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Posts posted by Aries

  1. I’m a physical guy all the way....I own all my songs (well over 16,000...from the 50s to the present) I don’t stream regardless if it’s the norm these days...I purchase the albums and rip em into my iTunes....I do however buy many digital singles when I don’t like the whole albums

    i buy the digital singles and recent albums from Madonna at midnight on release day until I can get my hands on an actual physical album usually from Amazon seeing as there aren’t anymore record stores around

    thats what I did for her Celebration bundle in iTunes with the videos and double album....I purchased the actual dvd, 2-cd & single disc sets


  2. There is no way in hell to plan Mo’s next move these days....not like in the days of yore when you were sure she’d release a single, video, movie (something every few months)

    it would have been great for her to do all this clothing, gyms, skincare back in her heydays....maybe if Pepsi had panned out...who knows

    but she is so unpredictable, never know what or when to expect anything from M

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