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Posts posted by idro
Rebel Heart is an amazing album .
fans who adore her when she s winning the charts are complaining but she ll end up being loved by the ones who loves her artistic relevance not their fears to feel sorry
I wish 90% of the setlist is from RH , that famous wannabe could sing two hours oldies as a open act .
I need a BIM/SMACK MY BITCH UP PRODIGY mashup as a tour final song
I need a BIM / SMACK MY BITCH UP prodigy mashup
go M gooooooooooo yeeeessssssssssssssssssssssss pissss them off fist 'em deeeepeer and diplwhooooreeeee
maybe tomorrow those few seconds left will be included on Vevo and then ......go M go ..keep having fun , you rule
I love this video and the smart way she is manipulating the media ... I mean this few seconds left frozen ... she s great and a funny big entertainer
they delete their post about tomorrow premier on @maverick instagram ..... mfuckers
@maverik on instagram says tomorrow ...who KNOWs
Tnk MGod it s friday
His demos are not bad but just cause they are current sounds they could smash and I think she was aware of that .
That s why I respect her choice to make them sound hers .
she tagged TIDAL too so the meltdown s gonna be epic
Love the cover ... very " RAY OF BITCH LIGHT "
top three with LAP AND AL
Maybe an all togheter girlie cover or her mama in the cover
I mean she s Madonna
Wash all over me
SOME fans feel sorry about BIM , those are the people that did not ammount too much at all .
that s why I hope she s going for S.E.X and HW next , just for them .
it s so damn good to be a Madonna fan ... her view s so fckng interesting
horrible remix in my opinion
it s really an amazing song
to me she s ready to go to the Letterman Show
isn Miley the blond girl running at the end of that instagram video
Rebel Heart Tour 2015-2016: rumours / preparations thread.
in ARCHIVE - Madonna
Could the show last more than 2hours ? I was thinking some unplugged kind extended part ..