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Posts posted by impr3ssive_instant
8 hours ago, runa said:
No reason to kill him
He died four hours later in the hospital from the consequences of his own actions. There are examples of police brutality, this isn't one of them.
Watch the full video. He was high on drugs, crashed his car, ran from the police and resisted arrest...what are they supposed to do? Just let him go? Treat him to a five star hotel?
2 hours ago, karbatal said:
"Jews should be incarcerated"
"Ok let's discuss it"
When someone says things against human rights there's no discussion. That person is a complete moron. Do you know why I know? Because in Spain for years the conservative were discussing gay rights until a new government approved gay marriage and told them to fuck off.
There's no discussion about this.
Comparing the holocaust to this is absolutely ridiculous. This is literally the laziest straw man argument you could possibly ever come up with. Once again an example of black or white emotional thinking.
Of course I don't think that every issue has a "both sides" argument, but some of them do, and at the very least things can be discussed on their merits so that real progress can be made. Automatically crying out "transphobia!" and "racism!" every time an issue is brought up is the biggest reason we end up with shit like Trump and all this right wing populism we are seeing around the world (including Spain lol).
For the record I don't even agree with Rowling BUT my initial post was about whether or not transwomen are better served in clinics specifically designed for them instead of biological women, which was something that was being discussed. Does asking that make me transphobic?
It's also pretty funny to see people on this forum all of a sudden act like angels when we've all seen how Beyonce, Sam Smith, Gaga, etc. are talked about lol. Some of the most hateful comments and borderline racist shit I've seen on here has come from you, so spare me the self-righteousness.
On 7/18/2019 at 12:32 AM, karbatal said:The lesbian husband gets uglier by the minute. Was this ogre the one that torn Will Smith's anus?
On 8/23/2019 at 11:01 AM, karbatal said:I pray the lesbian husband shaves her hair when she's sleeping.
Please tell me again how woke you are?
1 hour ago, karbatal said:
Would you discuss if someone told you that gay couples can't marry?
Of course. How else would people come to a solution without a discussion? How else would you educate someone and change their mind?
21 hours ago, Aime said:
I have no time for her, just like she has none for poor countries and children who live there. You know, the ones whos childhood was actually stolen.
Are poor countries the ones running huge conglomerates that are ruining the environment...? lol Your logic makes no sense.
It's a discussion that is more complicated than people are making it seem. Everyone wants to oversimplify everything. The question of whether transwomen should be allowed to use the same clinics that are used for women's health issues, for example, is a legitimate one.
Seeing the seething anger that grown men direct toward this girl is fascinating.
Never gonna happen but I want a fucking Daft Punk remix
Wow finally a good remix...I love it
37 minutes ago, Karma said:
Please, I really want this album to get some Grammy nominations. Yes, as The Queen Of Pop she doesn't need them but I'd love some proper industry recognition for this fantastically bold experiment at this stage of her illustrious career.
The industry has hated her for ages. It's not gonna happen.
7 minutes ago, Flip The Switch said:
Extreme Occident is probably the most natural she sounds in the entire record.
Yeah I'm not hearing any vocal effects on it at all...
Everybody knows the damn truth...
All the visuals for this album have been amazing
You guys need to chill lol...It's just one person's dumb opinion. Virtually every gun rights organization has been supportive and the video has 149K likes versus 19K dislikes. Some of you are way too emotional about dumb shit like Twitter.
This isn't about Madonna but I thought it would be appropriate here because it mentions a lot of what we've been discussing. Jack White criticizing Pitchfork and similar clickbait publications. Look at the last paragraph...
I still don't hear it, lol. But thanks for clearing it up.
So is this song snippet that we heard in her IG post actually on the album? It kind of sounds like God Control or I Don't Search I Find so maybe an early version of one of those songs?
Most people I'm seeing are strongly disagreeing with her. Also the fact that March For Our Lives tweeted support for the video...
She really did not think this through before she tweeted.
3 minutes ago, luizotaviobarros said:
I think in terms of public perception, this is a battle Madonna will ultimately win - at least if the like/dislike ratio on YouTube is any indication.
Yes, and A LOT of people are over this outrage culture.
I would NEVER want a PC Madonna. What a nightmare to think about lol...
Lol, I knew Madonna including her on I Rise was a bad idea to begin with. You should never sample contemporary political figures.
She is entitled to her wrong opinion. It is not representative of everyone on the left, not even close. The response for the video has already been more positive than I expected.
6 minutes ago, T0pher said:
Shut up
Well at least I've made one queen angry
11 minutes ago, T0pher said:
She's gonna be dragged by all those Queens high off their faces for performing AL and I Rise. What mood killers when you're dancing with a good high.
They are "appropriate" for what Pride stands for but come on its Sunday night Pier Pride party, they are there to do drugs, drink, dance and get laid
So basically you want her to dumb herself down because some queens will be angry? How disappointing.
NOT ONE ETHNIC COUNTRY . Yes Ethnics can afford Concert Tickets just like WHITE Nations.
in MadonnaNation Hall of Fame