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Posts posted by graffitiheart

  1. That view looks AMAZING :wow:

    is there a video of this specific performance anywhere? I saw the show 3 times from the GT, (no complains!) but i really wonder how it looks from far away, i want to see the performance properly from dead center and far away to appreciate everything.

  2. Seriously. I will do it just for Madonna.

    Am i a freak because i do not use twitter? :confused:

    not at all :), i dont care for twitter either, i just think getting a twitter account and tweeting Guy is not a hassle at all or a sacrifice of any matter, compared to the things ive personlly done (or the money i have spent) in order to make it to a madonna show, but that's just me..anyway, i was just trying to help...good luck whatever you decide to do

  3. Fuck. I hate twitter. I can't believe i have to do it just for Madonna. Oh well for her i guess i do anything anyway. :|

    lol, seriously? thats about the easiest thing i have ever done to win tickets let alone GT ...try some of the other contest if you hate twitter..

  4. ^ Google and Youtube are your friends, just do the first step and join twitter NOW, so you account doesnt look too fake or suspicious..start following people, start tweeting...by the time M arrives in Brazil you should feel comfortable with twitter and be ready to reply to Guy when he tweets about the golden triangle

  5. One last question: does Icon give tickets and GT passes or just GT passes? And Guy gives both, correct?

    yes, Icon only gives passes to already ticket holders...Guy gives both.not sure if that has changed, but that was the case for the concerts I attended

  6. I would die if i get to be in the show again..i'm suffering from severe MDNA withdrawal...i could jump into the next plane from Ottawa..i still hate myself for not going to the Toronto shows (i went to Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa).. for those who have the chance to go, dont think about it, just go!

  7. if there is someone to blame about anything us Madonna...not Guy. Through different interviews we can tell he is pushing her for more promo but she will say no. she has mentioned this many times...she just doesnt care that much about promo cause she has her priorities straight (her kids are first)

  8. Thanks! I'm going tonight! How early do they let people in the pit? Is there a line before or?

    Depends on the venue, they only give the bracelets at certain time / place, and then after you get your bracelet you may need to wait until the venue opens the gates. Since you are a pit winner you should have gotten some kind of instructions about when/where to pick your bracelet..(?) anyway...people are allowed in the pit as soon as the venue opens :)

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