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Posts posted by qans1990

  1. I don't think these media morons could ever seriously think that they could sell the sheep on Madonna being racist, it's just not going to happen. But I'm noticing this "cultural appropriation" angle that they are trying to make the sheep believe. It's almost like a coordinated attack. It's as if someone has sat back and put some thought into a way to attack Madonna across all media. Oh, it's a miserable failure and retarded thinking that Madonna is sure to turn on them and shove up their asses, but I find it interesting.

    Katy Perry has gotten a lot of criticism for "cultural appropriation" also, among others. I don't understand how introducing people to different cultures, etc can be interpreted as bad, it promotes understanding and appreciation. It's funny how Eminem never seems to get this criticism.

  2. Oh I somehow missed the Jesus! Did that get flak? You need to NOT read comments ever. I trained myself not to because I swear I was going to have a stroke.

    Oh yeah, that got a lot of flak also on her IG. But since she has always pissed off the religious types, it didn't get as much coverage in the mainstream media.

  3. EW article. Worst type of ageism at work.

    Madonna's social media thirst is reaching dangerous levels

    By Miles Raymer on Jan 2, 2015 at 3:23PM

    Being a pop-culture icon is tough work. The rare Brando type aside, most of them don’t ever want to give up the spotlight they’ve earned, and that tends to involve keeping up with what the kids think is cool these days. And since that grows logarithmically more difficult with every passing year, it often ends in tragedy.

    Madonna’s been struggling to keep up recently, working with producers who seem to McConaughey-ishly stay the same age as she keeps getting older, dropping embarrassingly clumsy drug references to try and appeal to a dance music crowd she shouldn’t even have to court, and basically squandering several decades’ worth of legendary coolness for the sake of a failing personal brand.

    Her most egregious attempts to maintain her relevancy are on her social media accounts. There, her frequent missteps are usually just the sort of thing we’ve come to expect from any middle-aged mother of four with an Instagram account, like posting flagrantly bad Photoshop jobs and meme images that are visibly worn out from having taken a lap around the Internet already, or showing off familiarity with recently-past-its-prime slang. Most of it’s just sadly thirsty, like she’s hocking her past triumphs in a losing game to seem hip—why bother referencing Warhol and Haring in hastily Photoshopped ads for your new record when the two of them actually collaborated on a piece about you back in the day?

    Today, though, she’s decided to step things up a notch with a series of posts in which photos of dead political revolutionaries are edited (again, badly) to overlay their visages with the bondage-y cords wrapped around her own face on the cover of her upcoming Rebel Heart album (images below). It’s distasteful on a multitude of levels. The obvious one is that Martin Luther King, Jr. didn’t make his “I Have a Dream” speech in order to promote a rich white woman’s record a half century later. And the fact that she’s co-opting the images of three of the most influential figures in the modern struggle for black liberation—King, Nelson Mandela, and Bob Marley—while America struggles to reckon with its history of systematic racism is bafflingly tone deaf, to say the least.

    But her mini-campaign’s most disappointing element is how unoriginal it is. Advertisers have been using King as an unwilling pitch man for so long that the concept’s become an ad-world cliché. Apple’s Think Different campaign, which Madonna’s tweets seem designed to echo, already used Mandela. Madonna built an empire off her willingness to push the envelope, but her revolutionary aspect seems to have lost as much of its spark as her music. She can still push our buttons, but it’s no longer clear why she’s doing it, or why we want her pushing them.

  4. But that's not the point, the strings are supposed to represent something to her that's positive, she did the same for frida and others. She was not trying to cause controversy

    I agree her intention towards the people represented wasn't negative, but come on she had to know it would be taken the wrong way. It's just going to alienate people and overshadow the music, again.

  5. But if it was anything else?

    Such as? She could have just used the same photos and same hashtags without the strings photoshopped. It would've come off much differently. The whole history of the disn**** controversy around same time last year doesn't help. I've seen a bunch of people bring that up again. This was just plain dumb.

  6. Well that didn't take long to hit the general media. She's not stupid, she had to know it would be misinterpreted. Especially given the racial climate in this country and this city right now, this is really tone deaf. Doesn't she believe in her music on its own anymore? Why does she have to keep pushing the buttons? And in a way that makes it seem like she's just trying to get promo rather than a genuine interest making a statement.

  7. People are getting mad because she used MLK, and nelson Mandela for rebel heart? Can someone help me understand?

    People are looking for an excuse to bring her down.. Wish she would just let the music speak for itself, it's getting exhausting all these instagram controversies...

  8. This list really shows how sexist music critics can be. Madonna should be in the top 5 and the fact that the first female to appear is at 23 is quite appalling really.

    Yeah, absolutely that's the case. I would put Madonna higher than Nirvana and Kanye. Maybe also Elvis. I'm really shocked she was placed higher than Pink Floyd. I don't know why R.E.M. and Elvis Costello are even on the list (of top 25 anyway). I've come across some of their songs and liked them, but really??

  9. 1. Devil Pray

    2. Unapologetic Bitch

    3. Ghosttown

    4. Living for Love

    5. Bitch I'm Madonna

    6. Illuminati

    Though honestly, they are all great! I think DP or UB would've made a better first single, but LFL is a good choice too.

    Ghosttown and Illuminati have been growing on me, to shift my rankings slightly:

    1. DP

    2. UB / Ghosttown

    3. LFL

    4. BIM / Illuminati

    Though I personally love DP a lot, I'm coming around to the general consensus that Ghosttown would be a very strong single and should be the second one.

  10. Roland, that was really well put.

    Regarding the actual leak/hack and what GO and team are doing about it, I think some perspective is missing. The Sony hack was far bigger, in scope, but also in terms of garnering attention towards finding the hackers (it was considered to be almost a national security matter at one point), and yet there are still differences of opinion on who was behind it. There is still no definite answer. So I think its unfair to expect GO to have these answers when I'm sure the same level of resources have not been applied to the M hack (assuming that the FBI is involved in the investigation).

  11. She looks sooo beautiful there!

    Yeah she looked so great in that interview! Another Cynthia McFadden interview would be good, but really it doesn't matter which show she is on, as long as she performs! So bring on the View, and Ellen, and Wendy, and Dave, and the Jimmys, and don't forget SNL!! Might as well add GMA and Today for good measure!

  12. why she keeps on tagging The Natural Geographic in her pics? they don't even follow her :rotfl:

    Yeah, it's pretty funny... maybe she hopes they will re-post her pic like they do with some user submissions

    Anyway, wishing a Happy New Year to the Madonna Nation! Can't wait for things to get started in 2015!!!

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