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Posts posted by Littlebastard

  1. She'll win NC and Florida by wide margins. If Sanders somehow manages to win the other three, it will be just barely; they will basically split delegates like MI, and HRC will once again gain the most delegates of the night.

    If Bernie wins OH, IL, and MO, in spite of falling even further behind in pledged delegates, his campaign will get another burst of momentum and he'll keep saying "we're taking this revolution to all corners of the country."

    Hillary NEEDS to win either Ohio or Illinois. If she wins both, I'd say his campaign is pretty much done.

    Florida and NC are 100%. She needs to win one more preferably Ohio and a bonus would be winning BOTH but i think he will take atleast 2 tomorrow night. So basically i agree with u :)

  2. I find it funny how my gay friends all support Hillary but Madonnanation has turned to Bernie no big deal people like who they like. When she was secretary of state people were around here were praising her which in my mind she was a great and one of the best ever secretary of state.

    It will be very interesting this coming tuesday with Ohio letting 17 year olds vote and Bernie gaining momentum. I haven't seen any polls these past couple of days aside from Florida which is showing Hillary winning but we will see you never know. I went to see her husband a few years ago speak and when he spoke he was so charismatic i totally bought everything he said. I'm with her.

  3. ^^^^ You don't like her. We get it. But to call her "clueless" is ridiculous. Hillary Clinton is BY FAR the MOST PREPARED candidate for this office EVER. And don't even argue that. IT IS FACT. And if she was so disliked by everyone except 65+ woman of certain states and some minorities I wonder why she is still winning. Sorry, you sound like that Trump supporter at the cancelled Chicago rally who was calling the protesters "uneducated" just to out himself as an idiot seconds later calling Trump the candidate of the Republican party for POTUS. Newsflash: he is not. Not yet. Even more disturbing, the guy appeared to be a student at Chicago University which obviously says a lot about the quality of the educational system if one can be this mis-informed. Well, he might have sports scholarship.

    Seriously. The woman made one mistake trying to honor a dead woman get over it. If anyone would be more understanding u would think Madonna fans would admire an intelligent though polarizing woman like Hillary.

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