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Posts posted by rekha

  1. 3 minutes ago, impr3ssive_instant said:

    I'm not gonna lie...I was expecting to hate it because it's not a genre I like, and the Quavo feature...but I actually like it a lot! The trumpets are great, and the bridge is amazing (like always).

    I love the bridge the most!!

  2. 11 minutes ago, yououghttavogue said:

    Its an enjoyable, breezy little track. However, its not hit material or really fresh. Once again , there's also way to much of the feature artist. I'm sad this was the song chosen for Eurovision. It couldve been an oppurunity to turn the era around.

    Turn the era around....


  3. I can only speak for myself but I'm so excited for this performance. This will be one of her largest audiences ever and she surely will deliver. LAP always goes down well and I can't wait to hear the new songs!! Loving the energy of the 3 songs heard so far.

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