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Posts posted by NorthernLad

  1. Not crazy about it. I voted it "okay" because "Meh" wasn't an option. It's not getting a lot of views on youtube either. I remember Medellin took off like crazy...that hasn't happed with these last two songs.  Ah well, I'm still hopeful for the rest of the music.


  2. 1 hour ago, horn said:

    It's not a bad track but using it as first single? come on....

    Glad that it's not the second single.

    Me too. It's okay...but it's not fun like MedellÍn. The views on YouTube for  MedellÍn took off immediately are still climbing. I Rise has been no where successful in views yet.  She knows what she's doing and her first single was the appropriate choice.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Kurt420 said:

    We have to be realistic here.......Madonna is never going to be able to compete with the "new" crop of stars in terms of streaming numbers. This really shouldn't be unexpected. To me, this is why the releasing on a Wed vs. Fri isn't that big of a deal when it comes to M. Yes, doing so probably would've guaranteed her an entry in the lower half of Hot 100.....which is a great thing but does it REALLY matter that much at the end of the day? BIM was the only RH single to make the chart and most people here shit on that song still. 

    It sounds cheesy but for 10+ yrs some of Madonna's most diehard fans have been dismissing her yet many have come around to Medellin and the whole Madame X "reinvention". That in itself is a huge achievement. I have no doubt the album is going to be one of her best and I do think those that are fans of Experimentaldonna will absolutely love it. I do think though that we're about to gain some big perspective when it comes to her possibilities of commercial success going forward. The past few albums, it's always been blamed on bad single choices, lack of focus or passion with the music, bad "featurings", terrible promo, her "rushing" things etc. This time though (minus the releasing on a Wed thing) all boxes for success have been checked. Yes she's Madonna, the most successful female artist of all time, yes she's a legend, yes she's THE BEST......none of those things change the fact though that she's a 60 yr old woman playing a 20 yr old pop star game. In terms of commercial success, things just aren't going to come easy. It's not right but that's the nature of the beast at this point unfortunately.

    Hope you all don't mind me chiming in here. I've been reading many posts here. This post puts it so well. And as for the radio success...things sure have changed. But radio is so obsolete now along with the charts. What matters is views and streams these days. I'm once again proud to be a Madonna fan after her last two albums...this is her come back for me. I can't wait to hear more!

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