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Posts posted by Aries

  1. No one would’ve even seen Boy George’s video had it not been for TUTBMP....even if it is a rip-off, inspired, or whatever.....M did it 100% better...same with people saying the song Vogue and the gay underground dancing....M seems to take something and raise it up to new heights whereas it never would’ve been discovered...she adds a certain  style and flair to her art that is unsurpassed 

  2. This can still happen....every artist seems to be different on the release front....for example, Tobymac (a Christian artist) just announced his album release for mid Oct, and is on his 2nd single from it

    and Brett Young (a Country artist) just announced his album to be released beginning of Dec, and is on his 1st single from it

    so there is no rhyme or reason anymore....they can release any track at anytime....or an album with a couple months, to a month notice...or even spring a surprise release....

    i just wish Madonna would get off the pot and do or say something....coming up on 4 years since the RH leak of 2014

    these years without any form of release is BS....after being spoiled by her at the start of her conquering the world....there was always something...movie, album, single, tour, video....

    i cant remember her first  break, she released in some form of output non stop: ‘82, ‘83, ‘84, ‘85, ‘86, ‘87, ‘88, ‘89, ‘90, ‘91, ‘92, ‘93, ‘94, ‘95, ‘96, ‘97, ‘98, ‘99, ‘00, ‘01, ‘02, ‘03, ‘04, ‘05, ‘06, ‘07, ‘08, ‘09.....maybe in 2010 was the first year without anything 

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