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Posts posted by iamme

  1. 10 minutes ago, Suedey said:

    No it's not

    If the music has nice chillout vibes then it's fine for summer chillout and remixes can burn up the dancefloor

    Clearly you haven't heard of Lana's Summertime Sadness

    Now go and have several seats

    You haven't even heard a note yet and you're moaning

    Fuck this shit! Have some faith 


    So are you telling me that your opinion is right and mine is wrong? 🤣 what a stupid childish dick!!  grow the fuck up. I hope you are right tho 👍🏻

  2. 30 minutes ago, Kurt420 said:

    Many people complained MDNA was rushed and RH was a sloppy rollout because of the leaks, which many blamed on her team for not being on top of things as they should be. People took issue with HC because of the extremely well known producers/collaborators involved.  So, she's taking her time, NOTHING has leaked so far and we have Mirwais back on deck. So, aren't we getting what we asked for this time??

    Let the woman go through her process......she has six kids and that's clearly her priority. She's doing things on HER time (relatively speaking) at her leisure as she should at 60 yrs old. She's earned it. I understand for us longtime fans that were used to her churning out an album every 2 1/2 years like clockwork that this is a change and that for younger fans that may not remember that time in her career, well sorry ya missed it. This is what it is now though. She really doesn't owe anyone anything and she hasn't broken any promises. No release dates have been pushed back. Technically, we're still in her "normal" time frame of her artistic process. Patience and attention spans have dwindled greatly in the age of "I HAVE to have everything NOW". May as well sit back, relax and go and revisit that M album you just never fully connected with. 

    Well-said. I said the same thing before and fans keep complaining.



  3. 1 hour ago, Nick said:


    Even if the album is amazing and well received, not sure if Madonna can compete with these younger artists who are more media friendly.

    At the same time, maybe this will be the major comeback she deserves. I really hope so!!

    Don’t forget Janet will likely release an album in 2019 too. She always wants to compete with Madonna and would do whatever it takes to secure that #1 spot. I’m pretty sure she’s gonna use the same approach like the last time, a free digital album if you take an Uber trip 😂

  4. Her new video will be 1st class and expensive. Mark my words!! Don’t y’all remember she kinda joked on IG a couple months ago that all mdna skin care profit would be used to finance her new videos. I didn’t think she was joking at that time. At 60, she wants to make a huge comeback before being too old/late and won’t make any mistakes this time. I strongly believe in her will n determination 

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