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Posts posted by Stereo

  1. Well, she did say before the album launch that she has so much more for people to get mad at.

    She does as she pleases and doesnt put limits on herself.

    And she knows she is going to get those reactions from people.

    I think it's part of the reason she does it.

    In that regard, let's look at how much SHE has accomplished. And let's look at how much the people who criticize her have accomplished in life.

  2. I dont think people are actually offended.

    I think it's just the thing to say now, but people arent actually thinking about what theyre saying.

    We are not encouraged to think. We comment. On everything.

    And in the age of self-importance, it's just a knee-jerk reaction.

    "Oh, Im offended by that."

    Big. Deal.

    Who the fuck are you?

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