full premiere other than just the performance of the song?
Do you really need to have someone explicitly tell you the point of a piece of art to get the message? It can be conveyed visually, musically, the possibilities are endless, and she's done it repeatedly throughout her career. Instead of erotic stories, did you need to read pages upon pages of Madonna preaching, "We should respect everyone's sexuality. Everyone is different. These things exist. Open your eyes" throughout the Sex book? Did you need to hear her talking about racism during "Like a Prayer"? What about "Express Yourself"? Wasn't the image of her chained to the bed enough? Or did you need to hear her saying "I'm chained to my own desires?" And was the quote at the end enough or did she have to spell everything out? IMO the difference between those pieces of art is that she had a message and conveyed it through the work. With this, it just feels like she set out to make a "Political Statement."
You can argue that there's no room for subtlety here, that her message is so important that she just had to be explicit about it. Fine, I disagree, but at least then we'd be having a conversation rather than simply insulting people for having a different opinion.
Well obviously you have it all figured out. So why not put your own words/ideas to creating something that you think gets her message across if not your own, in the style you suggest? After all, Madonna is providing a platform for you to do so @ http://artforfreedom.com/
What I find interesting is that a number of people can sit here and criticize ..., (oh pardon me, I'm sorry, I mean... share their opinion of how she's doing it wrong or should do it) but contribute nothing to show they can do any better. I'm not trying to berate you or even say you're wrong, but too many spend so much time criticizing what she is doing, but I ask, what the hell are you doing in your life that gives you the authority to say she's expressing her message all wrong? For this specific project, I'd say it's pretty safe to say "put up or shut up!" Madonna's giving YOU a platform to contribute, so since you seem to think you have a better idea in how she should convey her message, then create something, rather sitting here, criticizing her work of art to help make the world a better place.
Once again, that website is: http://artforfreedom.com/
Told my mum that it was cancelled in Paris and she said its that bich Le Pen! See even she knows! I think Ms SP has come at the right time
If that was really so, then the first two would have been cancelled too. It's obviously due to the late hour it was being shown. It's still unfortunate. I'm not sure if this is really to do with "censorship", rather a dumb law that is being enforced.
has she released the code yet!??!
there i downloaded the bittorrent bundle thingie and its now on my computer?!
It's not available until 9 pm Pacific time.
Ok, I know Im gonna get a lot of hate for this but. Is it bad that I fast forwarded the whole clip after watching a minute of it? Visually what I saw looked beautiful but I'm just bored. This kind of thing has been done by her many times before and others as well in recent years. Maybe I'm just looking for something more light hearted, fun, and fluffy in this time where all the headlines on TV are negative. Bored.....didn't excite me.
So you got that all from one minute? Wow!!! The film isn't about being "negative". It's to make you aware that you aren't a robot and can make a change. Certainly, people have expressed this before, but to what extent? I've yet to see anything like this by anyone.
"Check Out My Facebook soon and I will Reveal Locations. Are you with me Mon. And Tues.?#secretprojectrevolution"
Ha! I believe those are her "grills" in the middle of that map. She's hilarious.
Well, there's always Daily Motion:
The thing is that this was Madonna's show, not M.I.A.'s. Madonna was gracious to invite her to come along for the ride. The Superbowl has always been a family oriented past time. I'm not saying that NFL football is all flowers and honey, but the fact is Madonna's mission was to deliver a clean show. Madonna knew this wasn't the place to fuck around and offend people. What M.I.A. did was quite disrespectful. It's not that America is uptight, it's the fact that you don't go around flipping off a majority of American people who watch a highly rated televised event without expecting a backlash.
I don't think Madonna even cares as much as the press and anyone is trying to make it. I don't believe she really is angry at M.I.A., and she has moved on from it. However, M.I.A. still took advantage of a moment and offended a lot of people. It may merely be a middle finger. It may not offend you, but I'd think as Madonna fans one would be a bit outraged that M.I.A. did take advantage to simply make an ignorant gesture that really had nothing to do with what was going on. Just because Madonna has had a history of being controversial, doesn't make it right for M.I.A. to purposely take this moment and offend a huge majority of viewers. Someone has to pay the piper. Madonna did nothing wrong, other than trust a fellow musician to act respectable at a national past time. The last thing Madonna wants to do is piss off an organization that has a much stronger fan base than she has in the U.S.
The only negative's I have against Madonna since the Superbowl are, not releasing Gang Bang and making a kickass video, and not doing Falling Free on her tour.
Oh, I'd love "Falling Free" on tour, but as for the video for Gang Bang (as much as I would love to have one) it would have cost more money to produce than just raking in the money she got from the tour. I guess some fans could have said why not just invest the money into "Gang Bang" rather do the "Secret Project", but to me these are two different things. She's trying to reach out to the world with a more universal message. "Gang Bang" would pretty much appeal to her fans.
I agree with this, except only that I feel she's more accepted and successful at delivering music. I think that we, as fans of all her projects, can agree that sometimes her most mixed messages come in the form of her music, which may be why she's STILL misunderstood by the general public
I guess I worded it funny, but I don't disagree. I guess what I meant is that Madonna isn't the person she is today simply because of her music. Of course, she's more accepted and successful when it comes to delivering music, but I feel there is more to Madonna than just the music. That's what I love about her. Yes, her music comes first with me. But I realized from day one in the mid 80's when becoming a fan, she was going to do more than just music. And to be in the business this long without exploring other ways in sharing her message, would be insane. She is definitely an artist who is inspired by what is going on currently in life if not in her own life. Having children has definitely upped the anti with her. The world matters to her, so doing things to appeal to the younger generation or show she cares about things that is beyond her personal life is very commending on her part. She's becoming more and more like what John Lennon was trying to do back in the 70's, but in a more modern way.
in ARCHIVE - Madonna
For some Madonna fans, if it was anyone else but Madonna, they'd agree.