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Posts posted by Carey

  1. Madame X honestly rests in her top tier works. It so deserves the acclaim it's getting.


    I appreciate diversity of opinions but some of the more negative reviews aren't related to the music at all, more sheer confusion that she's produced something this experimental and different 40 years in, they can't comprehend it.

  2. the daily mail review is in theory good but it's still littered with the same trite attacking nonsense throughout.



    Once the empress of the hit parade, she has now gone ten years without troubling the Top 20.



    Her music has become poor to middling, and her judgment can be even worse



    Just review the album, thanks!

  3. honestly the rebel heart situation was vastly different but an album leaking online a few days ahead of release is commonplace now and will not hinder her album sales, especially for an act like Madonna.

    if people want to go out and buy it then they will.

    sure it makes everyone feel a bit jumpy but her streaming numbers are pretty good, the record is getting her best reviews in 15 years...all in all it's a good time to be a fan.

  4. 1 hour ago, articunocc said:

    i was raped man and i think the way she uses the word rape is tacky and tasteless and cringe, she should retire it because having a lukewarm interview on the new york times isn't the same as getting raped... end of


    Very sorry to hear about your experience.

    But people are entitled to their own reactions and expressions of that reaction, not everyone's experience is the same and even if two people have experienced the same thing, we can't expect both of them to perceive it and their take on the world in the same ways.

    She is entitled to her expression, as are you. What we shouldn't fall into the trap of is going down the road of projecting that one person is handling their life experiences in a "better" way than someone else, it's all valid.

  5. 4 hours ago, Kilt said:

    . Her techniques were always just the cultural imperialist of Western pop, her performative capital was always her body as well - both are now exhausted.


    i'm not an M apologist and i'll tell you if i think she's done something subpar but this is honestly one of the nastiest "reviews" i've ever seen directed at anyone.

    That line stopped me in my tracks, I hope she never comes across it. Cruel and uncalled for.


  6. i am astounded by her.


    this is really reminding me of when the general public thought Bowie's creative peak was over and he came back with "The Next Day"

    she's reminding everyone that she's THAT BITCH who made Like A Prayer, Ray of Light, Erotica, Confessions etc.

    Lets be real, no one saw this coming.

  7. i think the next couple of decades are going to likely be her most provocative, she's in a full on war with society again (as she was in the early 90s) and we all know she's not going to back down.

    I really think one of her greatest legacies is going to be changing the paradigm for older women culturally. But indeed, she's probably going to be in for some of the worst criticism of her career, hold on tight because Madonna still doing it at 60, 70 and beyond, they'll want to burn her at the stake. This is just the beginning of a battle they started but she will win.


  8. 1 hour ago, Danmacevents said:

    And why is the media calling her 61. She's can't even live a full year 😂😂


    The media's constant (and pointless) referencing of her age is their way to holding some kind of perverse power over her. Like somehow by mentioning it they are belittling her or making her seem less viable. You simply will not see Springsteen, Jagger or Elton's ages mentioned in reviews of their work.

    It's misogyny but it's also fear based on their part given that they've tried everything to get her to stop for almost 40 years and nothing's worked.

    Madonna is correct, she's been not pretty enough, not thin enough, not fat enough, not demure enough, not interesting enough, not ahead of the curve enough, not creative enough, not savvy enough, not happy enough, not sad enough and now, finally she is not young enough. When one day heaven forbid she's not alive enough, perhaps these people may regret that they spent their professional life tearing down an artist who only ever did what she wanted to do rather than fulfilling their own creativity in life and maybe making the world a more interesting place? Because god knows their sad rants about a woman ageing didn't do it.

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