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Probed By Greys

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Posts posted by Probed By Greys

  1. This is really not true. I have alot of young gays on my Facebook (18-25 age range) and I have seen so many of them post the Girl Gone Wild video or make reference to the song. And most of my Facebook friends are in Australia too, where she is not getting played on radio at all. Not sure if she's getting played in gay clubs, I presume so.

    I honestly believe if GGW had been the 1st single and radio got behind it it would have been a moderate hit. All this talk of ageism is exaggerated, GMAYL killed the momentum. Madonna isn't Cher, she's a legend and everyone had their ears open for the 1st single. Pity it was shit.

    I was generalizing, I should have said she's not currently popular among young gays. Some do still like her, just not the majority. They are obsessed with the younger gay divas.

  2. The young generation does NOT give a F*CK about Madge *FACT*

    Only older segment of general public(mostly ppl who grew up with her) and her die-hard fanbase are still willing to pay her MEGA expensive ticks for the shows and that's it *FACT*

    Just be happy that she is still releasing good music and touring and forget about charts, radio play and the young music fans who are into Riri, Gaga, Katy, etc.

    Young gays currently don't like Madonna. They like the young trendy ones, Rihanna, Gaga, Katy, etc. But, as they get older they will look past what's on the radio. They will eventually discover Madonna and become fans, which works out since they will become M fans around the time that they can actually afford to go to one of her shows :lol:

    This might be temporary though. If her next album has a radio hit, young gays will like her again. They like whatever is popular at the moment. I don't think M's team cares too much since that demographic can't afford to go to her shows. At most, they will buy a 99 cents single on iTunes and download her album illegally.

  3. i cant believe anyone would say that dont want to her to perform VOGUE...that to me, is a MUST. i think every tour she's performed that...it gets the biggest reaction, it certainly rocked MSG for the REINVENTION TOUR

    Hardcore fans always eventually get tired of the classics, they prefer new songs. But, classics should remain on the show because the general public and casual fans see those songs as the highlight of the show. Personally, I enjoy a few classics, as long as they don't dominate the show.

  4. Wonder when they will announce additional South American dates. It's too bad they can't make Columbia work for more dates as the buzz is crazy there. Hopefully Live Nation and Guy O are learning from this tour that Madonna does amazing in markets she hasn't been to in awhile and it's time to take a break from places she has been to a lot as ticket sales aren't going to be amazing over and over again in places she has been to 3-4 times on a row or even when visiting back to back tours. Anyways, would like to see the new dates.

    Venezuela & Peru are a good idea. She's never been there before, so she will likely sellout quickly. Both those places have shown that they are willing to pay big bucks for a concert, especially Venezuela. Peru? Not as much. After the success of Colombia, Venezuela & Peru look promising.

  5. http://www.ukmix.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=87554&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=1100

    From Ticketmaster Mexico:

    There are only 3,792 of 52,000 tickets available.

    At ticketmaster Mexico you can see exactly how its selling. You can even count to see how many tickets are available:


    I got: 164, 246, 401, 163, 288, 113, 77, 470, 367, 249, 192, 203, 268 = 3,201 tickets available

  6. Yep...and that random frame thing around the screens. Just awful

    It works for Laura though. Some of her single covers have had a similar design. I used to like her a few years ago. She got about 1,000 plays on my last.fm.

  7. Excuse me? I have no idea what you're talking about.

    Laura Pausini is a local star in Italy just like Shakira is in Latin America. In the same way that Najwa Karam is in the Middle East. Just like Kylie is in the UK and Oz. In the same way that David Hasselhoff is in Germany. etc. etc.

    Give it a rest already, everywhere you go you just go on and on with the same crap.

  8. Laura Pausini?

    She's like the Italian version of Shakira, isn't she? Local star kind of thing. Big in her own country so she can have a reasonable budget.

    I'm surprised by how much enjoyment you get out of female pop star shit-stirring. You've been doing it for years, and still going.

    Anyway, you should think of the forum and not just yourself. Not everyone enjoys going into a thread that is about a certain topic and running into your typical pop star shit stirring. At least leave that at the lounge.

  9. That's not a stadium, it's like an open field, sound is terrible and none of the big acts perform there.

    It's mostly used for b-list festivals like the Personal fest and the Pop festival, biggest stars to play there were Shakira(the place was half empty), Mika and Scissor sisters.

    Fans hate fields. I don't like them, no one likes them. But, it is a way to get a large amount of money from one day. 100,000 people are a lot. M could get 100,000 in one show. M in the past has done several shows in big open fields. So, they are likely looking into it. For the fans though, odviously a stadium is prefered. I won't even mention an arena since Madonna would never perform at an arena in Argentina. The best you guys can get is a stadium show.

  10. I'm intrigued because it seems that there will be two "layers" of screens - three smaller ones in the center and then one huge one in the back...

    The smaller ones are likely going to move around throughout the show.

  11. Still looking small. That's an Arena Stage, not a Stadium stage.

    Its the same for every tour. For the stadium shows they will just add some huge pictures to the sides of the stage.

    S&S had the M's:


    Confessions had the horses:


    Blonde Ambition probably had the best stadium side images:


  12. Knowing what the stage looks like, hopefully this means that extra attention is being paid to the videos for the tour. Special attention should be paid to make sure each song (or at least the main focal points of the tour) have impressive video intros and backdrops.

  13. Before dates were announced for S America, there was a rumor she was going to Peru. I don't remember what other countries were mentioned (aside from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia). I wonder if they're planning on going there? How does their economy compare to Colombia's?

    I don't get why they're not going to add a 2nd date in Colombia if it's selling so well.

    Wiki has Peru & Venezuela. I wonder how accurate that is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MDNA_Tour

  14. Apparently, this is the reason why the shows in Argentina haven't been announced yet:


    La llegada de Madonna provoca una "guerra" entre el Monumental y el Único de La Plata

    18-04-12 00:00 Estaba previsto que se presentara en la capital bonaerense pero resignaría al menos $ 3 millones en comparación con la capacidad de River.

    La llegada de Madonna a la Argentina es casi un hecho. Todavía falta la confirmación oficial por parte de la productora T4f, pero la reina del pop pisará el país a mediados de diciembre, presumiblemente entre el 13 y el 16 de diciembre. El gran dilema que surge es en qué estadio se presentará.

    La fija era el estadio Único de La Plata. Ya estaba acordado el alquiler para esa fecha, pero Madonna "dicho correctamente, la gente que maneja su carrera" no aceptó la idea. En sus visitas anteriores a la Argentina, la última en 2008 con el "Stick& Sweet Tour", Madonna se había subido al escenario de River, y ese pareciera ser el destino final de la cantante.

    El por qué del 'no' a la propuesta del estadio platense es concreto. Por la diferencia de capacidad en favor de River, se perdería de recaudar una suma cercana al $ 1,5 millones por función, cuando se realizarán, al menos, dos. Es decir, $ 3 millones por un mínimo de dos presentaciones se dejarían de recaudar por no contar con un estadio más amplio.

    Y para los artistas ese no es un punto que pueda pasar desapercibido, ya que se llevan, entre otras cosas, no menos del 90% del total de la recaudación de los shows.

    La variante que se maneja ahora, entonces, es hacerlo en el estadio 'Millonario', aunque la cuestión no es tan simple. La productora PopArt-Fenix es la que tiene hoy la explotación del 'Monumental', y las tratativas pasan entonces por encontrar una fórmula que permita la llegada de Madonna a River.

    Las variantes que se manejan son dos. O T4f le alquila el estadio a PopArt-Fenix (una variante que no reúne un gran consenso) o conforman una alianza especialmente para este evento.

    El lunes pasado aparecieron las primeras muestras sobre la falta de definición de la gira que traerá a Madonna a la Argentina. En la página oficial de la cantante se publicaron las fechas que ya están confirmadas para este año.

    Comenzará en Tel Aviv (Israel) el 29 de mayo próximo, y continuará por Abu Dhabi (en los Emiratos Árabes) y Estambul (Turquía). El tramo por América latina arrancará en México DF el 24 de noviembre, y luego pasará por Medellín (Colombia), Río de Janeiro, San Pablo y Porto Alegre (Brasil) y, hasta hoy, finalizará el 19 de diciembre en Santiago de Chile.

    De su paso por la Argentina, todavía no hay confirmaciones, simplemente porque no está cerrada la cuestión del estadio.

    Incluso, tenía previsto realizar el anuncio de los shows el pasado 9 de abril.

    Más allá de la negativa de quienes manejan a Madonna en cuanto al Estadio Único, el escenario platense, donde T4f realiza gran parte de sus shows más convocantes, a esta altura cuenta con una espalda importante. De hecho, la revista Pollstar sostuvo que en 2011 se vendieron allí 299.474 tickets, posicionándose como el quinto más convocante del mundo. Por allí pasaron figuras como Aerosmith, Pearl Jam y Britney Spears. Sin embargo, las diferentes necesidades de la productora y la artistas provocan la demora del acuerdo. Madonna se lleva un cachet, además de casi toda la recaudación y posiblemente algo de la venta del merchandising. Para T4f queda también algo de ese último punto, sponsors y todo los "extras" que se puedan idear, como transporte.

    Long story short, Madonna and her people want her to play at the River Plate Stadium(65,000 capacity), and not in the Estadio Unico de La Plata(50,000 capacity).

    The local promoters have exclusive rights with the Estadio Unico, another local promoter has the rights for the River Plate stadium.

    Aparently, Madonna and Live Nation just realized that if they play in La Plata they would be making $1.5M less per show.

    So basically it says they are trying to figure something out so she can do the River Plate Stadium.

    She should attempt to do the show at Puerto Madero where they do the mega concerts. 100,000 people fit there.

  15. it looks small, of course thats probably the picture...but it should have been something amazing, this is just....there lol

    The fact that almost all the pictures of the stage that have been posted look different, means that none of them are likely accurate. Fans saw the floor seating chart and decided to make drawings of what they think the stage will look like. We should wait till an official picture leaks.

  16. http://www.madonnatribe.com/news/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=7005

    Madonna tickets selling fast in Colombia

    The Madonna Tour is selling fast in Colombia, where the most of the tickets for the November 28, 2012 concert at the Estadio Atanasio Girardot in Medellin basically sold out during the 14 hour pre-sale.

    A very small amount of tickets is left for the public sale - about 2,000 units - and Luz Ángela Castro, CEO from local promoter b>Ocesa Colombia stated there will not be any additional date in the country.


    With a successful show there, it means she will likely go back there for future tours. I'd also like to see her give Venezuela a try.

  17. Lady Gaga couldn't afford any :chuckle:

    That pretty much only works for her. I can't picture any other pop star getting away with using a castle as a stage. And even her, I dunno how effective it will be. The castle will likely not change much throughout the show. It will likely get old quick, but who knows, maybe it will work for her... we'll see.

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