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Posts posted by Barney

  1. The catwalk looks shorter than all the other venues or is that just me?

    Edit: just seen somebody else ask the same thing further up the page.

    Yeah. Theres a couple of arenas with the shorter catwalk to fit.People have had a go at me for mentioning it saying im wrong but the seats behind the heart were on sale. It will be to scale, its so small everyone will have a great view. I think if she had the main stage catwalk in Birmingham the heart stage would go through the wall and end up by the loos and where to buy chips.

    Again, people say im wrong but it was smaller (you wouldnt notice) in Birmingham last time. I was there, it was! BUT it makes it just as fantastic, she isnt a dot 10 miles away. We didnt get the motel (oops, they forgot to tell Madge) and everything was exactly the same just a few meters shaved off here and there. She likes smaller crowds so she was in quite a good mood and sang live on songs which she usually lips. (Maybe its because she is more close up). Glasgow looks REALLY interesting. The stage must go to the chip van. There must be 2 stages like last time. (now everybody has a go at me). x

  2. Im a dreamer but id like her to do a tour anthology (if thats the right term) Imagine her starting with Dress you up and doing highlights from each tour, then she can end with the RH songs. Even if some are mash ups.

    Itll never happen and weve already been told about holy water and SEX.

    I do hope that the sex book version of erotica is used, again even if its a mash up.

  3. I agree with you Wright. Its selfish that I just want songs I havent seen live. But I do :lol: No I know what you mean, people have been paying fortunes for years and not recognizing the songs. I hoped if she was going to OZ she would play her hits so its good for them.:)

    I wish she did an anti tour for us lot though and even print 'NO HITS' on the tickets so casual fans arent let down and we get what we want. Even if it was an MTV special or a one off filmed for DVD.

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