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Posts posted by impr3ssive_instant

  1. The Papadopolous arrest is interesting. He lied to the FBI in an interview and later that same day Trump invited Comey to dinner where he asked Comey for a loyalty pledge.

    Trump announces transgender ban on July 26th in a possible attempt to deflect the news that Papadopolous would be arrested the next day (although that eventually ended up not leaking).

    He reached a plea deal, which might mean he's cooperating with the FBI.

  2. I feel like people are not well equipped for just how bad it can get.

    It's not just about a conservative president pushing his hateful views for four years. He is undermining government institutions. He is testing the waters to see how much he can get away with. CPB officers are ignoring judicial orders, which is beyond illegal. The executive branch is failing to comply with court orders.

    Just wait till he sends the National Guard out to stop protesters and there is violence, or if we get attacked by terrorists. The power grab will be insane. The real question is who within the government is willing to stand up to him. I hope someone is or we're fucked.

  3. 9 minutes ago, WeboGirl said:

    Well, the saying "Impeach Trump" is just as moronic. 

    Please please please, people, get an education. 

    I have an education, don't talk to me like that. He has already done things that are grounds for impeachment. I don't think it'll happen because Republicans will refuse to act, but it's not moronic.

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