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Posts posted by Barney

  1. I liked it but never appreciated how much non stans love IT! Ive been in a car with 2 of my friends and its their all time fame Madge song. It was on ALL THE TIME in the UK, it got to number 2 because S Club 7 (a kiddie show/band) was at number 1 but stayed on the charts for about 4 months. It was on tv and reported back then that it was one of the most played and requested songs of ALL TIME!

    I was proud of her, the same way American Pie was huge here. Yet look at nowadays and the amazing Ghosttown that went nowhere? I dont understand how this world works.

  2. Haha..lordy lordy. CANNOT believe I actually thought she sang nrm at the rit. Boy do I feel dumb... and I actually like nobody knows me. How freaking stupid...Oh well. We all slip..

    Now I hope she sings nrm on this tour.. (can't believe I just said that)

    Hahhaha see! You made us giggle. Its all fun, all good. You should read some of the shit I come out with. :lol:

  3. "Let's keep this one could be fun". Wow, sounds like a friendly place. Is this a friendly message board or is this a place when someone speakes their mind they get hounded if nobody agrees? Ridic. I love coming to these boards (been to madonnaWeb years ago) so this is not my first rodeo, would assume ur used to madonna haters and monsters, not this guy. Just like checking the latest, and with alot of you who know what your talking about, I like reading! I guess we all start somewhere right, weren't you all a newbie years ago ? Peace. No time for bashing

    Dont be daft, you just made a simple mistake with the song names. We do it to each other and take the piss all the time, and to ourselves. :lol: Weve got a strange wicked sense of humor but mean no harm. We call each other all sorts but love each other. Its very Madonna tongue in cheek. If I cock up I expect to be made fun of, I just laugh along. :)

  4. Nrm a highlight? Really? I just know there are better performances and songs. It's clearly just my opinion, I didn't like the performance, People don't adjust well to newbies (sad really, we're just as cool as u are), still a message board, it's what we come here for, to voice opinions. Nothing more, nothing less.

    I think you should post more!

  5. Saw NRM at the RIT, was not my strongest part of the show, her back and forth on that belt... sorry but NRM live is not a very powerful song. I suppose she would have to sing a few songs so that people could use the bathroom and not really miss much.

    Put the cough syrup down.

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