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Posts posted by Marcelox

  1. 3 minutes ago, Geiger83 said:

    I think this song will get a video. Do you guys remember a snippet where M dances and falls on the floor with the batukadeiras around her? Please Gawd let it be true!!! The first time I listened to this song I couldn't believe my ears

    And this.. 



  2. I think "Medellin" was the perfect choice for the first single.. Even if is not good enough song..  It has the signature sound of the album..  Can you imagine if she released first "God control" and then "I don't search I find" .. And when the album finally comes up there wasn't others dance song on it?   People will be furious!!  😅 

  3. 5 minutes ago, robster said:

    Detailed review of "I Don't Search I Find":

    The song flat out opens with M singing "Finally enough love" in a very commanding voice. In the background you hear a very highpitched synth changing one tone to another, which is looped through most of the track, including finger snaps. Very slow and long intro. Some deep housey chords through out, then M's dreamy vocals come in "I don't search, I find" repeated a few times, at one point she sings the I Don't Seeaaaaaarch, and her voice is extended and pitched up higher and higher. Then the beat kicks in, full on 90's instrumentation, four to the floor. But in a very dreamy, laidback kind of way. Where God Control is high octane energy dancefloor stuff, this is more an after party kind of track. "I found love, I found something new. I found you, yeah I found you. Platinum gold, inside your soul". Her voice is really dreamy and searching over this soundscape of the best 90's house. Then the tracks goes off into these distorted warbles for a bit as if there is static on the track. Then the track stops with the exception of the two note synth loop, remniscent of Vogue's opening, finger snaps are added. In comes M with an Erotica like vocal, spoken word: "It's our gypsy blood. We life between life and death, waiting to move on. And in the end, we accept it. We shake hands with our fate and we walk past, there's no rest for us in this world, finally enough love!" As the beat is dropped over those vocals. After that the track slows down for a bit for some repeated vocals, beat comes back, now with added backing vocals by M, repeating the lyrics in backings. The song swells, as she repeats "Finally enough love" a few times this time with the most gorgeous backing vocal melody responding the lyrics back to her as the song gradually swells to the climax when she proclaims "finally enough love" as the pulsating synth fades us out...

    OMG!  🤯🤯🤯

  4. 36 minutes ago, Plasticlimbo said:

    @Marcelox, where did you get this pics?

    @isabelita_carmona's are no longer there...


    And do anyone recall when the video was recorded? 




    The first one is a screen cap from @Paulozgur IG story..  It was a video actually..  There was a crane and people dress in medieval clothes,also Emmanuel Adjei was there..  The second was from isabelita, the third don't remember.. But they deleted the video in less than and hours..  

    They film Dark Ballet on April 8- 9.. And Batuka 10-11..

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