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Posts posted by impr3ssive_instant

  1. 13 minutes ago, Skin said:

    They were talking about one county in Alabama where Trump won by 90%.  I was like fuck.  Could you imagine living in an area where 9 out of 10 people voted for Trump!?  They would have to lock me up in a padded cell. 


    I mean I live in the most republican county in a very blue state New Jersey and Trump won my county by about 65%.  Being around that many crazy people drives me mental!!!  But 90%!?   And the Republicans here arent like the southern ones.  The Republicans here are just racist.  The ones in Alabama are racist AND Bibl e thumpers. Lol. 

    I don't know how I'd survive in a place like that.

    Trump got literally 5% of the vote in the neighborhood I live in and I'm still annoyed as hell. :rotfl:

  2. 4 hours ago, ULIZOS said:

    Mark your words? People like you SWORE up and down that Clinton couldn't possibly lose against Trump.

    America is still mostly white, ignorant and racist. Get used to it.

    I'm not denying parts of this country are racist, but to say that "most" of America is racist is dumb. Most people didn't vote for him and his approval rating is extremely low.

    Most national polls saw Hillary winning by 3 points which is exactly what happened, even with the GOP's gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts. Even with Russian meddling in swing states.

    Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, which is what gave him the victory. Other states had close margins too.

    No one is disputing that he won the presidency, but the whole idea that "most" of this country is behind him is false.


  3. In theory, legal hunting of animals like lions and elephants is supposed to help fund conservation while eliminating animals that can no longer breed or that will inhibit others from breeding. While it's technically true that a portion of every hunt goes toward conservation, there's increasing evidence that the money often ends up in the wrong hands and there's very little evidence that any animals are being helped.




    The excuse that it's all for conservation is utter bullshit.

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