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Fuzzy Dream

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Posts posted by Fuzzy Dream

  1. the Majorette section was simply awful

    I don't mean to sound mean lol but Madonna should not be wearing skirts, they just don't suit her, I'm not particulary fond of the Superbowl skirt as well (as others here too who probably will remain silent)


    Madonna shouldn't wear skirts? She looked phenomenal at the Super Bowl - sexy, tall, young, and totally appropriate for the occasion.


  2. Its a timeless classic. Shame it has very few youtube views, a trend that bugs me a alot with Madonna. Why ? Everyone has more youtube views that Madonna's.

    Also, Youtube is now by far the primary way people see music videos now. For most of Madonna's career, Youtube didn't exist and she was the undisputed queen of MTV. The views currently on her YT videos only reflect the number of people who have seen them recently. Had Youtube been around in the 1980s and 1990s, many of her most iconic videos would have over billions of views because that would be equivalent to the global television impact she had back when channels like MTV still played music videos.

  3. you then told her it's her REAL name after that? :lmao::p cuz if you said that out loud in the class your teacher would've looked quite the fool :p

    Oh no, I didn't - my grade was at stake! I actually had a very good relationship with that teacher, and I didn't want to embarrass her. Still amuses me though that she probably continues to think that Madonna is just a stage name. :lmao:

  4. I just went over to MadonnaTribe for the first time and, my god, it looks like a sad place even from just the registration process. I haven't had a chance to actually see the forum yet because I'm waiting to be extensively reviewed and approved by an administrator. :rolleyes:


    Look at how sad those stats are!


    The most ridiculous part of registering is the application you have to fill out - just look at it! Of course, you only reach this after agreeing to a totally OTT and unnecessary legal agreement. How much more absurd can you get than asking people to write a short statement explaining why they want to join an artist's fan forum?

    Although, of course MadonnaTribe's a very exclusive place and without an extensive application there would be so many applicants desperately trying to join that they would be overwhelmed. :rolleyes:

  5. I think she does too many magazine shoots, takes away some of the mystique. Magazines are for ordinary stars and fame whores. I suppose V and W magazine are a little different, but still.

    I disagree - I think she's a fantastic photographic muse who's had several iconic shoots and, importantly, these help keep her in the consciousness of the general public when she's not doing much traditional promo. What would cheapen her image, IMO, would be interacting a lot with fans on social media and oversharing as well as doing lots of cheesy meet and greets and inviting fans backstage like most stars today. Now THAT would take away a lot of the mystique.

  6. This thread totally reminded me that in college my best friend used to call me "Ciccone" because she knew I loved Madonna. It never occurred to me how weird that was until just now.

    OMG that's crazy - is she a big Madonna fan too or something like that? Most of the general public has no idea what her last name is.

    In fact, a lot of people I've met think that Madonna is just a stage name and that she has a completely different legal name. I'll never forget the time when I gave a presentation about Madonna for my English class and my teacher went into an extended analysis afterwards in front of the class about the religious and sociocultural implications of using Madonna as a stage name instead of her "real name". :lmao:

  7. Messiah will be her next GMAYL, a horrid career worst dud only this time it was deliberate to fox expectations of the album being a shit heap and because there was no alternative accessible pop song on the album to sell it.

    Instead, what you get is her best ever album, a downbeat collection of introspective songs a la Nebraska, only with some hot beats thrown in. It will be her lowest ever selling album and the biggest flop since Me I Am Mariah: The Elusive Diva, prompting mass suicide among the chart headed section of her fanbase. But it will be her most critically acclaimed album, resulting in eventual vindication with a Grammy for Album of the Year. :yes:


  8. Example believes Madonna has a magic mic


    Out this week, Live Life Living was recorded with producer Stuart Price using the Material Girl’s old microphone.

    And the star christened Elliot Gleave believes it possesses special hit-making powers.

    Example, 32, told me: “I was recording on this microphone in LA and I was like: ‘This mic is f***ing amazing.’

    “When you hear the opening track on the album my voice has a sound quality that I've never been able to capture before.

    “Stuart said: ‘Oh this is the mic we did the whole of the Confessions On The Dance Floor album with.’

    “I’ve used famous microphones before like Sinatra’s, but Madonna’s mic was special.

    “There’s a certain mystique around it that you can’t explain, because that album reignited her career, I don’t think she’s had the same success since. It must be the magic mic!”

    From Daily Star: http://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz/playlist/387795/Example-reckons-Madonnas-microphone-behind-success-album

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