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Posts posted by neutrocks
I don't think it was recorded in time for TB. I think that ETYBMY and Spotlight were both recorded deliberately for You Can Dance. She only wanted one song and chose Spotlight. So she gave Each Time to Nick Kamen. I prefer ETYBMH and wish she'd kept it for herself.
It was recorded during the TB sessions, but didn't make the cut. Thank goodness because "as is" it doesn't sound up to par to what was included on TB, even with "Jimmy Jimmy" and "Love..." coming off as the weakest tracks. I think Nick's version sounds better than Madonna's, but then again, hers was in demo format, so who knows if she would have punch it up more.
As for "Love Won't Wait"... I love her version best. I wish she had released it and had a hit with it rather than Gary, even though he did a nice job with his version.
"Jump", "Sorry" and "Push" are definitely my three top favs from the Confessions album. They were so crazy for waiting so long to release this especially when it was tied to a pretty successful film months earlier. It should have definitely become the third single, rather fourth.
I find it interesting how this was the album she was supposed to stay away from sex and religous controversy, but she still kinda brought it (low key) with Bedtime Stories. Maybe the album didn't become her most successful, but it did fairly well, considering.
Madonna is her own person. Always been. She's influenced by her life and what's around her. Certainly, her children does influence her to create. And I'm sure as they get older they are able to introduce her to ideas and sounds that she may not have experienced. So yes, I think Lourdes could have some influence on Madonna, but I can say the same of anyone she's surrounded by. I don't buy that Madonna is lead blindly by anyone, even her closest family or friends.
Not a new fan here either, but I didn't become a Madonna loon until "Live To Tell". Knew of her and liked some of her earlier hits, especially "Into The Groove". I remember sitting by the radio, in the mid 80's with my stereo tape deck, trying to record her earlier songs off the radio (among other artists). Her look in the "Live to Tell" video captivated me. I didn't think too much of her look before then, but recall all the girls dressing like her until she changed her look. I had siblings that liked her before "True Blue", but then wasn't really a fan by then. It was during the "True Blue" era that I had noticed her male fan base was increasing.
I remember being shocked by two albums I wasn't aware of that were being released. The first was the "You Can Dance" EP. I remember walking into a record store during the holiday season in '87, and freaking out at the "You Can Dance" EP cover. I remember buying it right away, and my parents asked "why didn't you put it on your Christmas list". Sorry, there was no waiting for it. HA!!!
The second album I was totally out of the loop was "Bedtime Stories". For some reason, I was so busy in my life, that I hadn't seen anything about her releasing an album until a few weeks before, when I saw MTV play a special called "Body Of Work", which at the end, it previewed the new album and included clips of interviews she was doing at the time.
Nothing really has "shocked" me about Madonna, other than maybe her doing children books. Though, I can't say I was really shocked and it made sense at the time, but I guess it humored me that she put out a coffee book, showing her muff, etc. and then ten years later released children books. I guess the closest to anything shocking me is her many transformations regarding her looks. The two that stand out to me is her new look in '86 for the True Blue era which coined the "The New Madonna" phrase and then a few years later when she went brunette for the Like A Prayer album.
I can't fanthom just being a fan of certain albums of hers, but I guess it comes down to age and how long one has been a fan. I've notice a lot of newer fans only enjoy her albums usually after ROL. It's ashame because before ROL, Madonna was like whole different entity. The 80's was an awesome time to be a fan of hers. She was everywhere. Radio would play every song they could. In fact, I have to laugh at people who bash other female pop stars who they claim are over rated or over exposed. The same was said of Madonna back then. I remember a lot of people claiming she won't last and even claimed Cyndi Lauper would end up being far more popular and successful. And the horrible names she was called back then... very reminencence of what I hear even Madonna fans call a lot of the current female pop acts today.
I guess "True Blue" stands out as the epitome of all Madonna albums for me. It's when I became a fan. Though, when I went back to explore her first two albums which I heard most of the songs prior anyway, there was no doubt I loved them just as much. I will admit that I was bit turned off by the EROTICA album at first. I remember listening to it for the first time and was a bit bored by it. And I did think that by then, she was pushing "sex" too much. Though, after a few more listens, I got on board. I was right in line to get the "Sex book". Still, have it stored away. In the end, it is the whole "True Blue" era that I hold dear in my heart. I loved the whole look and the album. She reached Mega star status with that album. She was big as Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen and Tina Turner at the time. The 80's gave birth to the MEGA STARS and not since then have I seen any new acts come close to being called that.
Been a fan nearly 30 years. No point in stopping now. I can understand loosing interest, but it has to be for something/someone that I haven't favored for a long time. At this point, Madonna's done it all. I grew up with her. There's no turning back now.
This is one of her best from her new album. Could be a huge hit for her if radio wasn't stuck on playing under 30 crowd. Definitely could be a hit on the Adult Contemporary stations/charts.
Kate Bush is shitty brit singer. 2 good songs maybe
Don't forget, she's a POP singer too.
You just now figured that out?
Actually... no.
It's all in the Pepsi advertisements, they were going to sponsor a 1989 tour. (BA would later be sponsored by Pioneer)
If Pepsi didn't pull the commercial and cancel the deal, Madonna wouldn't have taken on the role of Breathless Mahoney in Dick Tracy, and there wouldn't have been a need to dye her hair.
Not true, in fact, Just as the album was about to come out, she spoke to Rolling Stone in early '89, she was about dye her hair for DICK TRACY. This (the actual interview took place) was before LIKE A PRAYER the song and the Pepsi video was released. She filmed "Express Yourself" when she was in early stages of DICK TRACY. She had every intention to do DICK TRACY before touring. I just don't think she thought that far ahead regarding the tour and maybe thought she'd start the tour later in '89.
I believe there were supposed to be follow up Pepsi commercials which featured follow up singles.
EDIT... I just saw Matt commenting the same.
First of all I am English (the same country Kate is from) and here she is considered a mainstream artist. She is featured in popular publication and popular media. She is a pop artist. That's the end of that. Art rock is a genre but there's no such thing as an art rock artist. The term would be art rocker.
She is more closely related to progressive rock sonically but it is not a genre that Kate belongs to entirely. Her influences are varied and yet somewhat ambiguous. Genres are fucking pointless anyway and were only designed to MARKET music. The genre of ART ROCK itself is actually rather hypocritical. Somebody willing to extend limitations by defining themselves with a genre? Well, most decent artists can't define themselves that way and it's up to record labels to promote such terms because they appeal to the lowest common denominator record buyer with a small mind. Kate Bush performed on Top of the Pops like four or five times, didn't she? She's a pop artist. It's not up for discussion.
Good gawd. You have to so confrontational and RIGHT all the time. No room for discussion because whatever you discuss you're right and no one else isn't. Not only that, you must always insert a dig or a personal insult as well.
by the way, you're full of shit! THE END (period)!
I'm not sure why we are arguing about Kate Bush in this thread, but... Kate Bush is NOT a "pop star", nor was she in the 80's. She's always been referred as an "alternative and progressive rock" artist and was only mainstream to that genre... usually geared towards college students particularly in the 80's... and onwards. She was also one of the first to embrace videos even before the MTV generation. She usually made sophisticated videos before most were doing them. And yes, "ART ROCK" does exist which she has been categorized under....
What is it with Cher and all the Madonna praising lately?
Maybe she's always appreciated her and has been quite envy of her. I know that sounds a bit strange since we're talking about Cher, who did it all herself and then some. When she commented (not so nicely in the earlier 90's), I felt a bit of envy coming from her. I felt like she was hoping to buddy up with Madonna and she felt Madonna snubbed her.
But yeah, that's obviously buried and under the bridge. People change.
Any artist who goes in and has great input in the music direction of a song, whether it's the melody or sound, has every right to be credited as the "song writer". I think the majority of Madonna fans know she isn't a music composer. She couldn't go into a music studio and come up with a song on her own. However, she can offer a melody that can be built on or someone like Leonard (and many of her other collaborators) will provide a demo to her and she suggest changes or offer input in what she wants the song to sound like. Her biggest contribution to many of her songs are the lyrics. To me, without the lyrics (unless it's an intended instrumental), it's not a complete song. So if someone writes lyrics to a composed song, then you should be credited as the song writer as well. Madonna obviously knew from the get-go that if she wanted credit for any songs, she had to put in some input in how the song should go after the demo stages.
I'm betting Madonna probably doesn't care so much about getting this "songwriting" award like Leonard. Every time, someone asks her about her awards, she acts like they are thrown in a closet somewhere and not really a huge satisfaction to her.
As for the two working together, I'd love for them to work on another pop album, but it will never be close to what they did together back in the day. To me, it's like beating a dead horse, and I think the two probably have exhausted each other out for new ideas, but it's not impossible. I just don't believe anything do from this point on will be as well accepted or successful as their previous collabs.
Miley at VMA'S - I have never seen Madonna on stage wanting dick so much... Miley was like a prostitute...
I think you're taking what Miley did a little too seriously. She was just acting silly and having fun. Calling Miley a "prostitute" is a bit extreme and pretty hilarious coming from a MADONNA fan when all through the 80's, Madonna was criticized how she was dressed (or not dressed) and parading around half naked in her videos. The VMA's aren't the Grammys or Oscars. Outrageous stuff is expected on that show. The 80's and early 90's was full of that. Ever since that, it seems an act is always using the VMA's to do something outrageous. Miley managed to grab the most attention. This performance will be one of the few performances in the last ten years which will always be talked about, much like Madonna's first VMA performance and the kiss with Brit and Christina, and many other stunts throughout the years.
SEX book was vulgar. Especially the texts.
But that is the only great sexual thing she used to provoke. Maybe she has crossed the line...
On the other hand, it wasn't pornography, it was erotica. Erotica is a mix of art and sex. Her book was shot in black and white, the pics have retro vibe...
If some other singer would make Sex book, I doubt it would be like Madonna's. The artistic element would be missing.
Miley at VMA'S - I have never seen Madonna on stage wanting dick so much... Miley was like a prostitute...
My point is that I don't disagree with what you say of Madonna, but the way you bash Miley is pretty much what people did of Madonna. A lot of connections were made with Marilyn Monroe and Madonna back in the 80's and most definitely the picture you paint of Madonna vs. Miley today was very similar how Madonna was compared/contrasted to Marilyn Monroe and previous pop/rock stars who were said to have done it better than Madonna.
You obviously don't like Miley. Again, that's you're choice, but the truth is, Miley is doing very much what Madonna did, but maybe pushing it more further... as Madonna did back in the day. 30 years later, Madonna is far more respected in the music business and now every little pop princess that comes along that tries to cross the boundaries gets compared to Madonna. Most of them get criticized/bashed just like Madonna.
And sorry to say, but Madonna was called a "tramp" long before the Sex/Erotica album. It was officially made in '90 when she did "Justify My Love", but even in the mid 80's, she was referred to being something similar.
Behind SEX book, there was music masterpice called Erotica.
She has always doing great pop music. People accused her for selling albums through scandals, whhich isn't true.
Many singers have to shock, because they make crap, and being provocative is the only way to stay on top.
Madonna has always been a perfectionist. She didn't just make an album and then decide to show her vagina to the whole world...
And a lot of people has said that of Madonna as you say of Miley. My point... you obviously aren't a Miley fan. That's fine. But it's all subjective. To me, what Miley is doing now and what Madonna has done is quite similar. The difference is, it was MORE shocking when Madonna did it, because it wasn't something you normally saw of a Pop star at the time. Miley and any other female pop star doing it, will always be compared to Madonna because she pretty much paved the way for Miley and others to get away with it, and maybe try to push the envelope more. That's what Madonna did back then, and people pretty much said the same of Madonna as you say of Miley today.
People compare every female singer to Madonna, if they are sexually provocative.
Yes, Madonna was also sexually provocative, but she always does it in a smart way.
LAV at VMA'S - erotic elements
Miley at VMA'S -pornography
It is a huge difference.
ROTFL.... Madonna doing "SEX" book. A lot of fans and Madonna will call it "art". Many others would call it "pornography". Look, I don't disagree that Miley isn't tramping up her image, but let's not pretend Madonna didn't either. I prefer to say she did it for "art", but good gosh, I really don't see much difference in what Miley is doing and what Madonna has been doing all these years to gain attention.
Miley is only popular because she has become another music prostitute.
It is annonying when people compare her to Madonna. Madonna was also showing her body, but when she was doing it she also was delivering great music.
Miley is showing her body, because that is the only way she can top the charts.
C'mon, who are you trying to convince here? You're talking to a Madonna fanbase. I don't get why you and others have to make this some kinda contest as if Madonna did it better. Certainly, as a fan we will favor Madonna, BUT.... trying to say Madonna did it, "delivering great music" is soooooooooo subjective. Not that I disagree. Though, the fact is a lot of people were saying similar things about Madonna back in the day, and still bash her today. A lot of people said Madonna's music was/is mediocre at best and she tramped up her image to get people to notice her. Madonna certainly had the ability to do it her way and not care what people think. Miley seems to be taking a page from Madonna whether it's intentional or just her style. Whatever the case, it's working, and I really don't see much beyond that comparison!
Miley is obviously just having the time of her life and doing what SHE wants to do. And with all the press she's getting over her stunts, I say good on her. I appreciate that she isn't making excuses for what she does. She does it, and when asked about it, she has no shame to admitting that she's acting a fool for fun. She's highly entertaining and has put together pretty decent new album with much versatility to it. She seems to have a similar attitude Madonna has regarding her detractors and successfully grabbing enough attention to her music. I just laugh at the people who bad mouth her and call her slut and what not. Madonna got the same treatment and look where she's at. Yet, all at the same time, I think she's carving out her own milestones and not trying to copy anyone.
Why did people used to call Madonna chubby? I know loads of people say it, but when was Madonna ever like fat or chubby? Obviously she became more toned and muscular over time, but she's never been what I'd consider fat
Madonna was never chubby, but early on while rising to fame, between '83 and '85 before meeting Sean, she even considered herself "chubby". Her face was more fuller (like we see her these days) and she was less toned. Prior to her fame, when struggling she was quite skinny, but if you compare early pre-fame and after the Virgin era, you can clearly see she wasn't as skinny as she became by late '85 and early '86. This is when she started running and working out more.
Anyway, she looked awesome at the premiere.
ONE tweet that contained a google stock photo! it was freaky tiny as well. it was so obviously not self-created. It was a JOKE.
I do understand why you're disappointed that your work didn't get notice, but just because you feel that "stock photo" was "obviously not self-created", means Madonna was as observant. You have to remember, she must have gotten thousands if not more submissions. I'm sure far more than we've all seen. I'm sure it was quite overwhelming for her. And the truth is, she couldn't respond to everyone. You gotta be realistic here.
Madonna is really extending herself here. This is a rare treat to see her get so involved with the fans like this. 25 years ago, if you approached her on the street, you'd most likely get blown off by her. This is a different side of Madonna that we haven't seen. Of course, she has an agenda, but it's in good intention. It's obvious this "Art For Freedom" is important to her. I'm sure if she could respond to every serious inquiry/submission, she'd do so.
I see your point but people are going to use it against Madonna. For the medias and haters one less record = one more weapon against her. I can already see people saying how a "real artist" got a more successful tour than the "old talentless has been", i just HATE that. I really wanted her to keep that record...
Like who? Only the rabid fans care. So yeah, I suspect someone from another fan base who is trying to discredit her, will "used it against Madonna", but in the grand scheme of things, no one will care. The fact is that she is a force to be reckon with regarding touring at this time.
Ugh i wanted her to keep the record for any solo artist!! But i guess that's what happen when some artist go on tour for 8551961949841 dates...
Honestly, I don't understand the animosity from some. Obviously, the guy is working his ass off on the same tour. Most artists get bored just within six months of their tour, (i.e.: Madonna) so I think it's quite the accomplishment for someone to continue to tour so long and rake in so much money, even if it is in three years time. There are entertainers who wished they earned that kinda money in five years time.
There's only so much you can learn in one place
in ARCHIVE - Madonna
I kinda felt the whole album including "Sorry" was going for an early 80's sound.