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Posts posted by Mats

  1. That's not even funny at all. Anybody that TRULY feels that way and is still here IS pathetic sorry. Whoever wrote that DOES NOT hold her in high regard at all, maybe they once did but that was OBVIOUSLY a long time ago. Seriously why even be a fan of somebody you you have no admiration or respect for currently.

    admiration comes and goes. who knows, maybe her next project will be something of her best. looking at the latest project though... well I don't see it happen. bitch needs to take a break and get real.

    by the way that's how I feel. I am allowed to. I don't have to categorically love Madonna just to be here. fair play to me, eh?

  2. Hello suckers,

    Another year, another £10 billion banked.

    Thanks to everyone who bought Celebration. It was a great way of making royalties from some of the 80s stuff I recorded that people stopped buying two decades ago.

    A lot of effort went into the remastering of these tracks - my thanks go to the National Association Of The Deaf for their contribution.

    Likewise, remastering the videos worked so well. The videos turned out so grainy, they made my face back then look like it does now.

    It was brilliant taking Sticky And Sweet back on the road. Part two enabled us to visit so many countries I haven't been to, for people who were previously unable to witness first time round what a steaming pile of shit the 2008 gigs were.

    I loved making the video for Celebration. It was the most fun I'd had in 20 minutes since I made the Jump video.

    I've decided not to make a video for my next single, the Frida Kahlo and Maya Angelou inspired Revolver. With such deep, pure and kaballah-esque lyrics like 'I shoot em bang bang' I don't believe any video could do the poetry of these words justice. Besides, my directors of choice, The Cheeky Girls, were not available.

    I made a great friend in lady GaGa this year. Her success, ear for a good melody and gift of self promotion has inspired me to put my ear to the ground and work some of the most cutting edge yet unknown producers available. So I have pencilled in studio time with Jam and Lewis, Jermaine DuPri, Red One and George Martin for the new year.

    I can't wait for 2010. I have my eye on a spastic in Kenya, a dwarf in Istanbul and a syphillis-ridden ladyboy in Thailand I'm planning on buying to complete my Benneton family.

    Love to you all (who spend your money on me)


  3. if youre comparing one of the most celebrated american artists of the 20th century to cartoon network, i would say, YES - DO YOUR HOMEWORK. or you look like a stupid fool. the choice is yours.

    you want madonna to be something shes not to fit your world. youre going into her world. dont ask her to change it. change your world.

    Sorry for not knowing everything about anything American.

    And of course we can't have a stupid fool like me interacting with all the Einsteins that make up this forum. I'll retreat to my tower :electropop:

  4. Pud, I do not need to do my homework on Madonna, cause I don't feel the need to know every detail. I have never heard of this Keith but thanks for informing me.

    And I don't mind all the bits with guitar but stuff like Ray Of Light, which is really getting old, and Hung Up I don't like in the slightest.

  5. I also don't like the guitar parts but c'mon... she's a 50yo lady... not an athlete 25 yo... so what is your suggestion she would do then? Because you can't honestly say she would dance for every song? She's not a robot you now..

    I never said she had to dance all the time.

  6. Damn! lol

    Can't blame someone for tryin huh?? :)

    Well, hopefully when you see it on the DVD (assuming we GET a DVD) you'll like it more! :thumbsup:

    And yeah, Vogue looks like it's to die for. One of the best ones amazingly....after all these years.

    Of course they'll release a DVD (and it better be blu-ray!).

    I am just really hating all the guitar she's sporting. No Madge, you are NOT a rock chick. Also the videos seem so... cheap. Just take a look at Into The Groove. It's Cartoon Network.

  7. Awww....can't please everybody I guess. :(

    I hope you didn't get tickets! And if you did, you could be a good fan and just GIVE them to me since the show is so bad. Wouldn't you feel bad selling overpriced tickets to a fellow fan to such a bad show?? C'mon gain some karma points!! :)

    Hahaha. No I didn't get tickets. If I had tickets I guess I would go but with very very low expectations. I am completely underwhelmed. God I love the choreography for Vogue though, it is so hot.

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