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Posts posted by caba1

  1. 6 minutes ago, Mensch said:

    So I’m taking to a customer at work about M and Medellín and he had footage of the LA wake up video and showed me footage of them filming it!!! Omg the sparky shirt blond hair look, the pants are wide leg like the Leo benefit and she is doing MUSIC Confessions your type dancing on the dance floor with backup dancers...strangely people behind the camera (extras I assume) were filming with their phones which I found odd from a security standpoint but maybe it was her team for extra and her own use...anyway, it sounds amazing!!! I kind of wanted to tell him to send it to me but I knew he’d say no!!!! 



    AND my friend heard the single and told me this...now don’t shoot the messenger...he doesn’t care for M


    ”it’s the typical commercial Madonna bullshit the world needs right about now” 

    he meant it in a good way from a person who doesn’t care for her! 

    it's weird because it sounds like a happy video but people said that song was political and about guns. 🤔

  2. 3 minutes ago, Jairo said:

    When you search an old picture on your cellphone and try to upload it on IG Stories, it shows you a date. That 9 is from 2019. Maybe she was trying to removing it.

    on iphone right? i didn't know that because i use android. But made sense because usually new music drops on fridays and that wednesday rumor sounds too good to be true.

  3. 1 minute ago, Bitch I'm Christian said:

    The music in the second half where she lists her identities is so mesmerising, experimental yet melodic! So different to the sounds she's done for the past decade, but recognisably her and Mirwais. Super excited!

    sounds like Paradise. So Mirwais

    The "lost" instrumental part sounds similar to Beautiful Game

  4. 9 minutes ago, Mensch said:

    I will say the more I watch this, I realize NONE of the costumes I saw are from any of these shoots...so can’t wait for the DISCO looks so you can all see the glory I saw!!! 


    This seems to be the darker side of the album...I think whatever is revealed next will show the Madame X partying side...


    also, sounds like the song playing would be the final song on the album!!! Like she has always done with songs like mer girl, gone, falling free, voices...

    wasn't that Killers song about guns and with a disco instrumental? sounds weird a disco song with a serious topic.

  5. 1 minute ago, Marcelox said:

    To me it looks like she only film 3 videos and 1 documentary.. 

    The L.A theater 2 days of filming 

    Maluma 3 days of filming 

    Batuke 4 days of filming 

    And the Blood moon.. 

    sería raro porque son "12 mujeres" distintas interpretadas por Madame X. Mezclarlas a todas en 4 canciones no se si funcionaría. Me inclino a creer  que son 1 para cada canción.

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