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Posts posted by lex92

  1. At this point it makes no sense to analyze the historic events that lead Putin to invade a souvereign democrazy in europe.

    At the very moment there is people fighting for their human rights.

    So what they need is our emphathy and moral support as all that is happening right now.

    Historians will analyze all that afterwards anyway.


  2. 10 minutes ago, air1975 said:

    I'm not trying to be snarky but coming from a place of genuine curiosity. So please bear any silly questions.. Here are my thoughts about Ukraine possibly joining Nato: 


    1. Isn't it natural that a weaker, smaller country such as Ukraine would want a stronger umbrella of protection (NATO) against a mammoth, unfriendly neighbor such as Russia? (In the end, Nato membership is probably now protecting Lithuania, Estonia etc. from Russia) 

    2. I can understand Russia's concern about more and more countries joining Nato, with military bases near its borders. However, what was Russia specifically concerned about? That NATO would invade it? Does NATO have a history of invading countries/annexing land etc? 

    Exactly. Any concerns of Putin would only make sense if russia planned any agression against another (NATO) country. And exactly, it's just logic that a democratic easter european country wanted security by NATO

  3. 53 minutes ago, Cyber-Raga said:

    In 1938 Hitler annexed Austria and the German speaking part of former Czechoslovakia. GB, USA, France allowed him to do so at a conference in Munich because they believed it would appease him. He kept on saying rhetorical bullshit, basically suggesting these countries / regions were part of the former German Empire and that 1919 (Peace treaty after WW1) was a mistake which needed to be corrected bc of German interests. 
    Cut to a few month later when he invaded the non-German speaking part of Czechoslovakia after saying in Munich he wouldn’t.
    This was the red line in the sand for the western nations, so they gave Poland the guarantee that they would declare war on Germany should Hitler also annex them. On September 1st 1939 the German army crossed the border to Poland after a bullshit propaganda dispute and thus WW2 began. 

    Putin is annexing the pro Russian part of the Ukraine now. Political expert are predicting that he will not be satisfied until he has the whole Ukraine. If people don’t perceive this as a problem or threat, I do not know what is wrong with them. Just listen to his insane speech from the other day where he said that 1917 (the Russian Empire under a Zar) needed to be culturally restored and that even the Sowjet Union was wrong to allow these countries some sense of existence. 

    Oh and Biden this, the West that … sorry but this has nothing to do with invading a sovereign country. Europe hasn’t seen this since the end of WW2. Even the Balkan wars were civil wars, which was bad enough. 


  4. 5 hours ago, Nessie said:

    It is no joke to bomb countries, any country, no matter whatever political sphere you are part of. The point is the absolutely hypocrisy of the so called guardians of “freedom” pointing fingers, and a world outcry for the same thing they have been doing to other defenseless countries for the past 70 years.

    If Putin should legally respond for this agression, should Obama be tried for crimes against humanity for Yemen, Somalia, Lybia, Irak, Afghanistan? Nixon for Vietnam? Carter and Reagan for Iran, Salvador, Nicaragua? Clinton for Yugoslavia?

    Stop those stupid comparisons to relativate what's going on right now. You can make your own threads about every war USA was starting. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Nessie said:

    They are also selling tons of weapons to Ukraine, fuel to the fire to say the least.

    And? It's war. Ukraine needs to defend itself. Stupid enough that Germany once again in its moral bubble refuses to send weapons. People in Ukraine don't feel supported by Germany.

    Same with Swift. Germany was the state to veto sanctioning Russia by excluding Russia from Swift-System, because they fear that the restrictions would be too hard for Germany. My god, they have to wake up. This is a war against the whole western order.

  6. 43 minutes ago, Raider of the lost Ark said:

    To be fair, people may romanticise certain things about the daily life in the former GDR but they certainly don't have a positive look onto the Soviet occupation. I would like to argue, most people back then, especially in the later years, were rather ambivalent because the East German citizens hardly ever had contact with the Soviet troups, unless you were on one of those school trips to one of their military camps as part of the "German-Soviet Friendship". Back in school you were supposed to write an essay about the impressions you made. :doh:

    Well, the whole system was unser the propagandistic agenda of UdSSR. Not many GDR citizens may have known citizens of UdSSR, but they clearly were influenced by sowiet culture and politics. And there was an ambivalence, because people in GDR (mostly illegally) were able to find out about american and western european culture. So at that time they didn't want to live in that state. They wanted democrazy. At the same time nobody was homeless, they all had their jobs, their communities. But many of them weren't winner of the transformation after the fall of Berlin wall. They lost their jobs, they feared migration etc...So nowadays they symphatizise with Putin and Trump and their antidemocratic tendencys, because they want a leader with a protecting hand. That's one of the reasons why AfD is so big in easter german federal states. Dictatorships always have the biggest chance if people feel like they can't help themselves.

    My mother, now 56 was a GDR citizen in Leipzig (where I still live). She doesn't romanticise about GDR, but many people in the smaller cities do.

  7. 1 hour ago, elijah said:

    I agree with everything and tnx god for Germany being that economic powerhouse, however this crisis is a grave reminder that Germany and EU as a whole owe an EU army for the protection of the people of Europe. And that army must be operational and able to protect the territory of EU. Because what's the alternative? Today Ukraine, tomorrow Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, the Baltic states... Next is Austria and then Germany. The eastern part still remembers what it was, obviously.

    Yes. There is still many people who lived in GDR and romanticise with it

  8. 4 hours ago, Raider of the lost Ark said:

    Economic suicide? How often did I hear that in the last 30 years, how often did "experts" anticipate the downfall of the German economy? Yet, Germany became stronger and stronger. It has one of the most, if not the most resilient economies on the planet. We can deal with that.

    And what is your proposal? Bowing down to Putin? Handing over Ukraine? And while we are at it, why not add Poland and the Baltic states? 


    When it comes to modern technologys Germany is very behind that can threat the economic growth in future. Also too less young people, so we need immigration and don't forget that our former stability garant Merkel is no chancellor anymore. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, karbatal said:

    Nobody has said the contrary here 

    Just wanted to emphasize it since I know (and knew) people who went though hell in russia. And I know people here in Germany (especially in easter Germany) who tend to excuse and relative everything about Putin. So it's important to contrast his supposed legit strategys and acts in foreign policy with his means to reach his goals. He is not a friend of diplomacy right now...and also to contrast it with the domestic policy in russia. 

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