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Posts posted by Moka

  1. Since my country is one of the six founding members of the European Union, I think that it would be quite ridiculous for us to leave the boat. When you don't like the decoration of your house, you don't burn it : you try to change it :lol:

    I don't think my country is ever going to leave, unless that crazy bitch Marine LePen is elected president next year. But then, that would be the least of our problems :sick:

  2. No one is denying that but thanks for pointing out the facts.

    Sorry, I'm just reading many articles and I thought it was interesting to share!

    I also read that the UK will have to make a deal like Norway to remain in the common market, and that means a contribution to the EU budget (not much less than what the UK paid when it was in the EU), that means also EU regulation but no word to say. I'm trying to figure out how Brexit was a good economic idea for the "leave" supporters! :wacko:

  3. Brexit: European Union founding states want divorce to start 'as soon as possible'

    The European Union's founding states want Britain to begin leaving the union "as soon as possible" to keep the bloc from being stranded in "limbo", crisis talks in Berlin have revealed.

    The foreign ministers of the founding six member nations — Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxembourg — have met in Berlin to discuss how to make Britain's departure as smooth and swift as possible.

    German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who is hosting the six original states, said they were in agreement that London must not wait to start the complex procedure of extracting itself from the bloc.

    "We join together in saying that this process must begin as soon as possible so we don't end up in an extended limbo period but rather can focus on the future of Europe and the work toward it," he said.


  4. E.U., don't you give up
    Its not so bad
    There's still a chance for us

    E.U., just be yourself
    Don't be so shy
    There's reasons why its hard

    Keep it together, you'll make it all right
    Our celebration is going on tonight
    Poets and prophets, what ending would we do?
    This could be good, E.U.


  5. Isn't this whole issue a lot like business monopolies? They coalesce, get so big and corrupt that finally you have to step in and break them up. Even the most true blue economist will argue that monopolies are bad. EU is a monopoly.

    The EU has less than 30 countries, the UN more than 150. Would you say the UN should be broken too?

    We are not talking about business or monopoly, we are talking about unions between nations. Both the EU and the UN were created after WWII in order to create dialogue and peace between nations. These unions are not bad, they are very important.

  6. What a sad day!

    I know that the EU is not perfect and should be changed, but leaving is an extreme decision. The EU was created after WWII for peace and unity, and now, well... I've always felt close to the UK (same for Germany, Spain, Italy...) because of this great union and its ideal and common history, and now it's all over.


  7. The Donald and the Dictator

    Overlooking terrorism that killed Americans, including the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, Donald Trump sought investment partnerships with Muammar al-Qaddafi and the Libyan regime. He rented his Westchester estate to the dictator, tried to set up a face-to-face meeting, and took the Libyan ambassador golfing.


  8. youre from france.

    you dont live here, you dont have a bank account here, you dont have a drivers license here, you dont rent here, you dont own here, you dont go the doctor here. you dont know shit. shut up.

    Freedom of speech is not limited by country borders, you know... I'm sure a lot of americans in here talked about Marine Le Pen when Madonna made her statement, and that's about french elections. Plus, the election of the US president has an impact on people outside the USA too, for economic and military reasons... So yeah, I'm a little concerned by the idea of a racist lunatic like Trump being your next President.

    I'm not gonna stop expressing myself because you don't like to be contradicted. There's an "ignore" button, use it :)

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