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Posts posted by JimmyJimmy

  1. OMG she should open with an old song because no one has heard/bought RH!!!! Her career is at an ultimate low so she needs to open with Vogue because ppl don't know who she is anymore. She's nearly as irrelevant as Janet now so playing a GH tour would be the only way she could restore her image.

    Honestly just let her play all old songs + the RH singles so you guys can die happy.


  2. Yes, but if she played smaller venues, she wouldn't be able to put on the elaborate over the top shows that she does currently. That requires a large venue and selling a large number of tickets to support because it is expensive.

    I think she can find the balance between playing newer material and still doing older hits that people grew up with know and love. Too far in either direction is bad, a pure greatest hits tour or a show of all new unfamiliar material. I like a balance between the two.

    I wouldn't mind oldies if they were a good balance of pre- and post-Erotica tracks. Her late 90's and early 00's stuff is superior than her 80's songs imo and sadly those are the ones she's been ignoring for a long time.
  3. I really wish Madonna would stop trying to cater to the masses and plays smaller venues from here on out where she can just perform and do whatever she wants without worrying about whether or not "casual" fans get upset that she doesn't do the hits or comes out an hour too late.

    Anyone who wasn't impressed by the MdNA tour is an idiot who should just go to the cirque de soleil or visit las Vegas and watch Celine Dion perform the hits

    I love you.
  4. I agree, and i think that's what puts her on a league of her own, that's what makes her different.

    Same here! It breathes new life into them. Ok sometimes it doesn't work but most of her reinventions are amazing and is a big part why I love her so much on the concert stage.


    The way she reworks her classics is mainly due to the fact that she wants them to fit in the sections, they're placed in. I mean, imagine here doing the album version of LAV on MDNAT instead of the one she did in the end. She plays the album versions whenever they fit. If they don't fit, they'll have to be reworked or adjusted to fit a certain theme or concept she wants to express through her performance AND I LOVE IT. I mean she mainly chooses popular songs to do exactly that, which is generous enough imo. She could choose all kinds of unknown shit instead but no, she usually caters to what casual fans want.

    However, I wished she would actually give even less of a shit. Yes, she's a legacy artist but she was never boastful in that sense until recently. She doesn't have to play only oldies to put on a great motherfucking show.

  5. These were never really confirmed though, most of those songs appeared on a provisional setlist nearly 4 months before the first show, most likely they only appeared "on paper" and she didn't work with them. All we know for sure is that the backdrop video of Frozen was done for Swim and she rehearsed Dress You Up & I'm So Stupid since they have studio versions. Jamie King did not talk about anymore dropped songs. At one point it's been said by Madonna Tribe that Madonna never ever rehearsed Love Profusion.

    There haven't been many songs she considered/rehearsed for tours that got eventually dropped, mostly it's 1-2 songs per tour like Some Girls & Falling Free for MDNA Tour. For CT she had Everybody ready from the promo tour and the choreographer of Erotica did his thing to the music of Deeper And Deeper but Madonna herself did not rehearse that song. DWT had I Want You dropped and Sticky & Sweet Tour also had several rumoured songs like Candy Perfume Girl or Waiting but Impressive Instant was the only one rehearsed and replaced (not sure about a supposed acoustic Open Your Heart in the place of Me Darava/Doli Doli).

    6 weeks before opening night I'm sure the setlist is final now and of all the songs mentioned, I would doubt Holiday the least...

    That "provisional setlist" is pretty much what she is doing, though judging from what she said in the interview. Also, Jamie King himself gave us that list and it's also been confirmed that part of the choreography for Nobody Knows Me was lifted from Nothing Really Matters. Do you really think that she has knows right from the start what 25 songs she wants to play? Uh uh...They're MIXING songs to see how they sound in an updated/reworked way, concept demos to be exact, just like the few we have from previous tours.

  6. We get conflicting rumors like this on every tour when they start working towards the final set list. I think all we can say for sure is that it's going to be 80s-heavy -- that's the only thing that's been consistent across all the rumors / teasers.

    No "Holiday" on that list, yet we know they're working on it.....

    That doesn't give a 100% guarantee that it's part of the setlist. She said herself that she's revising the setlist almost every week and that she keeps adding and removing songs. The songs she has been teasing were all from 1983-1993. That's the first decade only. And the reason behind her teasing songs from that period only is bc the majority of concert-goers is rooting for songs from that period. It's been the same case with MDNA. People on Facebook were asked to vote for songs from the first decade ONLY.

    She has been working on over 40 songs for RIT.

    Swim, Take a Bow, Ray of Light, Nothing Really Matters, I'm So Stupid, Dress You Up, DWRY, The Power of Good-Bye, Love Profusion among others were all considered, some were even part of the setlist for quite some time. Holiday was only an alternative for ITG or Music at first.

  7. another rumour


    LOL fake.

    I can't believe some ppl take the time to do fake setlists lol

    Did the MDNA setlist leaked before opening night or was it during those rehearsals in Tel Aviv a few days before the first show? Didn't 'mdna' provide some info before or am i confused?

    I think it was during the Tel Aviv rehearsals but I'm not sure...I remember that madonnarama reported the setlist bit by bit quite some time beforehand. I'm assuming that they actually got to hear the tour demos.

    where's Holiday?

    It's clearly fake but M's instagram mentions do not gurantee that a song will appear on the setlist. She tested around 40 songs for RIT, apparently.

  8. I'd love a new mix based on the album version, demo 3 along with samples from the living for Drums Mix.

    Actually, I'd love something along the lines of Lucky Star / Hung Up but with NRM and L4L. NRM's version would heavily sample the Living for Drums remix of L4L and flow seamlessly into L4L, which will be an extended mix that uses lines from Like a Prayer. So, kind of along the lines of Celebration/Give It 2 Me from MDNAT.

  9. 1. Illuminati

    2. Bitch, I'm Madonna

    3. Best Night

    4. S.E.X.

    5. Holy Water

    6. Inside Out (Demo)

    7. Unapologetic Bitch

    8. Iconic (Part 2)

    9. Veni Vidi Vici

    10. Rebel Heart

    11. Joan of Arc (Acoustic)

    12. Body Shop

    13. Devil Pray

    14. Hold Tight

    15. Ghosttown

    16. Messiah

    17. HeartBreakCity (New Vox Demo)

    18. Living for Love (A better mix between the glorious Demo 3 and album version)

    19. Wash All Over Me

    Disc 2:

    21. The One That Got Away

    22. Beautiful Scars (Demo)

    23. Graffiti Heart

    24. Borrowed Time

    25. Queen

    The two sides perfectly showcased through appropriate and cohesive sequencing, nearly no Avicii and the superior version of the songs included. The standard edition doesn't exist.

  10. ^ :scared:

    Romance can also be a reference to Romanticism (capital and also lower-case R) which at the very least is a reference to The Age of Enlightenment, etc. A revolution of sorts against the pragmatism and disconnectedness of the modern world. The intro to Living For Love (the live performances) is, indeed, "this is going to be a revolution of love." So, in this respect, it need not be love as in, kiss-kissy, buggy-huggy. In which case, a justification can be made to alcoholism and death. Ugh, just got myself all excited about the potential of it all - not the death part, but the revolutionary aspects, mind you.

    Further evidence is suggested by the Nietzsche quote at the end of the LFL video which tells us that philosophy is on her mind.

    Exactly what I was thinking. With Romanticism also comes a certain sense of finding the beauty in darkness and melancholy. That's why I'm thinking that this tour won't be another Sticky and Sweet, but rather another DWT.


    a (1) :a literary, artistic, and philosophical movement originating in the 18th century, characterized chiefly by a reaction against neoclassicism and an emphasis on the imagination and emotions, and marked especially in English literature by sensibility and the use of autobiographical material, an exaltation of the primitive and the common man, an appreciation of external nature, an interest in the remote, a predilection for melancholy, and the use in poetry of older verse forms (2) :an aspect of romanticism

    Romanticism is my favourite era, I believe. It's so dark and mystical, yet so beautiful and relatable.

  11. I really think everytime she quoted a song on Twitter she was probably considering it, maybe working on the tour version, but did not choose it as a fixed part of the tour.

    Also, it seems to be that the quoting was more of a way of her teasing all her 80's fans, just like they did on the MDNA Tour and for RIT. It was always pre-Erotica tracks (not sure about RIT).

    I think we will get a selection of those songs. It will probably be 50% RH tracks, 30% 80's and early 90's stuff and 20% of mid-late 90's/00's stuff.

  12. Well, she could use Best Night as a sort of moody, mysterious intro video to set the mood followed by a REAL first performance with a real energetic kicker of a song!

    I like that! Beast Within style! :drama:

    By the way does anyone else feel like she may actually perform Iconic Part 2 instead of the album version? It feels more grandeur and more like an opening to me...

    Iconic Part 2

    Vogue (with samples from Illuminati)

    I think these would be KILLER back to back!

  13. This isn't 100% accurate especially given that Holiday has been confirmed and that is not on the list, but I don't have a problem with True Blue if the theme is supposedly romance. She needs to do more that have only been performed once (or not at all !). :)

    It's not 100% confirmed.

    He said they are working in it but that doesn't mean it's going to be selected. They're trying out different kind of things. Also regarding that "big surprise every night" I believe that she may perform different songs every night.

  14. If that's true then it's such a cynical business decision - made purely to get asshole casual fans to buy tickets to see "that slutty blonde chick who was popular in the 80's, Madonna-whatsaname, sing that song Like a Prayer, or whatever, during another rad 80's-night party." Ugh, Madonna - you're better than this.

    This. She is not and has never been an oldies act and I've always admired that about her. If she's giving into the demand and does the Immaculate Collection live I will be extremely disappointed in her and won't buy a ticket as I initially intended to.
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