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Posts posted by rekha

  1. Personally I'm expecting No.1 on both sides of the Atlantic. If it doesn't happen I won't be devastated but I'm not lowering my expectations. I think that there will be some more promo planned (not just Graham Norton) in the UK and the ticket bundle should give her the edge in the US.

    But as people have said before. Longevity is what I want more than peak  positions.


  2. 11 minutes ago, Shane said:

    Thank you!  Does it mention specific song titles and indicate what style they are?  

    She talks about Dino DiSantiago's influence on all aspects of the album. Without him this record wouldn't exist. Funana was inspired by him.

    Batuka which incorporates african beats. The orchestra featured in this song was introduced to her by Dino. She saw them performing at a club and wanted to work with them.

    She says music doesn't discriminate and uses that theme in Killers who are partying. She is happy that English is not the only common language for pop music anymore and she is glad to be part of that movement.

    She talks about paving the way for younger artists and younger women today, talking about Emma Gonzalez's speech in I Rise.


  3. Just received my copy. The interview was done in London and pretty much says the same things written elsewhere. Some background to some of the songs and the worldwide sound of the album. 

    A positive article which will hopefully help generate interest in the album here.

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