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Supreme Elitists
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Posts posted by Nessie

  1. :clap::clap::clap: WOW, WOW, AND A BIG FRIGGIN' WOWWWWW!!!! That's what I have to say after witnessing Madonna last night at MSG! I truly was impressed this go around (as I was with COADF). One thing that immediately struck me and I think it was said here before, was how the "dancers" really took a back-seat to the BIG M. This show was all about her, her and MORE her. Her voice was in top-notch form and her energy level was bloody fantastic!

    The sound system was great too, much less muffled than on the COAF tour. Also, the set seemed a lot smaller to me than previous shows, which was kind of nice. It really felt like one of M's shows from years ago, somewhere between Who's That Girl and Blonde Ambition with a little of the Virgin Tour excitement thrown in for good measure. Ok, like anyone cares, here are the highlights to me:

    The songs, the songs, THE SONGS, what a GREAT setlist:

    Candy Shop - perfect way to open, set the stage so to speak

    Beat Goes On - my all-time favorite "new" Madonna classic, has all of the right elements to me, her voice was sooo strong on this one, hello MADONNA the SINGER!

    Vogue - How cool was this, great [4 Minutes] remix, awesome dance moves

    Into The Groove - This to me was an assault on ALL of the senses, visually stunning, vocally top-notch, cool old-school vibe, but new sound overall.

    Heartbeat - The BEST part was the hard-rock ending, friggin awesome, how come no one told be about that, that really took me by surprise, where the heck is the demo of that!!!

    Borderline - Loved it, still would have preferred the original arrangement but nice to hear this song and the sing-a-long factor that went with it.

    She's Not Me - My favorite part was the look-a-likes, so cool!

    Music - great arrangement, kind of tired of this one though by now.

    Devil Wouldn't Recognise You - Vocally really nice, love the 3-D screen concept and then the cloak and dagger effect into the Gypsy outfit, visually stunning too!

    Spanish Lesson - Not nearly as bad as I expected, actually quite good and a fun departure...loved the whold Spanish Guitar stuff and the dancing.

    Miles Away - I would have preferred her doing this song MINUS the guitar, I feel like her vocals always suffer whenever she plays and it's such a lovely sing-a-long song, another "new" Madonna classic to me!

    La Isla Bonita - Great arrangement, wish she would re-record it, I liked the whold Gypsy stuff, gets the crowd totally romping!

    Like A Prayer - THE BEST MOMENT IN THE SHOW BY FAR, I WANT THIS MASH UP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Give It To Me - So-so arrangement, would have preferred PUMPED UP original, the melody kind of got lost but GREAT WAY TO END THE SHOW.

    That's all folks....

    poor forgotten Hung Up and Ray of Light... :|

  2. I was at Wembley last night, and the only low of the show for me was the crowd. I am Spanish, I have been living in London for 4 years now and every single time I attend a concert I feel dissapointed because they always lack atmosphere.

    We were in the Golden Circle dancing, singing and jumping like mad for the whole show, and people around were just standing still (and looking at us as if we were part of the show). Come on Brittish people, I really like you but you need to show that you have blood running through your veins!!!

    well no wonder about that

    i attended the RIT in London and it was just the same. i was singing (screaming) all my heart out jumping like crazy shouting her name loud and everyone around was like WTF to me :|

    i lost my voice at that show and didnt recover till 2 days after

    the britsh are the worst really! thank god i will attend the SS tour in Bazil and here everyone is mental at concerts :D

  3. Look at that CROWD!!!

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


    watch the high quality version full screen, makes a big difference. I get goosebumps just from watching it on the comp. :dramatic:

    thats insane :shock:

    she was having a blast :clap:

  4. Obrigada, Nes!!!

    Vou continuar tentando, mas é um saco, fico pendurada e nada. Eles tão trabalhando 24h via telefone??? De repente, de noite é mais fácil de conseguir então.

    Comprei pros dois shows em SP, mas não consegui VIP. Dia 18 vou nas cadeiras inferiores e dia 20 na arquibancada vermelha. Pro Rio, consegui VIP, mas nada de e-mail de confirmação, sendo que o valor foi aprovado e já aparece na fatura do meu cartão. Preciso saber se está tudo OK, senão vou tentar pro dia 15. Affe, mais uma noite do cão. hahaha

    Tu vai nos dois dias em SP então? Vamos marcar de nos encontrarmos?


    eu vou só no dia 20! a atendente me informou que provavelmente todos aqueles debitados no cartão terão suas vendas confirmadas mesmo se na consulta do sistema deles não constar os ingressos vinculados ao seu débito! parece que saiu uma nota da T4F sobre isso hoje de manhã..

    é melhor vc ligar de manhã pq ontem tentei ligar a noite toda e nada! só consegui as 11:30

    podemos nos reunir sim!! qual seu msn?

  5. Nes, pra qual número tu tá ligando? Eles não me atendem! Não quero mais gastar com interurbanos. :(

    Consegui ingressos pra SP, depois de uma noite em claro e muita dor de cabeça, mas o do Rio não sei se consegui. Preciso da confirmação!!!

    ligue para o 28466200! depois de muito tempo de espera eles atendem SIM! ó ruim é que tem mesmo que esperar um tempão para ser atendido... demorou mas uma tal de Heydi me atendeu e confirmou que o débito no meu cartão, que havia sido confirmado pela central do cartão, foi computado como venda confirmada e os ingressos são meus, inclusive ela passou uma senha de garantia! disse que eu posso ficar tranquilo que receberei o email de confirmação e a partir do dia 15/09 eles começam a enviar os ingressos. Ela pediu para eu ligar semana que vem para ter mais informações sobre o procedimento de entrega

    não desista!! continue ligando! eu consegui ser atendido as 11:30!!! ela disse que tem sido muito dificil para eles pois a demanda é enorme e as ligações constantes, mas pediu para avisar para aqueles que estão tentando não desistirem pois serão atendidos.

    os meus 2 vips são para SP!

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