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Posts posted by impr3ssive_instant

  1. I just don't know what to think. Nobody really knows what Trump will do and that's the scary part. He's unpredictable.

    I think protests are great when they are peaceful but I'm scared of what will happen when the two sides clash. I'm afraid the inauguration will be a huge clusterfuck of violence. And if it happens, we all know exactly who will suffer for it. Not him and not his supporters, not when they have control. It'll justify his fearmongering.

    Pud was right when he said carrying around an effigy of Trump with a noose around his neck is out of line.

  2. 3 minutes ago, tuckeye said:

    this thread can't even get along or act right so........all levels of gov't are now republican?.......that's not good......he is just another puppet for them.

    i highly doubt he will do what he said. but i am curious about the gay rights thing? was he against it???

    He's flip flopped on pretty much every issue so it's hard to say. Years ago he said he believed in 'traditional marriage', more recently at the RNC he said he'd protect "all LGBT Americans" and he was also waving around a rainbow flag on stage at a rally.

    This contradicts the fact that his VP is a Bible thumper who hates gays and believes in conversion therapy.

  3. An assassination would do nothing but hurt the entire nation. It would make the country more divided and it would make the GOP hate us even more. And for what? President Pence?

    Just remember this, even though his impact will probably be reflected for decades: His presidency isn't forever. What we should do now is gear up for the 2018 midterms and really make a difference there, and then really make our mark in 2020.

  4. 7 minutes ago, ULIZOS said:

    Yes, I said it, you're fucking stupid.

    Agreed. I was really trying to give these people the benefit of the doubt but it's obvious that it's hopeless.

    Literally everything they've posted have been conspiracy theories that have long since been debunked and they've been unable to cite even one legitimate source for their ideas. It's pretty sad that this is the state of this country and it's no wonder that the only demographic Trump is leading in is non-college educated whites. Just gonna put these clowns on ignore from now on.

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